What is the general flight maneuvering load limits for:
1) Clean configuration?
2) Slats & flaps extended?
3) Slats extended?
1) Clean config = (-1.0g) - (+2.5g)
2) Slats & flaps extended (0.0g) - (2.0g)
3) Slats extended (0.0g) - (2.0g)
What is the minimum taxi width?
Minimum taxi width is 15m
What is the maximum weights for (OY-KAN):
1) Taxi?
2) Takeoff?
3) Landing?
4) ZFW?
5) Minimum?
1) Taxi = 73.900kg
2) Takeoff = 73.500kg
3) Landing = 64.500kg
4) ZFW = 61.000kg
5) Minimum = 37.230kg
Regarding airport operation and limitations, what is the:
1) Max mean runway slope?
2) Max Runway altitude?
3) Nominal runway width?
1) Max mean runway slope = +/- 2%
2) Max Runway altitude = 12.000’
3) Nominal runway width = 45m
What is the maximum wind limit (dry runway) for:
1) Demonstrated crosswind?
2) Tailwind T/O?
3) Tailwind LDG?
4) Tailwind AUTO LND?
5) Pax door operation?
6) Cargo doors?
1) Demonstrated crosswind = 38kts (Including gust) This is not an AFM limitation, but the max demonstrated. Airbus recommends this limit not to be intentionally exceeded.
2) Tailwind T/O = 15kts (same for damp & wet)
3) Tailwind LDG = 15kts (same for damp & wet)
4) Tailwind AUTO LND = 10kts
5) Pax door operation = 65kts
6) Cargo doors = 40kts windside, 50kts nose or leeward side. The cargo doors must be closed if wind speeds exceeds 65kts
Under which following runway conditions is takeoff not recommended?
A) Wet ice
B) Water on top of compacted snow
C) Dry snow or wet snow over ice
What is the flaps/slat position, maximum speed limits and ECAM display for the various lever positions: Lever position 1? Lever position 2? Lever position 3? Lever position Full?
Lever position 1 (holding): Slats 18, Flaps 0, EMAC 1, MAX SPD 230kts
Lever position 1 (takeoff): Slats 18, Flaps 10, ECAM 1+F, MAX SPD 215kts
Lever position 2 (takeoff/approach): Slats 22, Flaps 15, ECAM 2, MAX SPD 200kts
Lever position 3 (takeoff/approach/landing): Slats 22, Flaps 20, ECAM 3, MAX SPD 185kts
Lever position Full (landing): Slats 27, Flaps 40, ECAM FULL, MAX SPD 177kts
What is the max speed for:
1) Landing gear extended (VLE)?
2) Extending landing gear (VLO Extension)?
3) Retracting landing gear (VLO Retraction)?
4) Tire speed?
5) Wiper speed?
6) Cockpit window open?
1) Landing gear extended (VLE) = 280kts/M0.67
2) Extending landing gear (VLO Extension) = 250kts/M0.60
3) Retracting landing gear (VLO Retraction) = 220kts/M0.56
4) Tire speed = 195kts
5) Wiper speed = 230kts
6) Cockpit window = 200kts
What is the minimum use hight regarding Auto-Pilot.
1) For takeoff with SRS mode?
2) Straight-in non presicion approach?
3) Cirling?
4) ILS, when CAT 2 & 3 is not display on FMA?
5) PAR
6) Go’ Arounds?
7) All other phases?
1) For takeoff with SRS mode = 100’
2) Straight-in non presicion approach = published MDA
3) Cirling = Circling minima (-100’)
4) ILS, when CAT 2 & 3 is not display on FMA = 160’
5) PAR = 250’
6) Go’ Arounds = 100’
7) All other phases = 500’
What is the lowest temperature to be used on approach when using FINAL APP mode for a non precision?
The lowest temperature is stated on the IAC/IAL. If no temperature is stated, FINAL APP mode is not approved at temps below ISA (-15) degrees
Non precision approach with engine out. What are the rules regarding the use of AP?
If one engine is inoperative, it is not permitted to use the AP to perform NPA’s in the following modes.
2) Nav - VS
3) NAV - FPA
What is the minimum AP use height for.
1) CAT II?
The minimum AP use height is:
1) CAT II - 100’
2) OTS CAT II - 100’
- (A/THR 100’ ON, RVR 75m)
OBS: Windlimits for autoland is:
Head - 30kts
X wind - 20kts
Tail - 10kts
What is the rules regarding AUTO LAND in CAT I or better weather condition?
The effect of terrain profile before the runway threshold (300m) is known not to affect the system.
PF is prepared to disconnect if fluctuations occur.
At least CAT II capabilities is displayed on FMA.
Visual reference is maintained and appropriate to the performed CAT I approach. Otherwise go’ around is initiated.
What is the MAX load per generator?
Max load is 100% = 90KVA
What is the MAX continuous load pr TR?
Max load is 200Amp
What is the MAX altitude for FALPS/SLATS extension?
