Limitations & General Flashcards
narrow runway ops (30m)
- runway centerline shall be clearly visible in the prevailing conditions
- dispatch to/from less than 45m wide is not allowed in case of nose gear steering inoperative or 1 thrust reverser inoperative
- if alternate is available with at least 45m wide runway - diversion to that alternate shall be performed in case of jammed or restricted flight controls, trailing edge flap asymmetry, leading edge flap/slat asymmetry, or loss of system A or B hydraulics.
- dispatch from/to runways less than 30 meters wide is prohibited
types of operations approved
- in flight icing
- extended over water operations
VOZ performance category
runway slope
+/- 2%
maximum takeoff and landing tailwind
15 knots
maximum operating altitude
41,000’ pressure altitude
maximum takeoff and landing altitude
8,400’ pressure altitude
maximum takeoff crosswind (45m)
dry - 34kts
wet - 25kts
maximum takeoff crosswind (30m)
dry - 25kts
wet - 25kts
maximum landing crosswind (45m)
dry - 40kts
wet - 40kts
maximum landing crosswind (45m split scimitar winglet)
dry - 37kts
wet - 37kts
maximum landing crosswind (30m)
dry - 25kts
wet - 25kts
can virgin operate on contaminated runways
emergency situations only - refer to FCTM for limitations
what are the FO wind landing limitations
FO with 300 hours on type may act as PF on 30m runways provided crosswind does not exceed 10kts (dry or wet)
severe turbulent air penetrations speed
280KIAS/0.76M whichever is lower.
applicable to climb and descent only
what are the limitations regarding the escape slide retention bar (girt bar) for revenue flights
on revenue flights, the escape slide retention bar (girt bar) must be installed during taxi, takeoff and landing
when is HF use prohibited
do not operate HF radios during refueling operations
what are the altitude display limits for RVSM operations
- STBY altimeter
- in-flight
- on-the-ground
- Standby altimeters do not meet altimeter requirements for RVSM airspace
- the maximum allowable in-flight difference between captain and first officer altitude displays for RVSM operations is 200’
- the maximum allowable on-the-ground altitude display differences for RVSM operations are:
- sea level to 5,000’:
- max difference between CAP and FO = 50’
- max difference between CAP/FO and FE = 75’
- 5,001’ to 10,000’:
- max difference between CAP and FO = 60’
- max difference between CAP/FO and FE = 75’
- sea level to 5,000’:
what is the Max Taxi Weight (700)
what is the Max Taxi Weight (800)
what is the Max Takeoff Weight (700)
what is the Max Takeoff Weight (800)
what is the Max Landing Weight (700)
what is the Max Landing Weight (800)
what is the Max Zero Fuel Weight (700)
what is the Max Zero Fuel Weight (800)
what is the maximum cabin differential pressure (relief valves)
what are the limitations regarding the use of using the packs in HIGH
with either one or both engine bleed air switches ON, do NOT operate the air conditioning packs in HIGH for:
- takeoff
- approach
- landing
except for CARGO FIRE, SMOKE/FUMES REMOVAL procedures to increase ventilation
what are the AP/FD limitations regarding aileron trim
use of aileron trim with the AP engaged is prohibited
what are the AP/FD limitations regarding AP use after takeoff
do not engage the autopilot for takeoff below 400’ AGL
what are the AP/FD limitations regarding single channel operation during approach
for single channel operation during approach, the autopilot shall not remain engaged below 50’ AGL
what are the AP/FD limitations regarding max allowable wind speeds for autoland
maximum allowable wind speeds when landing weather minima are predicated on autoland operations:
- headwind = 25kts
- crosswind:
- 853 and beyond = 25kts
- 852 and before = 20kts
- tailwind = 15kts
what are the AP/FD limitations regarding maximum glideslope angles for autoland operations
maximum and minimum glideslope angles for autoland are 3.25 degrees and 2.5 degrees
what are the AP/FD limitations regarding autoland flap restrictions
- autoland capability may only be used with flaps 30 or 40 and both engines operative
- (853 and beyond) autoland capability may only be used with flaps 30 with one engine operative
what are the AP/FD limitations regarding use of LVL CHG
do not use LVL CHG on final approach below 1,000’ AFE
flights predicated on which HF frequencies are prohibited
