Lina - MFT National Exam Practice Questions Flashcards
Object Relations Theory belief of relationships
Relationships are of primary importance and a driving force in people’s lives.
Circumplex Model’s belief of dysfunctional families
Dysfunctional families tend to be either very high or very low on the dimensions of cohesion. Healthy families tend to be more balanced.
Bowen Therapy - Danger of Triangles
While some triangles can seem harmless, the danger in engaging in triangulation is that it can become a habit to bring in a third party who helps ease the anxiety in the relationship. While this may in fact reduce the anxiety between the two individuals engaged in the relationship, it can also freeze conflict in place, since it diverts attention from the conflict and the relationship itself.
Centrifugal Families Vs. Centripetal
Centrifugal –> away from center.
Petals are peacefully connected to the family flower.
High centrifugal families are more disengaged from each other.
Centripetal - Emotional closeness would be healthier for families when it comes to coping with difficulties.
Persecutory Delusions
Beliefs that one is being conspired against.
Father of Cybernetics
Gregory Bateson
Gregory Bateson’s model
MRI Systemic Therapy
MRI model
The MRI model is designed to be a brief approach with a limited number of sessions.
Jay Haley & Madane’s Model
Strategic Family Therapy
Brief Therapy
Strategic Family Therapy
Founded by Madane & Haley
Influenced by Erikson & Structural Family Therapy. Symptoms are attributed to maladaptive communication patterns that create a power struggle.
Symptoms are indicative of problems in the hierarchy.
An exploration of the hierarchal structure is required.
Emphasis placed on behavioral change vs. cognitive or emotional change.
“A family must act differently before they can think and feel differently.”
Haley and Madane believed that a family must …
“A family must act differently before they can think and/or feel differently.”
Emphasis placed on behavioral change vs. cognitive or emotional change.
Structural Family Therapy Family Map
Symbols are used to diagram structural problems. It is used to formulate hypotheses and determine therapeutic goals.
Father of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Aaron T. Beck
Contextual Therapy
Equates to Transgenerational Model
Contextual Therapy
is based on the belief that fairness and loyalty play a major role in intergenerational family dynamics.
Legacy (Contextual Therapy)
Unspoken or Unwritten expectations
Posterity (Contextual Therapy)
Multidirectional Impartiality (Contextual)
Exoneration (Contextual)
Experiential founded by:
Virginia Satir & Carl Whitaker
Structural Family Therapy founded by:
Salvador Minuchin
Experiential Model also called the
Communication Model
Goal of the Experiential Model
Marital Schism is what and coined by who?
Marital Discord and coined by who? Theodore Lidz
Marital Skew is what and coined by who?
Uneven power dynamics coined by Theodore Lidz
Theodore Lidz conducted his research on who?
Schizophrenia patients and their families.
Gottman Model is
The sound relationship house
Strategic Family Therapy has been criticized for …
As being covert, manipulative, and even unethical in its practice
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder ….
involves a pattern of culturally inappropriate and overly familiar behavior with unfamiliar people with evidence that the behavior is related to the experience of extremely insufficient care.
The DSM-5 diagnosis of Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder replaces the DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of …
Reactive Attachment Disorder, disinhibited type.
Some reseaech indicates that the families of schizophrenics tend to exhibit apathy and a lack of relatedness, which is manifested either as emotional divorce or high levels of pseudomutuality.
Double-bind communication between the client and his mother
Answer D: Bowen found that “transfer of anxiety” is common in families with a schizophrenic member.
Wechsler Primary and preschool scale of intelligence
(WPPSI-IV) for what population
Children 2 yrs. 6 mts. To 7 yrs. 7mts.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
(WISC-IV) for what population
To assess cognitive abilities in people 6 to 16 yrs. 11 mts.
“Psychotherapy of Absurdity” is which model…
Symbolic Experiential Model
Symbolic Experiential model created by who?
Carl Whitaker`
Validating and reflection of a person’s statement or feelings.
