Lims Flashcards
Max permissible OAT on the ground?
38°C (aka ISA + 23°C)
Min permissible OAT on the ground?
What is required for flight in visible moisture or rain with OAT < 4°C?
P/S Heat - ON
Comp Intake - BOTH
Temp and time limits on taxy and landing lights?
Above 38°C:
- Max 40 mins of continuous use
- 30 mins of cooling required
Max Canopy Opening IAS?
110 kts
Max Canopy IAS (once opened)
120 kts
Limit to change flaps from UP to T/O?
< 151 kts
Limit to change flaps from T/O to Land?
< 114 kts
Limit to change flaps from Land to Full?
< 114 kts
Limit to change flaps from Full to Land?
< 114 kts
Limit to change flaps from Land to T/O?
< 114 kts
Limit to change flaps from T/O to UP?
< 151 kts
T/O and Landing crosswind component limit?
25 kts
Max crosswind for brake-release T/O?
20 kts
Flaps should be UP for crosswinds greater than ________
20 kts
Total Fuel Capacity? (kg)
282.7 kg
Collector Tank Capacity? (kg)
16.8 kg
Unusable Fuel in Left Tank? (kg)
6.3 kg
Unusable Fuel in Right Tank? (kg)
1.4 kg
Unusable Fuel in Right Tank during Emergency Transfer? (kg)
10.0 kg
Usable Fuel Capacity? (kg)
275.0 kg
Max Allowable Fuel Asymmetry? (kg)
45.3 kg
Fuel gauge will flash when difference exceeds 45.3 kg, and will stop once it falls below 36 kg
Max Allowable Fuel in Each Wing for Aeros? (kg)
115.0 kg
Max Fuel Pressure?
25 psi
Min Fuel Pressure?
12 psi
Max Transient Oil Pressure (Cold Wx/Engine Start)?
150 psi
Max Oil Pressure?
130 psi
Min Oil Pressure with N₁ ≥ 94% ? (state for engine in both FWD and REV power settings)
Forward: 120 psi
REVerse: 105 psi
Min Oil Pressure with 94% > N₁ ≥ 85% ? (state for engine in both FWD and REV power settings)
Forward: 90 psi
REVerse: 75 psi
Min Oil Pressure with N₁ < 85% ? (state for engine in both FWD and REV power settings)
Forward: 50 psi
REVerse: 35 psi
Min Oil Temperature before starting?
Min Oil Temperature?
Max Continuous Oil Temperature for TRQ ≥ 40% ?
Max Transient (limited to 5 mins) Oil Temperature for TRQ ≥ 40% ?
Max Oil Temperature for TRQ < 40% ?
Limits for the use of REVerse thrust on landing?
Use of REVerse only permissible on ground, with for speeds between:
40 kts ≤ V ≤ 80 kts
What is V_mo?
238 kts - “Max operating speed”
Must NEVER be exceeded
What is M_mo?
M 0.45 - “Max operating speed (Mach Number)”
Must NEVER be exceeded
What is V_loe?
182 kts - “Max speed landing gear operation extend”
Do not exceed WHILE the gear is being extended
What is V_le?
182 kts - “Max speed landing gear extended”
Do not exceed ONCE the gear has been extended
What is Vₒ (aerobatic)?
164 kts - “Max manoeuvre speed up to 1440 kg AUM”
Do not apply max deflection of controls above this speed
What is Vₒ (utility)?
143 kts - “Max manoeuvre speed for 1440 kg < AUM ≤ 1515 kg”
Do not apply max deflection of controls above this speed
What is V_lor?
137 kts - “Max speed landing gear operation retract”
Do not exceed WHILE the gear is being retracted
Recommended Cruise Speed in Severe Turbulence?
140 - 180 kts
Note that 3 FTS Orders prohibit flying in severe turbulence
What are the 3 pairs of G limits?
Aerobatic (AUM ≤ 1440 kg) category: [-4g ; +6g]
Utility (1440 kg ≤ AUM ≤ 1515 kg) category: [-1.7g ; +4.4g]
Flaps Down (any setting): [0g ; +3.8g]
Pitch limits with the Fuel Selector on “Emergency Transfer”?
-10° ≤ θ° ≤ +15°
Max Take-off AUM?
1515 kg
Max Landing AUM?
1515 kg
Max Aerobatics AUM?
1440 kg
Max Zero Fuel AUM?
1370 kg
Min Flying AUM?
1170 kg
Max Baggage Compartment Mass?
50 kg
Max Baggage Compartment Mass during aeros?
0 kg
Min Battery Voltage for engine start?
24 V
What are the timing limits for starter usage and cool down?
1st Attempt: Max 30 seconds of use, then 1 min of cool down
2nd Attempt: Max 30 seconds of use, then 1 min of cool down
3rd Attempt: Max 30 seconds of use, then 30 mins of cool down
Max Continuous N₁? (%)
Max Transient N₁? (state % and time)
106%, with no more than 15 seconds spent at 105% < N₁ ≤ 106%
Max Continuous TRQ? (%)
Max TRQ for T/O? (state % and time)
111% for a max of 5 mins
Max Transient TRQ (state % and time)
115% for a max of 15 seconds
Max Continuous N₂? (rpm)
2132 rpm
Max Transient N₂? (state rpm and time)
2233 rpm for a max of 15 seconds above Max Continuous N₂
N₂ for Prop Overspeed Governor Check?
1800 rpm ≤ N₂ ≤ 1850 rpm
Max N₂ during Static Ground Ops with Crosswind > 10 kts?
1850 rpm
N₂ Speed Avoidance Range (SAR)?
1523 rpm ≤ N₂ ≤ 1782 rpm
- N₂ must not stabilise within the SAR
- SAR applies to both Forward and REVerse thurst
- Ops within SAR permitted for pre-flight, post-flight checks and taxy
- No maintenance require is SAR is breached on ground or in flight
Max Continuous TOT? (°C)
Max TOT during T/O Power? (state temperature and time)
810°C, for no more than 5 mins
Max Transient TOT? (state temperature and time)
899°C, with no more than 6 seconds above 810°C
Max TOT During Engine Start? (state temperature and time)
927°C, with no more than 10 seconds over 810°C
Max altitude limit?
10,000 ft pressure altitude (FL100)
Aerobatic and Spinning Limitations (13)
1) Max A/C weight: 1440 kg AUM
2) Fuel Tank Selector: LEFT
3) Fuel Transfer Pump: Not Operating
4) Max Fuel in Either Tank: 115 kg
5) Max 30 seconds for:
- Pitch attitudes > 45° nose up or down
- Inverted flight
- Wing down/knife edge flight
6) After any time spent in these attitudes, return to positive g flight with pitch < ± 45° for the same time as that spent in aerobatic attitudes.
7) MUST return to normal flight and FI power setting if oil pressure falls below 35 psi
8) Full control deflection prohibited for V above Vₒ
9) No baggage of any kind allowed
10) Intentional spinning with flaps prohibited
11) Max 8 turns between spin entry and recovery
Max Angle of Bank for A/C without aileron control?