Limitations Flashcards
Runway Slope
+/- 2%
340 KIAS / .82 M
Observe Vmo pointer and gear/flap placards
Severe Turbulence Airspeed
280 KIAS / .76M
Max Operating Altitude
41,000 ft
Max Takeoff/Landing Alt
8,400 ft
Max Flight Ops Latitude
82N and 82S
80W - 130W —— 70N
120E - 160E —— 60S
Max Tailwind T/O
15 kts
Max Tailwind Landing
10 kts
(Ops Adv page [-7] may allow 15kts
Max Demonstrated XWind
T/O and Landing
33 kts (NG)
32 kts (MAX)
Ground Wind Operating Envelope
XWinds > 43 kts : max thrust = taxi
Winds > 58 kts : idle thrust
except for setting T/O thrust
Max Taxi Weight
174,700 lbs
MAX-8 = 181,700
Max Takeoff Weight
174,200 lbs
Max-8 = 181,200
Max Landing Weight
146,300 lbs
MAX-8 = 152,800
Max Zero Fuel Weight
136,000 lbs
MAX-8 = 145,400
EVAC Systems:
Any time pax onboard one exit must be:
Open or Armed
EVAC System:
On Rev Flights when must the girt bar be inserted in all brackets?
Taxi, Takeoff, and Landing
160 seat aircraft max occupants
160 seats + 2 Pilot + 1W + 6 FA = 169
Max occupancy on A/C with 172 seats?
Extra life rafts (3 -> 4)
How often must the flight deck door and access system be checked?
Daily - prior to first flight
When will the flight deck door access code be used?
Only in emergencies
Normal procedures for normal access
How do you lock the door when DC Bus 2 unpowered?
With one or both engine bleeds on, do NOT operate the packs on HIGH under what conditions?
Takeoff / Approach / Landing
Max Cabin Diff Pressure
9.1 psi
Max Alt for unpressurized flight (after inflight depressurization)
14,000 ft
Max Alt unpressurized- dispatched
10,000 ft
Icing Conditions
- Ground & Takeoff
- Inflight
Ground: OAT = 10C
Inflight: TAT = 10C
1) Visible moisture in any form is present
(i. e. clouds, fog w/ vis 1 mile or less, rain, snow, sleet, & ice crystals)
2) When operating on ramps, taxiways, or runways where surface snow, ice, standing water, or slush may be ingested by the engines or freeze on the engine or nacelles
When operating in icing, what is the limitation with regards to the Engine Ignitions?
They must be ON
Engine anti-ice must be on during all ground and flight operations when icing conditions exist or are anticipated, except during climb and cruise when the temp is BELOW ______
-40*C SAT
DURD - must be on even
Can wing anti-ice be used in lieu of ground deice/ anti-ice?
Do not operate wing anti-ice in the ground when OAT is ABOVE _____
Min Autopilot engagement for T/O
400’ AGL
Single channel AP min disengagement height
50’ AGL
Aileron trim with autopilot engaged is _______
Can we use dual channel AP for approach?
NO, prohibited
Do not use LVL CHG on final approach below ______
1,000’ AFE
If one HF radio is selected for transmission, what is the appropriate procedure?
Deselect other HF radio on all panels to prevent interference
Do not operate HF radios during _____ operations.
When must the broadband switch be OFF?
Aircraft de-icing, taxing under skybridge, or while in hangar
(PAX Oxygen switch is nearby)
Engine limit markings:
Max/Min = red Cautionary = amber Normal = white
Engine Ignition Must be used when? (4 conditions)
Operation in Heavy Rain (CONT)
EECs in ALTN for Takeoff
What are the limitations?
1) Both EECs in ALTN
2) 26K max thrust (27K if planned)
——TO for MAX-8
3) DO NOT use FMC N1 or QRH V-speeds
4) Auto-throttles use is PROHIBITED
When can 27K bump thrust be used?
If authorized by Dispatch and on load agent generated TPS.
KSNA excluded
Intentional selection of REV thrust inflight is _________.
APU Bleed + Elec Load MAX ALT
10,000 ft
APU bleed only MAX ALT
17,000 ft
APU ELEC only load MAX ALT
41,000 ft
APU suggested starting ALT
25,000 ft
When must the APU bleed valve be closed? (3)
1) ground air CONNECTED and isolation valve OPEN
2) engine 1 bleed OPEN
3) isolation valve and engine 2 bleed OPEN
*APU bleed may be open during engine start but limit thrust to idle
Cooling period between 3 consecutive starts of APU
15 min cooling period
Operation with Assumed Temperature Reduced T/O Thrust is not permitted with ________ INOP
Min oil quantity for departure
12 qts
MAX-8 = 17qts
MAX ALT with flaps extended
20,000 ft
Flap position when holding in icing
Do NOT deploy speed brakes in flight with RA < ____ ft
1,000 ft
In flight do NOT extend speed brakes beyond ______ detent
Avoid rapid and large alternating control inputs (esp in combination with large changes in pitch, roll, or yaw) as they may result in structural failure at any speed including below ______.
Va (maneuvering)
When extending or retracting via ALTERNATE FLAPS, how long should you wait between activations?
15 seconds
After complete extend/retract cycle (i.e. 0 to 15 to 0) what is the cooling period?
5 mins
Use of HUD (Head Up Display) with which RA INOP is prohibited?
RA 1
Max allowable in flight difference between CA and FO altitudes (RVSM) is:
200 ft
Max allowable on the ground difference between CA and FO altitudes for RVSM:
50 ft (SL to 5,000’) 60 ft (5,001 to 10,000’)
MAX on the ground diff between CA or FO and field elevation for RVSM:
75 ft
Does the standby ALR meet altimeter accuracy requirements for RVSM?
MAX tank fuel temp
MIN fuel tank temp prior to T/O and inflight
- 43*C
3*C above freezing point temp limit
*higher is limiting
Random fuel imbalance limit
1,000 lbs
If center tank contains more than 1,000 lbs, what limit is there for main ranks 1 and 2?
They must be full of center tank has more than 1,000 lbs
Is ballast fuel authorized?
Do NOT apply brakes until after ________.
Can EGPWS terrain display be used for navigation?
To comply with a GPWS warning can pilots deviate from ATC clearances?
When must EGPWS be inhibited (TERR INHIBIT)?
When directed by F4 message
[Operations from/to runways and airports not in databases or approaches that have been identified as potentially producing false terrain alerts]
When must you not operate the Weather radar?
In Hangar and within 50’ of fueling ops, fuel spills, and people