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Client displays signs of social inhibition or isolation around others.
Client displays symptoms of obsessions, such as intrusive thoughts.
Bias and prejudice is inherently
The Bowen model is a__________ model
Narrative therapists….
Are not restricted by who HAS to come to therapy. You proceed with the family members who show up.
Kleptomania vs. OCD
Clients w/ Kleptomania report having an urge PRIOR to stealing & a hedonic quality during the thefts.
When boudaries are flexible and can be changed, they are…,
Time Boundaries
Refer to how one uses thier time
Bowen’s undifferentiated ego massis a lot like…,
Multigenerational process includes ….
To contact authorities for a suicidal client, you safety plan UNLESS
The client dislays all 3:
1. Ideation
2. Plan
3. Intent
MRI therapy
Is short. The goals and/or symptoms do not influence the length
Collaborative family therapy
Therapy is considered subjective.
If there are potential domestic violence (ex. controlling), suicidal ideations, or abuse/neglect…..
The best answer is to ALWAYS screen for safety concerns.
Structural Family therapy - goal during interaction stage
Taking note of existing social order and patterns
Structural Family therapy - goal during social stage
Closely interact with clients
Structural Family therapy - goal during problem stage
Get everyone’s perception on the issue at hand
Structural Family therapy - goal during goal-setting phase
Therapist suggests interventions that facilitate desired change.
Moving towards chaos
Solution-focused therapists want families to…
continue doing what is working but not avoid looking at problems.
Therapists are expected to have competent and effective __________ especially if still in training.
Consultations and Supervision are 2 separate things.
Therapists are expected to have regular consultation and get written consent whenever it is needed and always ensure that there is client confidentiality.
Projective Identification is
Attaching one’s traits, both good and bad onto someone or something else.
Termination is an ongoing process. It is best discussed….
continuously with the client.
Hospitalization is only an appropriate step if…
the client is showing signs of suicide or homicide.
A dx of disinhibited social engagement disorder requires
a hx of being attached to providers and limited boundaries around strangers.
Imago Relationship Therapist is called
An Advisor
Imago Relationship Advisors seldom work with only one client.
Two accomplices are the key specialists in the recuperating system. They don’t simply work with who ever comes to the session.
Multiple Relationships are…….
Unavoidable under some circumstances. Once all possible concerns are discussed a therapist can work with an individual whom they have another relationship with.
According to Nagy (Contextual Family Therapy) High-functioning, healthy families possess the following traits…..
Trustworthiness & Reliability
Genito-pelvic penetration disorder is characterized by pain and discomfort by sexual activity
so is Genito-pelvic pain disorder. What’s the difference?
Penetration disorder = NO penetration.
Pain disorder = Pain
Genito-pelvic penetration disorder, the client also experienced significant distress or anxiety related to sex, which can lead to involuntary tightness in the body. This CAN make sexual activity impossible for them.
Genito-pelvic pain disorder results in pain, but it doesn’t necessarily prevent women from engaging in sexual activity.
When it comes to divorce mediation with separating couples, it is best to ______talking about financial issues
AVOID. Financial concerns are valid, however specific financial questions require a referral to another professional.
**Therapists trained in divorce mediation can offer guidance in making financial decisions.
Equal ending, despite the starting point
As described in the DSM-5, the level of severity of Substance Use Disorders is based on ________________.
of symptoms
The difference between overt and covert behaviors lies in how visible they are to strangers.
Overt behaviors may be picked up by strangers, while covert behaviors are only noticeable to close friends, family, or a person themselves.
Covert answers the “_____” behind overt’s “______”
Covert answers the “why” behind Overt’s “what.”
During your second session with a client, she tells you that she had a sexual relationship with her former therapist. She says that she is embarrassed and just wants to forget the whole thing, but that she still has feelings for the therapist. The client also says that she’s told you this because she trusts you, but she knows that therapists “stick together” and that you probably won’t do anything. Your ethical obligation in this situation is to ______________.
