Limitations COPY COPY Flashcards
Maximum number of passenger seats
• A320: 180• A321: 220
Load Acceleration limits
• Clean configuration: -1 to +2.5 g• Slats/Flaps extended: 0 to +2 g
Reference for computation of CG on A320/A321
• CG is given in percentage of the reference chord length aft of the leading edge• Reference chord length is 4.193 m • Reference position is: 16.31 m aft of aircraft nose A32020.58m aft of aircraft nose A321
Minimum weight to operate the aircraft
• A320: 37 230 kg• A321: 47 500 kg
Maximum weight for B-HSO
Maximum taxi weight………………………………..75 900 kgMaximum takeoff weight………………………….75 500 kgMaximum landing weight…………………………64 500 kg Maximum zero fuel weight……………………….61 000 kg
Maximum weight for B-HTD
Maximum taxi weight……………………………… 89 400 kgMaximum takeoff weight ………………………. 89 000 kgMaximum landing weight………………………. 75 500 kg Maximum zero fuel weight…………………….. 71 500 kg
Maximum Runway slope and altitude
• Mean Slope: +/- 2%• Runway Altitude: 9200 ft
Aircraft Ceiling
Honeywell FMS: 39 800 ftLegacy FM: 39100 ft
Maximum Crosswind for Take-off
38 kt, gust included
Maximum Crosswind for Landing
38 kt, gust included
Maximum Tailwind for Take off and Manual Landing
• 15 kt• Flaps Full recommended for landing with 15 kt Tailwind
Maximum Wind for passenger door operation
65 kt
Maximum Wind for cargo door operation
• 40 kt increased to 50 kt if aircraft nose is oriented into the wind or cargo door is on leeward side• Cargo door must be closed before wind exceeds 65 kt
Takeoff is not recommended on the following runway conditions
• Wet ice• Snow on top of Ice• Water on top of Compacted Snow
350 KT / M 0.82
Maximum Design Manoeuvering Speed VA A320Speed only relevant in Alternate or Direct Law
• In Alternate/Direct law, manoeuvres involving angle of attack near stall should be confined to speeds below VA• VA is - 250 kt below 10 000ft - Increase from 250 kt at 10 000ft to 295 kt at 30 000ft - M 0.78 above 30 000ft
Maximum Design Manoeuvering Speed VA A321Speed only relevant in Alternate or Direct Law
• In Alternate/Direct law, manoeuvres involving angle of attack near stall should be confined to speeds below VA• VA is - 260 kt below 10 000ft - Increase from 260 kt at 10 000ft to 295 kt at 30 000ft - M 0.78 above 30 000ft
Maximum Flaps/Slats Speeds A320
CONF 1: 230 ktCONF 1+F: 215 ktCONF 2: 200 ktCONF 3: 185 ktCONF Full: 177 kt
Maximum Flaps/Slats Speeds A321
CONF 1: 230 ktCONF 1+F: 215 ktCONF 2: 215 ktCONF 3: 195 ktCONF Full: 190 kt
Landing Gear, Speed Limitation
• VLO Extension: 250 kt• VLO Retraction: 220 kt• VLE: 280 kt/ M 0.67
Gear Altitude Limitation A320 / A321
Gear extension: 25 000 ft
Maximum Tire Speed
Ground Speed 195 kt
Maximum Speed for Winshield wiper
230 kt
Maximum Speed with Cockpit Window open
200 kt
Maximum Taxi Speed for A320/321
Weight above 76 000 kg:Max Taxi Speed 20 kt during a turn(A320 Max Ramp 75 900 kg)
Maximum pressure for the Ram Air Inlet to open
Pressure limitation of a Ground Cart for External Air start
1.2 kg/s
Maximum Negative/Positive Differential pressure
-1 PSI / 9 PSI
Safety relief valve setting
-1 PSI/ 8.6 PSI
Maximum Normal Cabin altitude
8000 ft
Maximum Cabin altitude Warning
9550 ft (+/-350ft)
Maximum OAT for unlimited use of avionics ventilation system in normal configuration
49 °C
Minimum height for autopilot on takeoff
• 100 ft AGL• FMGS logic prevents autopilot engagement for the first 5s after liftoff
Minimum height for autopilot on approach
• Straight-in non precision: MDA• Straight-in LNAV/VNAV: DA• Circling: MDA - 100 ft• ILS CAT2/3 not displayed: 160 ft AGL• All other phases: 500 ft AGL
Minimum height for autopilot on Go-around
100 ft AGL
RNP accuracy provided by the FMGES with GPS Primary
• NAV mode, AP ON :En route 1 NM / Terminal area 0.5 NM / Approach 0.3 NM• NAV mode, AP OFF and FD ON :En route 1 NM / Terminal area 0.51 NM / Approach 0.3 NM• HDG mode, AP OFF and FD OFF:En route 1,1 NM / Terminal area 0.51 NM / Approach Not authorized
Requirements before using NAV mode after take-off
FMGS runway updating must be checked
RNP accuracy provided by the FMGES without GPS Primary
