Limitations Part 1 Flashcards
Do not extend flaps above …
20,000 ft
Runway Slope (AFM)
+/- 2 deg
QFE Selection
QFE Operations Prohibited
Reverse Thrust
- Intentional selection of reverse thrust in flight prohibited
- Backing the airplane with use of reverse thrust is prohibited.
Maximum Glideslope Angle
3.25 deg
CAT II and CAT III operations and automatic landing is approved with flaps 25 or 30 only.
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Crosswind
30 kts not limiting
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Tailwind Component
15 kts
Maximum allowable wind speeds when landing weather minima are predicated on auto land operations:
Headwind - 25 kts
Crosswind - 25 kts
Tailwind - 15 kts
Maximum Operating Altitude
45,100 ft pressure altitude
Turbulent Air Penetration Speed
290-310 kts
.82-.85 M whichever is lower
The max allowable in flight difference between the CA and F/O altitude displays (altimeters) for RVSM operations is ____ ft.
200 ft
Use of aileron trim with autopilot engaged is …
Fuel Temp comes from tank #?
One normal fuel pump can supply fuel to how many engines?
1 - Takeoff
2- Cruise
One overriding fuel pump can supply fuel to how many engines
2- Takeoff
2- Cruise
Automatic landings may be made with flaps ___ or ___ only.
Do not use FLCH on final approach below ___ ft AFE.
1,000 ft
The autopilot must not be engaged below a minimum engage altitude of ___.
250 AGL after T/O
Minimum glide slope angle is ___.
2.5 deg
CAT II and III ops and auto land is approved with flaps 25 and 30
The A/P must be disengaged before airplane descends more than ___ ft below the MDA unless it is coupled to an ILS glideslopoe and localizer or in go-around mode.
50 ft.
The autopilot must be disengaged below ___ ft. AGL, in a non-precision approach.
360 ft.
Do not operate HF or WX radar…….
- HF during refueling operations.
- WX radar in a hangar or within 50 ft. of any fueling operations or fuel spill.
Note: Hangar restriction does not apply to the WX Radar Test Mode.
Maximum speed operating in Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) airspace.
.90 Mach
Cabin Pressurization Limits
Max differential pressure. 9.4 psi
Max allowable cabin pressure differential for T/O and Landing .11 psi
Speed Brakes Restriction
Use of speed brakes in flight with flaps more than 20 not recommended.
Center wing tank pumps must be …..
Off for taxi, T/O and climb unless the center wing tank contains at least 7,700 kgs of fuel.
Pratt & Whitney engine max starting EGT
535 deg C
Maximum Field Elevation
9,500 ft
Main Deck Occupancy
Occupancy of the main deck cargo area is prohibited during taxi, T/O, in flight and landing.
Fuel Dump
Do not extend or retract the flaps between position 1& 5 during fuel jettisoning.
GE engine max starting EGT
750 deg C
For single channel ILS approaches, the autopilot must be disengaged before the airplane descends below ___ ft. AGL.
100 ft AGL
VNAV Selection limitation
If leveling off within 2,000 ft after changing altimeter setting from QNE to QNH, or QNH to QNE, do not use VNAV to execute the level-off if QNH is less than 29.70/1006 hpa. After level-off is completed, VNAV may be re-engaged.
RVSM Altimeter Ground Check
Max difference between the CAPT or FO altimeters and field elevation SL-5,000 ft is 75 ft.
Max Difference between the CAPT or FO altimeters and field elevation 9,500 ft is 75 ft.
Max difference between CAPT and FO altimeters SL-5,000 ft is 35 ft.
Max difference between CAPT and FO altimeters 9,500 ft is 40 ft.
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
276,691 kgs
Maximum Variable Zero Fuel Weight
288,031 kgs
Maximum Taxi Weight
395,986 kgs
Maximum Takeoff Weight
394,625 kgs
Minimum Flight Weight
166,696 kgs
Maximum in flight weight landing flaps
303,906 kgs
Maximum Landing Weight
295,742 kgs
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Altitude
10,000 ft pressure altitude
Continuous Ignition is required on for ….
Heavy Rain Severe Turbulence Icing Conditions Volcanic Ash Standing Water or Slush on the runway
Continuous Ignition is auto on with nacelle anti-ice on.
When should wing anti-ice be on?
Prior to reducing thrust to descent in visible moisture and TAT less than 10 deg C including SAT -40 deg C nacelle anti-ice must be in on position.
At or below 22,000 ft wing anti ice selector must be in the on position.
Max tank fuel temperature?
Jet A, A1, JP5, or JP8 54 deg C
Jet B, JP4 43 deg C
In flight tank fuel temp must be maintained at least 3 deg C above the fuel freezing point of fuel being used.
Door mounted power assist and escape slides …..
Emergency evacuation slide system must be in Automatic mode and engagement of each escape slide pack extractor must be verified by checking that knob is visible in the automatic viewing port prior to Taxi, T/O, Landing whenever persons occupy the upper deck cabin.
Fuel Tanks & Quantities
7 tanks - 163,042 kgs 4 main, 1 center, 2 reserve tanks Main 1&4 - 13,200 kgs ea Main 2&3 - 38,100 kgs ea Center Tank - 52,100 kgs Reserve Tanks - 4,000 kgs ea
Ground Wind Limits for All Doors
40 kts while opening or closing
65 kts while open