Limitations Flashcards
Maximum Operating Altitude
41,000 Feet
Minimum Takeoff and Landing Temperature
-55 Degrees Celsius
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Temperature
55 Degrees Celsius
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Pressure Altitude
8,400 Feet
Runway Slope
+/- 2%
340 Knots/0.82 Mach
Severe Turbulence Penetration Speed
280 Knots/0.76 Mach
(Whichever is Less)
Maximum Tailwind
Takeoff = 15 Knots
Landing = 10 Knots
Maximum Crosswind
Takeoff = 33 Knots (3AA-3PX), 32 Knots (3RA-3VM)
Landing = 33 Knots (3AA-3PX), 32 Knots (3RA-3VM)
Flaps 15 - 15 Knots or Less
Flaps 30 - 18 Knots or Less
Flaps 40 - 21 Knots or Less
Manuevering Speed
VA is defined for evaluating aircraft structural design. At or below this speed, Boeing aircraft are capable of sustaining a single input to any set of control surfaces to their maximum available authority. These control surface inputs are to be in one axis and do not include control input reversal or oscillatory inputs.
Even at speeds below VA, transport category aircraft should be flown judicioulsy, avoaiding full or abrupt control movements.
Turbulence Penetration Speed can be used as a rough approximation for VA
NG Maximum Weights
Taxi: 174,700
Takeoff: 174,200
Landing: 144,000
Zero Fuel: 136,000
MAX 8 Maximum Weights
Taxi: 181,700
Takeoff: 181,200
Landing: 152,800
Zero Fuel: 145,400
Evacuation Systems
Any time passengers are on board, prior to aicraft movement, at least one floor level exit must be open or armed.
On revenue flights, the escape slide retention bar (girt bar) must be inserted in the brackets on all doors during taxi, takeoff, and landing.
Overwater Operations
On aircraft with 160 seats: limited to 168 seated passengers for overwater flights.
The aircraft has 169 seats (160 PAX, 2 Pilots, 1W, and 6 FAs). Life raft seating capacity is 168.
On aircraft with 172 seats: not limited for overwater flights.
The aircraft has 181 seats (172 PAX, 2 Pilots, 1W, 6 FAs). Life raft seating capacity is 193.
Flight Deck Door and Flight Deck Access System
Accomplish Pre-Flight Check (Prior to First Flight of the Day)
Use of the Access Code is considered an Emergency Access Request
If DC Bus 2 is unpowered, POWER CUTOFF Switch = OFF and deadbold = LOCKED KEY INOP
Air Conditioning Packs
Do NOT operate the packs in HIGH for takeoff, approach, or landing
Maximum Cabin Differential Pressure
9.1 PSI
Maximum Unpressurized Altitude
After an Inflight Depressurization: 14,000 Feet (can be exceeded for terrain)
Dispatch: 10,000 Feet
Icing Condition Definition
OAT on the ground and for takeoff, TAT inflight
10 Degrees Celsius/50 Degrees Fahrenheit or below and:
Visible Moisture in any form is present (clouds, fog with visibility of one mile or less, rain, snow, sleet, and ice crystals)
When operating on ramps, taxiways, or runways where surface snow, ice, standing water, or slush may be ingested by the engines or freeze on the engines or nacelles
Icing Condition Ignition Use
Engine Ignition must be on when operating in icing conditions
Icing Caution
Do not rely on airframe visual icing cues to turn engine anti-ice on. Delaying the use of engine anti-ice until ice buildup is visible from the flightdeck may result in severe engine damage.
Engine Anti-Ice
Engine anti-ice must be on during all ground and flight operations when icing conditions exist or are anticipated, except during climb and cruise when the temperatue is below -40 Degrees Celsius SAT. Engine anti-ice must be on prior to and during descent in all Icing Conditions, including temperatures below -40 Degrees Celsius SAT.