Navigation accuracy is function of NAVAID infrastructure and elapsed time since the last radio update
Take-off from airports where the difference between the local coordinate system and WGS 84 is not negligible
• Airborne, incorrect NAV guidance may occur• GPS must be deselected until a safe altitude is reached
NAV-FPA/Final APP modes for NPA (VOR or NDB), Requirements on Navaid availability
• NPA may be performed in NAV or FINAL APP mode provided AP or FD is used and- GPS PRIMARY: NAVAID/Aircraft radio equipment can be inoperative- Without GPS PRIMARY: . Accuracy is High and . NAVAID serviceable tuned and monitored during the approach
Minimum altitude for FINAL APP mode guidance with GPS PRIMARY
MDH/DH (barometric) 250 ft
Requirements to use NAV mode in the terminal area
NAV mode can be used in the terminal area provided:‐ GPS PRIMARY available, or‐ HIGH accuracy displayed with appropriate RNP checked, entered on MCDU, or‐ NAVAID Raw data monitored
Autopilot limitations for single engine NPA
• A321 and old A320, AP not permited on laterally managed modes (FINAL APP, NAV V/S, NAV/FPA modes)• Approach to be flown:- Managed with AP OFF and FD ON, or- Selected (TRK/FPA) with AP ON
Minimum Decision Height ILS CAT 2
100 ft AGL
Minimum Decision Height ILS CAT 3A
50 ft
Alert Height ILS CAT 3B
100 ft
Minimum Decision Height ILS CAT 3B with DH
• A320: 25 ft• A321: 22 ft
Minimum RVR ILS CAT 3B
75 m
Maximum Wind condition for CAT 2 approach without Autoland on A321
40/25/10 kts
Minimum height to disengage the Autopilot for a CAT 2 approach without autoland
80 ft AGL
AP/ATHR Requirements for CAT2 and CAT3 approach
• CAT 2:- 1 AP engaged in APPR mode- CAT 2 or higher capability displayed on FMA• CAT 3 FAIL PASSIVE:- A/THR in selected or managed speed- 1 AP engaged in APPR mode- CAT 3 SINGLE or higher capability displayed on FMA• CAT 3 FAIL OPERATIONAL:- A/THR in selected or managed speed- 2 AP engaged in APPR mode- CAT 3 DUAL displayed on FMA
Autoland Limitations with 1 Engine Out
• CAT II and CAT IIIA autoland are approved:- A320: only in conf FULL- A321: Conf 3 and FULL• Engine-out procedures must be completed before reaching 1 000 ft in approach
A320, Maximum Wind condition for CAT 2/3 approaches or Autoland
30/20/10 ktsWind limitation is based on surface wind reported by ATC
A321, Maximum Wind condition for CAT3 approaches or Autoland
• 30/20/10 ktsLimitation based on surface wind reported by ATC• CAT2 without autoland is 40/25/10 kts
Automatic Landing limitations
• Approved in CONF 3 and FULL with following restrictions:- Slope angle -2.5° / -3.15°- Airport elevation at or below 2 500 ft• Autoland demonstrated on:- CAT II/III ILS beam- Weight at or below maximum landing weight- VAPP = VLS + Wind correctionMinimum 5 kt, Maximum 15 kt- Dry and wet runwaySnow-covered or Icy runway,autoland not demonstrated
A321, Autorollout limitation with 1 engine inoperative or 1 thrust reverser inoperative
• Reverse IDLE only• No reverse if crosswind is more than 15 kt
CAT 2/3 practice on CAT 1 weather conditions, requirements and procedure
• Autoland approval on port page• Visibility > 5km and ceiling > 1000ft• CAT 2 capability or more displayed on FMA• CAT II/III procedures used• CAT II/III minimas entered• Visual references obtained above CAT I minimums
Max Load per TR
200 A
Max Load per Generator
100% (90KVA)
Max altitude with Flaps/Slats extended
20 000ft
Max Fuel imbalance Outer Tanks
1 Full / 1 Empty, provided:- Fuel on 1 side (outer + inner) is equal to other side, or- On lighter outer side, inner tank is higher than opposite inner up to a max of 3000 kg
JET A1 Maximum Fuel Temperature
• 54°C• ECAM advisory above:- 45 °C for the inner cell, or - 55 °C for the outer cell
JET A1 Minimum Fuel Temperature
• - 43°C• ECAM advisory when < -40 °C
Minimum Take-off Fuel Quantity
• 1 500 kg• L(R) WING TK LO LVL not displayed
A320, Restrictions on Fuel when using JP4 or JET BAt high altitude and fuel temperature, pressure delivered by center tank pumps becomes lower than the pressure delivered by the wing tank pumps.