Max altitude for FLAPS/SLATS extension is 20.000’
Regarding fuel imbalance. What is the maximum allowed imbalance at TAKE-OFF for inner tanks? (outer tanks balanced)
The maximum allowed imbalance at take-off for inner tanks is:
(Heavier tank)
If FULL = Max diff 500kg
If 3000kg = Max diff 1050kg
If 1450kg = Max diff 1450kg
Note: Max allowed imbalance outer tanks is 370kg
Regarding fuel imbalance. What is the maximum allowed imbalance IN FLIGHT & LDG for inner tanks? (outer tanks balanced)
The maximum allowed imbalance at IN FLIGHT & LDG for inner tanks is:
(Heavier tank)
If FULL = Max diff 1500kg
If 4300kg = Max diff 1600kg
If 2250kg = Max diff 2250kg
Note: Max allowed imbalance outer tanks is 690kg
What is the MIN & MAX allowed fuel temp?
MIN -43 degrees (A1)
MIN -36 degrees (A)
MAX +54 degrees
What is the minimum fule quantity for takeoff?
The minimum fuel for takeoff is 1500kg and the WING TK LO LVL must not be displayed.
Fuel management. Which order must the tanks be emptied in?
The order is:
1) Center tanks (T/O is not allowed on center tanks)
2) Wing tanks
What is the normal hydraulic pressure?
Normal HYD pressure is 3000PSI +/- 200PSI
What is the MAX brake temperature for take-off?
MAX brake temp for take-off is:
300 degrees
150 degrees with brake fans on
Which limits apply to TAXI with a flat tire?
1) If 1 tire is deflated on one or more gears (max 3 tires), the limit is 7kts
2) If 2 tires are deflated on the same main gear (the other main gear not being deflated), the limit is 3kts (max turn limit 30 degrees)
APU limits. What is the limit regarding:
2) Start cycles?
3) Max N rotation APU?
4) Max EGT for start?
1) LOW OIL LEVEL ECAM = Maintenance required within 10hours of operation.
2) Start cycles = 3 start motor cutie cycles, wait 60min, then 3 new cycles.
3) Max N rotation APU = 107% (then shuts down)
4) Max EGT for start:
below 25.000’ = 900 degrees
abowe 25.000’ = 982 degrees
Note: max running temp is 682 degrees, then shuts down after 5sec.
above 700 degrees gives immediately shutdown.
APU height limits:
1) Max alt for gen load?
2) Max eng start on ground?
3) Eng start in flight?
4) One pack?
5) Two pack?
1) Max alt for gen load = 39.000’ (below 25.000’ you are secured 90 KVA)
2) Max eng start on ground = 9200’
3) Eng start in flight =
* 20.000’ if speed above 150kts
* 15.000’ if speed below 150kts
4) One pack = 20.000’
5) Two packs= 15.000’
(not allowed for wing AI extraction)
Limits regarding OIL temps & pressure:
1) min prior exceeding idle?
2) min prior t/o?
3) max cont. temp?
4) max temp (15min)?
5) min start temp?
6) min qty?
7) min oil pressure
1) min prior exceeding idle = -10 degrees
2) min prior t/o = 50 degrees
3) max cont. temp = 155 degrees
4) max temp (15min) = 165 degrees
5) min start temp = -40 degrees
6) min qty = 11 qts (0.3/hr using)
7) min oil pressure = 60 PSI
What is the limits regarding engine start attempts?
A) 3 consecutive cycles.
B) For manual start, observe a 2 min maximum start cycle time.
C) Pause between start attempts = 15 s.
D) Cooling period, following 3 start attempts or 5 min of continuous cranking = 30 min .
E) No running engagement of the starter, when N2 is above 10 % on ground, and 18 % in flight.
NOTE: Engine starting is capable in x-wind up to 35kts
Limits regarding use of thrust reversers?
A) It is not permitted to select reverse thrust in flight.
B) It is not permitted to back up the aircraft with reverse thrust.
C) Maximum reverse should not be used below 70 kt (or when the airspeed indication starts to fluctuate).
D) Idle reverse is permitted down to aircraft stop.
Limits regarding the use of FLEX thrust?
Takeoff at reduced thrust is only permitted, if the airplane meets all applicable performance requirements at the planned takeoff weight, with the operating engines at the thrust available for the assumed temperature.
A) Thrust reduction must not exceed 25 % of the full rated takeoff thrust. To meet this requirement, the flexible temperature must not be higher than ISA + 55 °C (T MAX FLEX).
B) The assumed temperature must not be lower than the flat rating temperature, or the current OAT.
C) Takeoff at reduced thrust is not permitted on contaminated runways.
D) Takeoff at reduced thrust is permitted with any inoperative item affecting the performance, only if the associated performance shortfall has been applied to meet all performance requirements at the takeoff weight, with the operating engines at the thrust available for the flex temperature.
Pack Flow Selector A319/320/321?
BELOW how many pax do you set LOW?
All other ops set NORMAL. In extreme humid and hot conditions, set HIGH.
A319 = 138 A320 = 141 A321 = 168 (it's called Econ PB)