Limitations Flashcards
Operational Limitations
RWY slope +/- 2%
Max tail wind 15kts
Max Alt 43,100’
Max takeoff and landing alt 14,000’
Turbulent air penetration speed
290kts below 25000’
310/.84 Mach at and above 25,000’
Operational information
Do not operate HF radios during refuelling operations
Wx radar
Avoid wx radar operation in hangar 50’ or 15.25m from fueling operations or fuel spill Avoid weather radar operation when personnel are within the area normally enclosed by the airplane nose radome #does not apply to wx radar test mode
RVSM operations
Do not fly in RVSM airspace on isfd alone. The standby altimeter does not meet RVSM altimeter accuracy requirements
Max allowable difference between capt and f/o’s altitude display and field elevation prior to takeoff
Graphical exit signs
All passengers must be informed of the graphical exit signs, by an approved briefing, prior to each take off and landing
Passenger evacuation main doors
Main door emergency power assists and evacuation slide systems must be armed with the door mode select levers in the automatic position and the electronically dimmable door windows must be in the clear state prior to taxi, takeoff and landing whenever passengers are carried
Flight Deck Security Door
Verify that an operational check of the Flight Deck Access System has been accomplished according to approved procedures once each flight day
Maximum Taxi Weight
Maximum Takeoff Weight
Maximum Landing Weight
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
Autopilot/Flight Director System
# The autopilot must not be engaged below a minimum engage altitude of 200 feet AGL after takeoff. # Autoland capability may only be used for operations into runways at or below 8,400 feet airport field elevation. # Without LAND 2 or LAND 3 annunciated, the autopilot must be disengaged below 135 feet AGL. # With LAND 2 or LAND 3 annunciated and glideslope angles greater than 3.25 degrees, the autopilot must be disengaged below 100 feet AGL. If the glidepath angle for approach is greater than 3.77 degrees, the autopilot must be disengaged no later than 50 feet below DH/MDA.
Low Visibility (HUD) Takeoff
Low weather minima takeoff may only be performed using ILS guidance on U.S. Type II or Type III ILS facilities.
Maximum wind component speeds when takeoff weather minima are predicated on HUD takeoff operations:
Headwind 25 knots
Tailwind 15 knots
Crosswind 20 knots
Automatic Landing
Maximum wind component speeds when landing weather minima are predicated on autoland operations:
# The maximum glideslope angle is 3.25 degrees. # The minimum glideslope angle is 2.5 degrees.
Autoland capability may be used with flaps 20, 25, or 30, with both engines operative or with one engine inoperative.
Headwind25 knots
Tailwind15 knots
Crosswind25 knots
The autopilot flight director system (AFDS) autoland status annunciation must have LAND 2 or LAND 3 displayed.
Non-AFM Operational Information
Operational approval is required for low visibility operations using HUD TO/GA. # Do not use FLCH on final approach below 1,000 feet AFE.
Flight Deck Communications Systems (Datalink)
Datalink messages sent from the COMPANY format or received with a .COMM or .PRINTER on EICAS are limited to messages which will not create an unsafe condition if:
• the message or parts of the message are delayed or not received, or
• the message is delivered to the wrong recipient, or
• the message content may be frequently corrupted
However, datalink messages can be transmitted and received via the COMPANY format if they are verified per approved operational procedures.
Audio Control Panel (ACP)
Use of the captain’s or first officer’s ACP to establish a SATCOM/cabin conference is prohibited.
Engine Oil System
# Oil temperature must be greater than -40° C for engine start.
Reverse Thrust
# Intentional selection of reverse thrust in flight is prohibited. # Backing the airplane with use of reverse thrust is prohibited.
Tailwind and Crosswind
Ground wind operating envelope:
• for crosswinds greater than 40 knots, limit thrust to a setting normally used for taxi (45% N1)
• with a tailwind component greater than 5 knots and winds greater than 35 knots, limit thrust to a setting normally used for taxi (45% N1)
• for winds greater than 55 knots, limit engine thrust to idle
Flight Controls
Takeoff is permitted only in the normal flight control mode. (Refer to Flight Control System Normal Mode in Chapter 9, Section 20, for additional information.)
# Avoid rapid and large alternating control inputs, especially in combination with large changes in pitch, roll, or yaw (e.g. large side slip angles) as they may result in structural failure at any speed, including below VA.
The maximum altitude with flaps extended is 20,000 feet.
Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)
EFB portable keyboard and attaching cable (if installed) must be stowed during takeoff and landing.
Fuel Temperature
Maximum tank fuel temperature at takeoff is 49° C (120° F) for Jet A, Jet A-1, JP-5, JP-8 or TS-1.
Inflight fuel temperature is limited to 65° C (150° F) for Jet A, Jet A-1, JP-5 or JP-8.
Inflight fuel temperature for TS-1 is limited to 57° C (135° F) at or above 35,000 feet and 65° C (150° F) below 35,000 feet.
Tank fuel temperature prior to takeoff must not be less than -29° C (-20° F).
In-flight tank fuel temperature must be maintained at least 3° C above the freezing point of the fuel being used. The use of Fuel System Icing Inhibitor additives does not change the minimum fuel tank temperature limit.
Fuel Loading
Main tanks must be scheduled to be full if center tank fuel is loaded.
Note: Thecentertankmaycontainupto10,000kilogramsoffuelwithlessthan full main tanks provided center tank fuel weight plus actual zero fuel weight does not exceed the maximum zero fuel weight, and center of gravity limits are observed.
GPWS - Look-Ahead Terrain Alerting
Do not use the terrain display for navigation.
The use of look-ahead terrain alerting and terrain display functions are prohibited within 15 NM of takeoff, approach or landing at an airport or runway not contained in the GPWS terrain database. Refer to Honeywell Document 060-4267-000 for airports and runways contained in the installed GPWS database
Pilots are authorized to deviate from their current ATC clearance to the extent necessary to comply with a TCAS resolution advisory. Evasive manoeuvres must not be based solely on information from the traffic display or traffic advisory (TA) without visually sighting the traffic.