Lin Syndrome Flashcards
What is the etiology of damp heat in the lower burner?
Improper diet, excessive consumption of hot, spicy, greasy sweet food, alcohol. Poor personal genital hygiene, excessive emotional activity
What ate the 4 pathologies of damp heat in the lower burner?
Heat Strangury - damp heat obstructs the smooth flower of qi
Blood Strangury - heat accumulates in the lower burner injuring the blood. It seeps down in the BL
Stone Strangury - damp heat accumulating scorches and concentrates the urine and fluids
Cloudy Strangury - damp heat disrupts the xformation of BL qi and the separation of clear and turbid fluids
What are the six categories of Painful Urination Syndrome?
Heat, Stone, Qi, Blood, Cloudy, Exhaustion
What are the treatment principles for Damp Heat in the BL?
Clear heat, eliminate dampness, promote urination and unblock painful urinary dysfunction
What is the formula for damp heat in the bladder?
Ba Zheng San
What is the tx principle for HT fire transmitted to the SI?
clear heat from the heart and promote urination
What is the formula for Heart Fire transmitted to the SI?
Dao Chi San
What is the treatment principle for LV fire transmitted to the lower burner?
Drain fire from the LV and promote urination
What is the formula for LV fire transmitted to the lower burner?
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
What are the common stone dissolving herbs?
Jin Qian Cao, Hai Jin Sha, Ji Nei Jin
What is the formula for damp heat in the lower burner - Stone Lin
Shi Wei San
What is the formula for LV qi stagnation for Qi Lin?
Chen XIang San
What is the tx principle for Liver Qi Stagnation for Qi Lin?
Soothe, regulate the LV qi, free and disinhibit the urine
What is the tx for Blood Lin - heat in the lower burner?
Clear heat, eliminate dampness, stop bleeding
What is the formula for Blood Lin - heat in the lower burner?
Xiao Ji Yin Zi
What is the formula for Blood Lin - KD yin xu?
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
What is the tx for Cloudy Lin - Damp Heat Lower Burner?
Clear heat, disinhibit dampness, alleviate cloudiness and turbidity
What is the formula for Cloudy Lin - Damp Heat Lower Burner?
Bei Xie Fen Qing Yin
What is the tx for Cloudy Lin - KD xu?
supplement the KD, and secure essence
What is the formula for Cloudy Lin - KD xu?
Gao Lin Tang
what are the pattern names for Exhaustion Lin?
KD qi xu, KD yang xu, KD yin xu
What is the tx for Exhaustion Lin - KD qi xu?
Supplement the KD qi and ease painful urination
What is the formula for Exhaustion Lin - KD qi xu?
Wu BI Shan Yao Wan