Inform the client of her legal rights and options.
The AAMFT Code of Ethics doesn’t directly address this type of situation, but this answer is most consistent with the “spirit” of the Code and with the requirement of Standard 1.7 to “respect the rights of clients to make decisions and help them to understand the consequences of these decisions.” Informing the client of her legal rights and options helps the client to make her own decisions regarding what to do next.
A mother brings in her daughter, age five, for play therapy. The daughter has been clingy and anxious. The mother tried to enroll the daughter in preschool, but the child cried all day and had to be taken home. This also happened the second time she tried to take her to preschool. The mother tells you that her daughter has” always been sensitive” but that things have been worse lately because of the tension between the mother and the child’s father, who does not live with them. The best way to diagnose the problem would be to
Observing the interactions between the mother and daughter will help you to assess and diagnose the problem.
A woman who was just raped calls you in crisis and then comes to your office that day. She tells you that she does not want to press charges. You should first
Clearly, you as a therapist will want to help her process the emotional issues related to the rape as suggested in option B. However, you can determine that suggesting a doctor’s examination is the best “first” intervention because the client may have physical injuries as a result of the rape, and these injuries may require immediate medical attention.
Stephen is age 25, gay, and not in a committed relationship. He asks you if you believe homosexuality is wrong, or if you can support his search for a permanent partner. From an ethical standpoint, you should __________________.
share your values and beliefs and, if you cannot be supportive, offer to refer Stephan to someone who is more comfortable with gay clients
According to a systems perspective, when an alcoholic husband or father stops drinking ___________________.
The family exerts covert pressure on the husband/father in order to reestablish homeostasis
Which of the following would you expect to encounter when treating a client with Borderline Personality Disorder?
Overt (what) expressions of cooperation with covert (Why) resistance to treatment
Adjustment Disorders are not …
diagnosed in response to traumatic events; her symptoms are more characteristic of Acute Stress Disorder.
Nightmares, hypervigilance, irritability and intrusive images experienced for under 4 weeks, are most likely symptoms of a diagnosis of ….
Acute Stress Disorder
Panic Disorder is rooted in a fear of another
panic attack
Acute stress disorder vs PTSD
Nightmares, hypervigilance, irritability and intrusive images are all symptoms of PTSD; however,
The symptoms must persist at least 1 month to receive the diagnosis of PTSD.
Satir focused a lot on…
communication between family members and the concept of “family pain” inhibiting emotional growth and health.
According to Satir, family pain comes from?
Old messages about ourselves and how we come to view ourselves based on family rules and ways of interacting that keep us from healthier and more powerful ways of being.
(Structural Therapy)
Disengagement is
Disengagement is a structural term that describes behavior in which people are psychologically isolated.
(Structural Therapy)
Joining is
Joining is a structural term for accepting and accommodating to families in order to win their confidence and overcome resistance.
Diffuse is a term used to describe…
A boundary that is confused or blurred
According to Bateson (as well as Jackson, Haley and Weakland), what characteristics must a double-bind have?
- Two or more people involved in an ONGOING relationship;
- one person in the relationship has more power than the other;
- the person without power cannot escape from the situation;
2+ two or more contradicting or conflicting injunctions are given to the - person with less power.
According to second-order cybernetics….
Objectivity is impossible because the therapist becomes a part of the observed system.
“The system does not create a problem…
…the problem creates a system.”
The definition of the general System’s concept of non-summativity is…
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”
A dx of Conduct Disorder requires
a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated.
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder is characterized by
severe recurrent temper outbursts with an irritable or angry mood between outbursts
Oppositional Defiant Disorder, which is characterized by
a pattern of angry/irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, and/or vindictiveness.
Only personality disorder with a minimum age of 18
Antisocial personality disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder involves
a pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control, at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder involves
a pervasive pattern of social and interpersonal deficits marked by acute discomfort with, and reduced capacity for, close relationships and cognitive or perceptual distortions and eccentricities of behavior.