Center Tank Fuel unusable if Wing fuel temperature exceeds following values before engine start and Cruise is above corresponding FL before Center tank fuel is used:‐ +30 °C / FL 350‐ +40 °C / FL 300‐ +49 °C / FL 250
Restriction on Fuel Tank usage for Take-off
Takeoff on center tank is prohibited
Normal hydraulic operating pressure
3 000 ± 200 PSI
Maximum brake temperature for takeoff with brakes fan off
300 °C
Ways to disengage autobrake system
• Arm mode pushbutton• Brake pedals
Speed limit for taxi with 1 tire deflated per Gear (3 tires max)
7 kts during turns
Speed limit for taxi with 2 tires deflated on same main Gear
3 kts with nose Wheel steering angle limite to 30°
Nose Wheel Steering angle limit for towing and taxi
Towing and Pushback: 95°Taxi: 75°
Restrictions for taxi with damaged tire
Tires must be inspected before taxi if tire damage is suspected
At what latitude is NAV mode prohibited
• North of 73 ° North• South of 60 ° South
The EGPWS enhanced function should be inhibited when the aircraft position is less than 15 nm from the airfield
• Operations to/from runways not in the EGPWS database• Approach procedures that have previously produced false terrain alerts
Restriction on use of ISIS
When both PFDs are lost, the ISIS bugs function must not be used
Where can you find the minimum flight crew oxygen pressure
Minimum Oxygen pressure, what does it cover
• Preflight checks • Oxygen use 1 pilot only in cockpit• Unusable quantity• System leakage• Loss of pressurisation (regulator NORMAL):- Emergency descent, 13’ for all crewmembers - Cruise at FL 100, 107’ for 2 pilots• Smoke in cockpit (regulator 100 %):- 15’ for all crewmembers at 8 000 ft cabin altitude
APU LOW OIL LEVEL ECAM advisory displayed, can you use the APU
• APU may be started and operated• Maintenance action required within next 10 h of APU operation
APU starter limit
3 cycles then 60’ cooldown3 more cycles
APU, Maximum N
• 107%• Automatic shutdown at 107%
APU maximum EGT
• Start:- Below 25 000 ft 900 °C- Above 25 000 ft 982 °C• APU running:- 682 °C, shutdown with 5 s confirmation time- 700 °C to 742 °C, shutdown immediately
APU Generator load
100 % (90 KVA)
APU bleed, maximum altitude to operate 2 Packs
15 000 ft
APU bleed, maximum altitude to operate 1 Pack
20 000 ft
APU bleed, maximum altitude to start 1 Engine
• 15 000 ft, speed below 150 kt• 20 000 ft, speed above 150 kt
Engine EGT limits on A320
• Starting: 635°C• Take off / Go around: 635°C5’ for 2 engines, 10’ for 1 engine• MCT: 610°C
Engine EGT limits on A321
• Starting: 635°C• Take off / Go around: 650°C5’ for 2 engines, 10’ for 1 engine• MCT: 610°C
Engine minimum oil temperature
• Prior to start: -40 °C• Prior to exceeding idle: -10 °C• Prior to takeoff: 50 °C
Engine maximum oil temperature
• 155 °C: Continuous temperature• 165 °C: Transient temperature, max 15 min
Engines minimum oil pressure
60 PSI
Engines minimum oil quantity
11qt + 0.3qt/h
N1 max
N2 max
Engine starter Limitations
• 2 cycles of 2’ each followed by a 3rd cycle of 1’with a 15 s pause between each start attempt• 1 continuous cycle of 4 mins• After 3 cycles or 1 continuous cycle, a cooling period of 30 mins• No running engagement of starter with N2 above 10 % on ground and 18 % in flight
Restrictions on the use of Reverse Thrust
• No reverse thrust in flight• No back up of the aircraft with reverse thrust• Maximum reverse not to be used below 70 kt, Idle reverse permitted down to aircraft stop• On snow covered runway reversers must be stowed before speed reaches 25 kt
Restriction on use of Reduced Thrust Take-off
• Aircraft must comply with performance requirements using:- Planned takeoff weight- Thrust available at assumed temperature• Maximum thrust reduction of 25 % from full rated takeoff thrust:Max FLEX temperature is (A320: ISA+55/A321: ISA+42)• Assumed temperature not lower than the highest of:- Flat rating temperature (A320: ISA+30/A321: ISA+15)- Actual OAT• Takeoff at reduced thrust is not permitted on:- Contaminated runway- Inoperative item affecting performance unless aircraft can meet performance with engines operating at the thrust available for flex temperature
Maximum Cross Wind to start the Engines
35 kt
Can you load a mix of Fuel types
YesDetermine minimum fuel temperature from FCOM LIM-28
APU, maximum altitude for a Battery start (EMER ELEC CONFIG)
25 000ft