Limitations Flashcards
What kind of flight operations are approved?
Day and Night
Icing conditions
Minimum flight crew
Pilot and copilot
Maneuvering limit load factors with the flaps retracted
+2.5g to -1.0g
Maneuvering limit load factors with the flaps extended
+2.0g to 0.0g
Maximum fuel imbalance
600 lbs
Vmo 0 to 8,000 ft
245 KIAS
Maximum Operating Speed
Vmo 10,000 ft
282 KIAS
Vmo 18,000 ft
286 KIAS
Vmo 20,000 ft
275 KIAS
Vmo 25,000 ft
248 KIAS
Vfe 5°
200 KIAS
Maximum Flap Extension Speed
Vfe 10°
181 KIAS
Vfe 15°
172 KIAS
Vfe 35°
158 KIAS
Va: Full application of the rudder and ailerons, and maneuvers that involve angles of attack near the stall, should be confined to speeds below this value
204 KIAS
Maneuvering Speed
200 KIAS
Maximum Gear Operating Speed
215 KIAS
Maximum Gear Extended Speed
210 KIAS
Rough Air airspeed
Maximum Alternate Gear Extension airspeed
185 KIAS (Limited because all wheel well doors remain open after the gear is extended.)
Maximum Operating Altitude
25,000 ft
Maximum altitude for takeoff and landing
10,000 ft
Approach Category
Category C
Approved for CAT II and CAT III approaches?
Maximum runway slope
+2% (uphill) to -2% (downhill)
Maximum tailwind component approved for takeoff with flaps 10° or 15°, or landing with flaps 35°
20 kts
Maximum tailwind component approved for takeoff with flaps 5°, or landing with flaps 10° or 15°
10 kts
Minimum approved runway width
100 ft
Maximum crosswind component for takeoff and landing on a hard, dry or wet, runway
32 kts
Maximum crosswind component for takeoff and landing on a runway with dry, loose snow (4.0 in. for takeoff, 5.1 in. for landing)
18 kts
Maximum crosswind component for takeoff and landing on a runway with standing water, slush, or wet snow
14 kts
- Flight and Ground -
Maximum operating ambient temperature
+50°C or ISA +35°C, whichever is lower
- Flight and Ground -
Minimum operating ambient temperature
If the aircraft is parked in temperatures lower than __°C ( __°F) for longer than __ hours, you must permit a warm-up period for the PFD, MFD, ED, ARCDU & FMS
3 hours
Setting takeoff power prior to brake release, with the nose of the airplane more than __° out of wind, is prohibited for wind speeds greater than __ knots.
8 knots
Single engine taxi [is/is not] authorized.
is not
Reverse taxi [is/is not] authorized.
is not
Auxiliary Fuel Pumps, Tank 1 and Tank 2, [may/must be] on for takeoff and landing.
must be on
Continuous operation with fuel heater outlet temperature indication below __°C or above __° C is prohibited.
- Oil Pressures General -
Oil pressure minimum
44 psi
- Oil Pressures General -
Oil pressure normal operating range
61 to 72 psi
- Oil Pressures General -
Oil pressure transient minimum
44 to 61 psi
- Temperature for Start -
Minimum oil temperature
- Temperature for Start -
Minimum oil temperature above FLT IDLE
- Temperature at Ground Idle -
Minimum oil temperature
- Temperature at Ground Idle -
Maximum oil temperature
- Temperature at Ground Idle -
Maximum oil temperature PLA (Power Lever Angle) between Disc and FLT IDLE
- Temperature above Ground Idle -
Minimum oil temperature
55°C for takeoff in icing conditions
Minimum oil temperature required to ensure engine air inlet ice protection, prior to takeoff is __°C.
Minimum oil temperature required to ensure engine air inlet ice protection, inflight and within __ minutes of setting takeoff power is __°C.
3 minutes
APU is approved for ______ OPERATIONS ONLY and must be ________ prior to takeoff.
APU [may/must not] be operated unattended with __________ _________ or during ________ _________.
must not
passengers onboard
pressure refueling
APU must not be operated during ________ refueling.
APU ambient temperature limits
-35°C to +50°C or ISA +35°C, whichever is lower
With APU inlet louvers installed, APU operation is limited to __°C maximum ambient temperature limit.
APU Starter Cranking Limits
MX required after 3rd failed attempt.
