Limits Flashcards
Runway slope
Not Required
+/- 2%
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Tailwind Component (including gusts)
15 knots
Maximum Operating Pressure Altitude
Not required
(B757) 42,000 feet
(B767) 43,100 feet
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Pressure Altitude
Not required
8400 feet
(B767: N335UP through N361UP) 9500 feet
(B757: N451UP through N470UP) 14,000 feet
Maximum demonstrated crosswind Takeoff and Landing (including gusts)
(B757) 30 knots
(B767) 33 knots
(B767) A 180 degree turns on runways with widths less than 148 ft (45m)
Are prohibited.
Permitted if Runway turn pad or taxiway is available.
Avoid weather radar operation
in a hangar, or within 50 feet of fueling operations or a fuel spill.
Turbulent air speed
290 kts/.78M, whichever is lower
Maximum Taxi Weight
Not required
(B757) 251,000 lbs.
(B767: N301UP through N361UP and N362UP through N364UP) 409,000 lbs.
Maximum Takeoff Weight
Not required
(B757) 250,000 lbs.
(B767: N301UP through N361UP and N362UP through N364UP) 408,000 lbs.
Maximum Landing Weight
Not required
(B757) 210,000 lbs.
(B767) 326,000 lbs.
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
Not required
(B757) 200,000 lbs.
(B767 N301UP through N361UP) 312,300 lbs.
(B767 N362UP through N364UP) 309,000 lbs.
On takeoff, do not engage autopilot below….
200 AGL.
Reverse thrust is restricted to….
Ground use only.
Backing the aircraft with use of reverse thrust……..
Is not permitted.
(PW) Minimum oil temperature for takeoff is…..
50 degrees C.
(RR) Minimum oil temp for advancing thrust lever is…
0 degrees C.
The Maximum altitude with flaps extended….
20,000 ft.
Maximum temperature for JET A…..
49 degrees C.
Minimum Fuel Tank Temperatures…
(B757) Minus 45C or 3C above the freezing point of the fuel being used (whichever is higher).
(B767) 3C above the freezing point of the fuel being used.
(B757) The maximum fuel imbalance between left and right main tanks for all operations….
Not required
1800 lbs.
(B767) The maximum fuel imbalance between left and right main tanks for all operations….
Not required
Main tank fuel load
48,000 lbs or less…………2500 lbs.
48,000 to 79,800 lbs…….linear reduction to 1500 lbs.
79,800 lbs or greater…….1500 lbs.
The center tank fuel pumps must be off for takeoff……………………..(AD 2002-19-52)
if center tank fuel is less than 5000 pounds with the aircraft readied for initial taxi.
Both Center Tank Fuel Pump switches must be selected OFF when….. (AD 2002-19-52)
center tank fuel quantity reaches approximately 1000 pounds during climb, cruise or descent.
Flaps 30 - 757
Not approved below 140.0
Required below 160.0