Wing Anti-Ice
Do not use wing anti-ice as a substitute for ground de-icing/anti-icing and inpection procedures.
Do not operate wing anti-ice on the ground when OAT is above 10 Degrees Celsius (50 Degrees Fahrenheit).
Autopilot Limitations
NA from Takeoff to 400 Feet AGL
Single Channel Approach to 50 Feet AGL
No Aileron Trim while Engaged
No Dual Channel for Approach
LVL CHG on Final Approach below 1000 Feet AFE
Deselect the other HF radio on all panels to prevent interference
Do Not Use during Refueling Operations
Broadband Antenna RF
Must be off during de-icing, taxiing under skybridge, or in a hangar
Engine Ignition
Takeoff: AUTO or CONT
Landing: AUTO or CONT
Anti-Ice: AUTO or CONT
Heavy Rain: CONT
EEC Alternate Mode
Both EECs must be in Alternate Mode
3AA-3PX: 26K max Takeoff Thrust must be used (27K Max, if planned)
3RA-3VM: TO takeoff thrust must be used
Do not use FMC takeoff N1 or QRH V-Speeds
Autothrottle for Takeoff is NA
27K Bump
Authorized for use by Dispatch and be only be selected if it is specified on the Load Agent generated TPS
Reverse Thrust
Intentional selection of reverse thrust in flight is prohibited
APU Bleed and Electrical Load
Bleed and Electrical: 10,000 Feet
Bleed: 17,000 Feet
Electrical: 41,000 Feet
APU Bleed Valve
Closed When:
Ground Air is connected and Isolation Valve is Open
Engine #1 Bleed Valve is Open
Isolation Valve and Engine #2 Bleed Valves are Open
Bleed Valve may be open during engine start, but avoid engine power above idle
After 3 start attempts, 15 minute cooling period is required
Operation with assumed temperature reduced takeoff thrust is NA with anti-skid INOP
Oil Quantity
3AA-3PX (NG): 12 Quarts
3RA-3VM (MAX 8): 17 Quarts
Flight Controls
Maximum Altitude with Flaps Extended: 20,000 Feet
Holding in Icing Conditions with Flaps Extended is NA
No Speed Brakes below 1000 Feet
Do not extend the Speed Brake Lever beyond the FLIGHT detent in flight
Avoid rapid and large alternating control inputs, including speeds below VA
Alternate Flaps
Allow 15 seconds after releasing the ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch before moving the switch again to avoid damage to the motor clutch
After a complete extend/retract cycle, allow 5 minutes cooling before attempting another extension
Use of the HUD with an INOP RA #1 is NA
RVSM Altitude
Difference between CA and FO Altitude Displays:
In Flight: 200 Feet
Ground: 50 Feet (SL to 5000 Feet)
60 Feet (5001 to 10,000 Feet)
Difference between CA and FO Altitude Displays to Field Elevation: 75 Feet
Air Data Inertial Reference Unit (ADIRU)
Alignment must not be attempted at LAT > 78 Degrees 15 Minutes
Maximum Tank Temperature: 49 Degrees Celsius
Minimum Tank Temperature: -43 Degrees Celsisus or 3 Degrees Celsius aboe the fuel freezing point temperature (whichever is higher)
Intentional running of a center tank fuel pump (low pressure light) is prohibited
Fuel Balance
Must be scheduled to be balanced between Tanks 1 and 2
Random Imbalance must not exeed 1000 Pounds for Taxi, Takeoff, Flight, or Landing
Tanks 1 and 2 must be full if center take contains more than 1000 Pounds
Ballast Fuel is NA
Do Not use Terrain Display for NAV
Authorized to Deviate from Clearance to comply with EGPWS Warning
Enhanced Function should be inhibited when the aircraft is less than 15NM from:
Runways not incorporated into the Database
Approaches that have been identified as producing false alarms
Weather Radar
Do Not Operate in a hangar or within 50 feet of fueling operations, fuel spills, or people