1st Start: ON 60 seconds, OFF 2 minutes
2nd Start: ON 60 seconds, OFF 2 minutes
3rd Start: ON 60 seconds, OFF 30 minutes
Propeller Manufacturer and Model
Dowty Aerospace
Powerplant Manufacturer and Model
Pratt & Whitney
PW 150A
Powerplant ambient temperature limitations
-54°C to +50°C or ISA +35°C, whichever is lower
With Bypass Doors Open, takeoff, landing, and setting MTOP (Maximum Takeoff Power) and MCP (Max Continuous Power) is limited to a maximum ambient temperature of ISA ___°C.
+25° C
Maximum altitude for Airstart
20,000 ft
Automatic Takeoff Power Uptrim
10% torque (nominal)
Powerplant Limits for MTOP (Max T/O Power): (Max Takeoff Rating is limited to 5 minutes.) Maximum Torque \_\_\_% Max ITT (Indicated Turbine Temp) \_\_\_°C Max NL (Low Press Rotor Speed) \_\_\_% rpm Max NH (High Press Rotor Speed) \_\_\_% rpm Max NP (Propeller Speed) \_\_\_ rpm Oil Pressure \_\_\_ to \_\_\_ PSID Oil Temp \_\_\_° to \_\_\_°
Powerplant Limits for MTOP (Max T/O Power): (Max Takeoff Rating is limited to 5 minutes.) Maximum Torque 106% Max ITT (Indicated Turbine Temp) 880°C Max NL (Low Press Rotor Speed) 100% rpm Max NH (High Press Rotor Speed) 100% rpm Max NP (Propeller Speed) 1020 rpm Oil Pressure 61 to 72 PSID Oil Temp 0° to 107°
Maximum Torque ___% for NTOP (Normal Takeoff Power)
Max ITT (Indicated Turbine Temp) (Chart °C)
Max NL (Low Press Rotor Speed) (Chart % rpm)
Max NH (High Press Rotor Speed) (Chart % rpm)
Max NP (Propeller Speed) ___ rpm
Oil Pressure ___ to ___ PSID
Oil Temp ___° to ___°
Maximum Torque 90.3% * for NTOP (Normal Takeoff Power)
Max ITT (Indicated Turbine Temp) (Chart °C)
Max NL (Low Press Rotor Speed) (Chart % rpm)
Max NH (High Press Rotor Speed) (Chart % rpm)
Max NP (Propeller Speed) 1020 rpm
Oil Pressure 61 to 72 PSID
Oil Temp 0° to 107°
* NTOP torque indication will be 90% or 91%.
Powerplant Limits for MCP (Max Continuous Power): Maximum Torque \_\_\_% Max ITT (Indicated Turbine Temp) \_\_\_°C Max NL (Low Press Rotor Speed) \_\_\_% rpm Max NH (High Press Rotor Speed) \_\_\_% rpm Max NP (Propeller Speed) \_\_\_ rpm Oil Pressure \_\_\_ to \_\_\_ PSID Oil Temp \_\_\_° to \_\_\_°
Powerplant Limits for MCP (Max Continuous Power): Maximum Torque 100% Max ITT (Indicated Turbine Temp) 880°C Max NL (Low Press Rotor Speed) 100% rpm Max NH (High Press Rotor Speed) 100% rpm Max NP (Propeller Speed) 1020 rpm Oil Pressure 61 to 72 PSID Oil Temp 0° to 107°
Powerplant Limits for Starting:
Max ITT (Indicated Turbine Temp) ___°C
Oil Pressure ____ PSID
Oil Temp -____° minimum
920°C, 20 seconds maximum
100 PSID, Max oil pressure165 PSID at discing with OAT below 0°C.
- 40° minimum
Transient Powerplant Limits: (Maximum of 20 seconds.) Maximum Torque \_\_\_% Max ITT (Indicated Turbine Temp) \_\_\_°C Max NL (Low Press Rotor Speed) \_\_\_%rpm Max NH (High Press Rotor Speed) \_\_\_%rpm Max NP (Propeller Speed) \_\_\_ rpm Oil Pressure \_\_\_ to \_\_\_ PSID, and Oil Pressure \_\_\_ to \_\_\_ PSID Oil Temp \_\_\_° (5 secs max for torque values above flight idle and less than 55%.)
Transient Powerplant Limits: (Maximum of 20 seconds.) Maximum Torque 135% Max ITT (Indicated Turbine Temp) 920°C Max NL (Low Press Rotor Speed) 102.3%rpm Max NH (High Press Rotor Speed) 101.2%rpm Max NP (Propeller Speed) 1173 rpm Oil Pressure 44 to 61 PSID, and Oil Pressure 72 to 100 PSID Oil Temp 125° (5 secs max for torque values above flight idle and less than 55%.)
