Line Segments, Points, Lines, Planes, Angles, Rays (easy stuff) Flashcards
A _______is straight, has 2 endpoints and is a piece of a line
What are the two ways to name a segment?
Segment AB (Segment BA) the segment symbol over top of TWO Capital letters
A ______is a flat surface; has no thickness, extends infinitely in all directions, and is names using 3 non-collinear points
What is this symbol: ≈
Congrunecy sign…no need to yell cuz
What is an adjacent angle?
An angle with a common vertex/side

Length of a Segment
The absolute value of the diff. between coordinates.
2 wyas to write this.. mAB(w/ line overtop) or AB
AB(with line overtop) is only a name not a mesure
Define Coplanar
All points are said to be coplanar if a single plane contains them all. (them being points)
If the points do not lie on the same line
A ______represents a location, and has no thickness
When geometric figures have one or more points in common, they are said to intersect.
A _____has one endpoint and a direction. A _____ is a piece of a line.
Whats a supplementary angle?
Two angles that add up to 180 degrees
What is Segment Congruence?
If 2 segments are the same length they’re congruent. Two ways to write this shown below.
AB≈ XY is called an Equality Statement

Whats a complementary angle?
Two angles that add up to be 90 degrees
Non- Coplanar
A point(s) that is NOT located on the plane
(you dont need a picture for this, cuz)
Define Colinear
Points are said to be colinear if a straight line can contain them all.
What are the two ways to name a line?
Line M AB (you get the idea…)
A ____ is Straight and extends infinitely in both directions
Line, cuzo
What is a complementary angle?
Two angles that add up to 90 degrees
What are the only two things that you can measure in Geometry?
Segment and Angle
Whats a linear pair of angles?
A pair of adjacent angles whose noncommon sides are opposite rays. When you put them together they should make a straight line.

An _____ is made up of two rays called SIDES. The rays share the same endpoint called a VERTEX. The vertex is the middle used in the name.
Define Endpoints
A point at the end of a segment or the starting point of a ray.
What is a supplemantary angle?
Two angles that add up to 180 degrees