flights predicated on the use of the following HF frequencies are prohibited 29.489 and 29.490 (MHz)
what transmission are approved to be received via ACARS
- oceanic clearances
- W+B and takeoff data
may be transmitted and received over ACARS if they are verified per approved operational procedures
what limitations apply to the use of VHF on the ground
use the VHF radio connected to the top of fuselage antenna for primary ATC communications on the ground
what limitations apply to the use of Flight Deck Auxiliary Power outlets
900-906 the use of Flight Deck Auxiliary Power outlets in the flight deck requires operational regulatory approval
what are the engine limit display markings
- maximum and minimum limits are red
- caution limits are amber
what are the engine ignition limitations
engine ignition must be on for:
- takeoff
- landing
- operation in heavy rain
- anti-ice operation
what are the engine thrust limitations
operation with assumed temperature reduced takeoff thrust is not permitted with anti-skid inoperative
what are the engine reverse thrust limitations
intentional selection of reverse thrust in flight is prohibited
what is the max altiitude for APU bleed + electrical load
- in-flight
- on ground
in-flight = 10,000’
on ground = 15,000’
what is the max altitude for the APU bleed
what is the max altitude for the APU electrical load
when must the APU bleed valve be closed
- ground air connected and isolation valve open
- engine no. 1 bleed valve open
- isolation and engine no. 2 bleed valves open
what limitations apply to the APU bleed valve during engine starts
the APU bleed valve may be open during engine start, but avoid engine power above idle
what is the APU starter limitation (cooldown and starts)
after 3 consecutive aborted start attempts, a 15 minute cooling period is required
how long must the APU be running before using it as a bleed air source
run the APU for 2 full minutes before using it as a bleed air source
what is the maximum altitude with flaps extended
the maximum altitude with flaps extended is 20,000’
what limitations apply to holding with flaps
holding in icing conditions with flaps extended is prohibited
what limitations apply to the SPEED BRAKE lever
in flight, do not extend the SPEED BRAKE lever beyond the FLIGHT DETENT
what control inputs should be avoided in flight
avoid rapid and large alternating control inputs, especially with large changes in pitch, roll or yaw (e.g. large side slip angles) as they may result in structural failure at any speed, including below VA
what is the minimum altitude for the use of speed brakes
do not deploy the speedbrakes in flight at radio altitudes less than 1,000’
what are the alternate flap duty cycle limitations
- when extending or retracting flaps with the ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch, allow 15 seconds after releasing the ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch before moving the switch again to avoid damage to the alternate flaps motor clutch
- after a complete extend/retract cycle i.e., 0 to 15 and back to 0, allow 5 minutes cooling before attempting another extension
can the terrain display be used for navigation
do not use the terrain display for navigation
what limitations apply to the use of look-ahead terrain alerting and terrain display functions
do not use the look-ahead terrain alerting and display functions:
- within 15nm of takeoff, approach or landing at an airport or runway not contained in the GPWS terrain database.
what are the weather radar limitations
- avoid weather radar operation in a hangar (does not apply to the weather radar test mode)
- avoid weather radar operation when personnel are within the area normally enclosed by the aircraft nose radome
what is the maximum tank fuel temperature
49 degrees celcius
what is the minimum tank fuel temperature
minimum tank fuel temperature prior to takeoff and inflight is -43, or 3 (-44) above the fuel freezing point temperature (-47 for JET A1), whichever is higher (will always be -43 with JET A1)
what are the fuel balance limitations
- lateral imbalance between main tanks 1 and 2 must be scheduled to be zero
- random fuel imbalance must not exceed 453kg for taxi, takeoff, flight or landing
what are the fuel loading limitations
main tanks 1 and 2 must be full if center tank contains more than 453kg
what are the landing gear limitations
do not apply brakes until after touchdown