Powerplant Limits for Max Reverse: Maximum Torque \_\_\_% Max ITT (Indicated Turbine Temp) \_\_\_°C Max NL (Low Press Rotor Speed) \_\_\_% rpm Max NH (High Press Rotor Speed) \_\_\_% rpm Max NP (Propeller Speed) \_\_\_ rpm Oil Pressure \_\_\_ to \_\_\_ PSID Oil Temp \_\_\_° to \_\_\_°
Powerplant Limits for Max Reverse: Maximum Torque 35% Max ITT (Indicated Turbine Temp) 880°C Max NL (Low Press Rotor Speed) 100% rpm Max NH (High Press Rotor Speed) 100% rpm Max NP (Propeller Speed) 1020 rpm Oil Pressure 61 to 72 PSID Oil Temp 0° to 107°
Engine Starter Cranking Limits
1st Start: ON 70 seconds, OFF 2 minutes
2nd Start: ON 70 seconds, OFF 2 minutes
3rd Start: ON 70 seconds, OFF 30 minutes
Type of fuel prohibited
Usable fuel tank capacity and total fuel
5,862 lbs. per tank
11,724 lbs. total
Maximum engine torque on the ground is ____%
Minimum NH (High Pressure Rotor Speed) on the ground is ___.__%
Maximum wind speed for ground operation, with the nose of the airplane more than 30° out of wind, is __ kts.
50 kts
- Ground Maneuvering -
Maximum power setting with the airplane nose more than 30° out of wind and wind speed 9 to 20 kts
FLIGHT IDLE, momentarily higher for acceleration
- Ground Maneuvering -
Maximum power setting with the airplane nose more than 30° out of wind and wind speed 21 to 35 kts
- Ground Maneuvering -
Maximum power setting with the airplane nose more than 30° out of wind and wind speed 36 to 50 kts
FLIGHT IDLE, Power Levers must be at DISC with airplane static.
Requirement during ground operations when winds exceed 50 kts
Must be recorded and the maximum wind speed provided to MX within 24 hours.
- Ground Static Operation -
Maximum power setting with the airplane nose more than 30° out of wind and wind speed 9 to 20 kts
Power levers angle at 60° (approximately midway between FLIGHT IDLE and Takeoff power detent)
- Ground Static Operation -
Maximum power setting with the airplane nose more than 30° out of wind and wind speed 21 to 35 kts
- Ground Static Operation -
Maximum power setting with the airplane nose more than 30° out of wind and wind speed 36 to 50 kts (gusts to 55 kts)
Inflight operation of the POWER levers aft of the ______ _____ gate is prohibited.
Minimum SAT (Static Air Temp) inflight for engine relight is __°C.
Inflight, the SAT = OAT
For the Standby, Auxiliary, and Main Batteries, the maximum loadmeter reading for takeoff is ____
For the Standby, Auxiliary, and Main Batteries, the minimum battery temperature for takeoff is ___°C
Maximum load air/ground for the AC GEN, DC GEN, and TRU is ___
Maximum altitude for extending or extended landing gear or wing flap is _____
15,000 ft.
Maximum tire speed is ___ kts groundspeed.
182 kts
Normal cabin pressure differential limit is ___
5.46 psi ± 0.1 psi
Maximum cabin pressure differential limit is __
5.95 psi
Maximum cabin pressure differential limit during taxi, takeoff, and landing is ___
0.5 psi
Maximum cabin altitude (pressurized flight) __
8,000 ft.
Explain the wheel brake cooling limits.
Brake cooling times must be observed between a landing or a low-energy rejected takeoff and a subsequent takeoff, to ensure that sufficient brake energy is available to bring the airplane to a complete stop if the subsequent takeoff is rejected.
For engine operation in icing conditions, the _____ ______ ______ doors must be open.
engine intake bypass
When ice is detected, the _______ ____ ______ selector must be positioned at ___.
Icing conditions exist when SAT on the ground and for takeoff is __°C or below, SAT inflight is __°C or below and visible moisture is present (such as clouds, fog with visibility of 1 mile or less, rain, snow, sleet, or ice crystals.
AFCS (Automatic Flight Control System) is approved for autopilot approaches to CAT __ limits only.
I (One)
- AFCS -
APP mode, autopilot engaged approaches, is approved for Flap __° (minimum altitude _____ft AGL).
Also approved for Flap __°, ___°, ___°, and ___°
0°, 1,000 ft
5°, 10°, 15°, 35°
Autopilot must be disengaged in ______ icing.
During autopilot operation, the pilot must be ______ __ ___ _______ ____ _______ _______.
seated at the controls with harness secured.
- AFCS -
Use of ___ without associated ___ is prohibited in APP mode.