Paranoid Personality Disorder involves
a pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others that leads to the misinterpretation of the motives of others as malevolent.
What doesn’t the DSM help with?
The DSM-5 provides a universal means of classifying mental disorders, but it doesn’t include information that would be helpful for formulating a treatment plan.
major depressive episode
Requires the presence five or more characteristic symptoms for at least two weeks. However, the DSM-5 requires that at least one of the five symptoms must be depressed mood or loss of interest in most or all activities
To assess a child’s perspective of her relationships with members of her family, you would administer…
Kinetic Family Drawing
The MMPI-2 is
A standardized (objective) personality test.
The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, 2nd Edition (Vineland-II) is
A measure of daily living skills, communication, socialization, motor skills, and internalizing/externalizing behaviors.
The Parent-Child Relationship Inventory is
a parent questionnaire that is used to assess attitudes toward parenting and children.
Erikson’s stages of development involve a
different psychosocial conflicts at each of the 8 stages
Erikson’s first stage of development for birth to 1 yr. involves a conflict between
Trust and mistrust
The Vineland Scale is used to evaluate
Personal and social skills of children and adult with Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, brain injury, or dementia and to assist in the development of educational and treatment plans. The test provides an Adaptive Behavior Composite score, scores for three domains of adaptive functioning (Communication, Daily Living Skills, and Socialization) and scores on a Motor Skills Domain and optional Maladaptive Behavior Index. It is appropriate for individuals from birth to age 90.
“Vines assess development for Birth to 90”
The Bender-Gestalt II (Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Second Edition) is
A brief measure of visual-motor integration for individuals ages 3 and older and is used to assess visual-motor development and as a screening tool for neuropsychological impairment.
“Toddlers age 3 and + have bends here and now”
The MMPI-2 is a measure of
personality for individuals ages 18 and older.
The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) is used to
Rapidly assess the type and severity of psychological symptoms for individuals ages 13 and older and is not as useful as the Vineland for establishing a diagnosis of Intellectual Disability.
(Freud) The main issue following an unresolved anal stage is
Control of bodily wastes, and conflicts stem from issues related to toilet training. Fixation produces anal retentiveness (stinginess, selfishness, obsessive-compulsive behavior) or anal expulsiveness (cruelty, destructiveness, messiness).
Freud believed the individual’s experiencing an unresolved oral stage would have issues with dependency or aggression, such as …
Oral fixation can result in problems with drinking, eating, smoking, or nail-biting.
(Freud) An unresolved fixation in the phallic stage could lead to
egoism, low self-esteem, flirtatious and promiscuous females, shyness, worthlessness and men that treat women with contempt.
(Freud) During the latency stage ….
children develop social skills, values and relationships with peers and adults outside of the family.
A hypomanic episode is
similar to a manic episode and is characterized by an elevated, expansive, or irritable mood. However, in contrast to a manic episode, a hypomanic episode is not severe enough to cause marked impairment in functioning or require hospitalization and cannot include psychotic symptoms.
According to Lidz, marital schism and marital skew may both elicit
Schizophrenia in children
According to Lidz……
Female Schizophrenia results from severe marital schism, while male Schizophrenia is more common in families with severe marital skew.
“Female ShisM//Male SkeW”
Female to Man-Male to Woman
A mother brings her 6-year-old daughter to you for evaluation and treatment. The girl is clingy and seems scared and doesn’t want to talk. The mother tells you that the girl has no friends at school and this appears to be new behavior from her. What is your first course of action?
Recognize the possibility that the girl has been abused and assess accordingly.
Restructuring client’s cognitions is a goal of
Cognitive therapy
“Fair fighting” is associated with
George Bach.
Enactment is a characteristic of
structural family therapy
A husband and wife report during their first therapy session that they argue a lot, rarely have fun together, and have sex about one time a month. A therapist whose techniques are specifically derived from the work of Jay Haley would most likely:
tell the couple to only have sex once a month
Coercion theory
is Patterson, 1982