- AFCS -
After takeoff or go-around, the minimum height for autopilot engagement is _____ ft. AGL.
1,000 ft.
- AFCS -
For non-precision approaches the autopilot must be disengaged at or above ___ ft. AGL.
200 ft.
- AFCS -
Flight in conditions of ______ atmospheric turbulence with autopilot [engaged/disengaged] is prohibited.
- AFCS -
With an inoperative engine, an autopilot approach must not be continued past the ______ __________ fix or _____ ft. AGL, whichever is lower.
final approach
1,000 ft.
- AFCS -
Autopilot and Flight Director only approaches are approved for glideslope angles of ___° to a maximum of ___°.
- AFCS -
Autopilot approaches have been demonstrated in crosswind components up to __ knots. This [is/is not] considered limiting.
is not
- AFCS -
On precision approaches, the autopilot must be disengaged at or above a minimum altitude of ___ ft. AGL.
200 ft.
Unless the forward and aft cargo compartments are _____, the airplane must not be operated further than __ hour flying time from a suitable airport for landing.
- Avionics -
With Integrated Standby Instrument installed, the airplane must not be operated _______ ____ __ ____ _____ ____ ____ __ _________ _______ ___ _______.
further than 1-hour flying time from a suitable airport for landing.
- Avionics -
To ensure uninterrupted operation of the pilot’s and copilot’s ___, ___, and __, electrical power must be cycled on all displays ____ every __ hours (flying day).
once, 24
- FMS -
Approach Navigation is _________ with the FMS Data Base expired.
- FMS -
IFR enroute and terminal navigation is prohibited with the FMS Data Base expired unless the Pilot ______ ___ _________ ___ __________ __ _________ __ ______ __________.
verifies the waypoints for accuracy by reference to current publications.
- FMS -
When using previously stored flight plans and waypoints, the waypoints must be _______ ___ __________, by reference to current publication, _____ to their use.
verified for accuracy
- FMS -
The aircraft must have approved navigation equipment appropriate to the route of flight installed and operating so as to provide an _________ _____ __ ______.
alternate means of navigation
- FMS -
Flights above __° north latitude or below __° south latitude using the FMS may be conducted only when ________ _________ is input manually into the system or an ________ _____ ________ source is used and no manual variation has been input.
73°, 60°
magnetic variation
alternate true heading
- FMS -
Fuel display parameter is advisory only and [may/must not] be used as the primary means for computing fuel load and range.
must not
The FMS may only be used for navigation guidance if the reference coordinated data system for the intended route is referenced to in ____-__ or ___-__.
- FMS -
Instrument approaches must be conducted in the __________ mode and, for GPS approaches, _____ must be available at the final approach fix.
- FMS -
Instrument approaches must be accomplished in accordance with instrument approach procedures that are retrieved from the ______ __________.
FMS database
- FMS -
On RNAV approaches where vertical guidance (____ Mode) is used, the Company must bug MDA plus ____ ft.
Derived Descent Altitude (DDA) allows for dip during a missed approach without descending below the charted LNAV MDA.
- FMS -
Navigation by means of Pilot-defined, non published approaches under IMC is _____.
- FMS -
P-RNAV operations may only be conducted with the FMS in ____________ mode.
- FMS -
When altitudes are manually entered before or after the __________ compensation function is activated, it may produce VNAV paths with climb segments, and result in a ____ disconnect.
The UNS-1E FMS is approved for ___/___ ________, _______, and approach _____ and _____ operations.
VFR/IFR enroute
- UNS-1E -
Whenever navigation is predicated on the FMS, the _________ _______, Report No. 2423sv801 (or equivalent at current revision), must be available to the Flight Crew.
Operator’s Manual
- UNS-1E -
FMS based ___ and ___ approaches are prohibited.
- UNS-1E -
VNAV vertical path angles greater than __° in enroute and terminal mode and greater than __° in approach mode are prohibited.
- FMS -
All manually entered altitudes must be adjusted with the appropriate _________ _________ before they are entered into the FMS, even if the __________ ____________ function is not active.
temperature correction
temperature compensation
The flight compartment door must be ________ and ________ at all times during flight except to provide access and egress as required per the FOM and SOP400.
At 70°, the minimum Crew Oxygen and Portable Oxygen pressure for dispatch is
3 Crew - 1450 psi
2 Crew - 1050 psi
Portable Oxygen - 1600 psi
Route of flight must be within __ hour(s) flight time of a suitable airport in _____ ____ at normal cruising speed with [one/all] engine(s) operative.
still air
On the ground operation of landing (APPROACH and FLARE) lights is limited to __ minutes. This does not preclude continuous operation of the _____ light.
- Maximum Structural Weight Limits -
Ramp Weight
64,700 lbs. (High Gross Weight)
65,400 lbs. (Enhanced Gross Weight)
- Maximum Structural Weight Limits -
Maximum Takeoff Weight
64,500 lbs. (High Gross Weight)
65,200 lbs. (Enhanced Gross Weight)
- Maximum Structural Weight Limits -
Maximum Landing Weight
61,750 lbs. (High Gross Weight)
62,000 lbs. (Enhanced Gross Weight)
- Maximum Structural Weight Limits -
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
57,000 lbs.(High Gross Weight)
58,000 lbs. (Enhanced Gross Weight)
- High and Enhanced Gross Weight -
Forward CG limit up to 53,000 lbs.
13.8% MAC
- Enhanced Gross Weight -
Forward CG limit for 53,000 lbs. thru 65,200 lbs.
13.8% thru 17.7% MAC
Slopes from 13.8% MAC at 53,000 lbs. to 17.7% MAC at 65,200 lbs.
- High and Enhanced Gross Weight -
Aft CG limit
36% MAC
- High Gross Weight -
Forward CG limit for 53,000 lbs. thru 64,500 lbs.
13.8% thru 17.4% MAC
Slopes from 13.8% MAC at 53,000 lbs. to 17.4% MAC at 65,200 lbs.
- Temperature above Ground Idle -
Maximum Oil Temperature
- Temperature above Ground Idle -
Max. Continuous Oil Temperature
- Engine Rating Limitations -
Maximum Take-Off Power (MTOP) (5071 SHP) ____% TRQ
106% TRQ
This is the maximum power on the operating engine certified and is time limited to 5 minutes.
(SHP - Shaft Horsepower)
- Engine Rating Limitations -
Normal Take-Off (NTOP) (4580 SHP) ____% TRQ
90.3% TRQ
This is the take-off power developed under normal take-off conditions.
(NTOP torque indication will be 90% or 91%.)
- Engine Rating Limitations -
Maximum Continuous Power (MCP) ____% TRQ
100% TRQ
The maximum continuous power rating is the maximum power certified for continuous use. This rating should only be used when required to ensure safe flight (i.e. engine failure).
- Powerplant Limits -
Maximum allowable continuous NP overspeed is ____ rpm
1071 rpm
All flaps ___° landings will be done with a maximum flaps setting of ___° during the approach to the final segment.
35 °
15 °
Minimum Flap Speeds (SOP 50.120.3) Flaps 0° \_\_\_\_ KIAS Flaps 5° \_\_\_\_ KIAS Flaps 10° \_\_\_\_ KIAS Flaps 15° *\_\_\_\_ KIAS * May be lower when in final landing config.
Minimum Flap Speeds (SOP 50.120.3) Flaps 0° 175 KIAS Flaps 5° 160 KIAS Flaps 10° 150 KIAS Flaps 15° *145 KIAS * May be lower when in final landing config.
The combined total load in aft cargo compartment R1 and R2 shall not exceed ______ lbs for the High Gross Weight model or ______ lbs for the Enhanced Gross Weight model.
3,765 lbs.
2,545 lbs.
Aft Cargo Compartment (R2) will not exceed ______ lbs.
1,000 lbs.
Forward Cargo Compartment (F1) will not exceed ______ lbs.
910 lbs.
Minimum pavement width for 180 degree turn (without backing up) is ___ft ___in.
84 ft 5 in
Main Landing Gear strut extension is ___” to ___”
1.5” to 4.5”
Nose Gear Strut extension is ___” to ___”
1” to 3”
Components on #1 Hyd System
Flaps * * Priority Valve closes for press drop
Anti-skid and Normal Brake @
Inboard Spoilers @ @ Isolation Valve closes for qty drop
Rudder (Lower PCU)
Elevator (Outboard PCU)
Power Transfer Unit (PTU) *
(Another good acronym other than FAIREP is BARFPIE. Good because it separates Brakes and Anti-skid.)
Components on #2 Hyd System
Landing Gear @ @ Isolation Valve closes for qty drop Outboard Spoilers @ Nose wheel Steering @ Elevator (Center PCU) Rudder (Upper PCU) Emergency Brake @
Aircraft Dimensions (SOP 20.20)
Wing Span ____ft ____in
Length ____ft ____in
Height ____ft ____in
Propeller Diameter ____ft ____in
Aircraft Dimensions (SOP 20.20)
Wing Span 93 ft 3 in
Length 107 ft 9 in
Height 27 ft 4 in
Propeller Diameter 13 ft 6 in