Limitations Flashcards
Cat II
Max Headwind
Max X-Wind
Max Tailwind
Headwind 16 kts
Crosswind 15
Tailwind 10
Flight Deck Door
The flight deck door must be kept closed and locked at all times during flight, except to permit access and egress in accordance with the FOM and this CFM. Any time the flight deck door is opened in flight, a challenge and response closing and locking verification must be used to verify that the door is closed and locked. Any time one of the required Flight Crew leaves the flight deck, another Crewmember (Flight Attendant or Flight Observer) must be present in the flight deck to ensure the required Crewmember is not locked out of the flight deck.
Passenger Door
4 Pax/1000 lbs
- Within 45 minutes of a suitable airport if cargo is carried
- 3500 lbs max
Max Pressure Altitude for T/O and Ldg
10,000 ft
Max Operating Altitude
41,000 ft
37,000 ft (Company)
Max Operating Altitude
Single Pack
25,000 ft
Max ambient temp for T/O and Ldg
ISA +35*
Min ambient temp for T/O
Max Taxi and Ramp Weight
53,250 lbs
Maximum T/O Weight
53,000 lbs
Max Landing Weight
47,000 lbs
Max Zero Fuel Weight
44,000 lbs
Minimum Flight Weight
30,000 lbs
Max Tailwind
10 kts
Max X-Wind
27 Kts
Max X-Wind
15 kts
Cowl Anti Ice
- 10* or below visible moisture or contaminated surfaces.
- TAT 10* in icing conditions except when SAT
- 40* or below.
- Ice annunciated
Wing Anti-Ice
Ground Ops
Icing Conditions Exist
- OAT 5* or less
- Visible moisture below 400 ft
- Contaminated Runway
- Precip
- Must be on for final taxi unless anti ice fluid applied
- On for T/O if icing conditions exist
Wing Anti-Ice
Flight Ops
TAT 10* or below with visible moisture
- ICE Annunciated
- Below 230 kts in icing conditions
Super Cooled Large Droplet Icing
Ice accretion on the side windows
- Wing/Cowl anti-ice on
- Leave Icing conditions
Vlo Retract
Vlo Extend
Max Tire Speed
Max Turbulent Air Penetration
280 or .75
Whichever is lower
Max Wiper Speed
If wiper has failed in the non-parked position, 220 kts max
Minimum operating speed limit
Intentional speed reduction below the onset of stall warning, as defined by stick shaker operation, is prohibited, unless a lower speed is specifically authorized for flight test or training operations.
Engine Type
Airplane Cold Soaked
FFOD -30* for more than 8 hours
- Engines motored and fan rotation verified for 60 sec before engine started
- Reversers actuated until deploy/stow less than 5 sec
Continuous Ignition
• Takeoff and landings on contaminated runways
• Takeoffs with high cross-wind components (>27 knots, Company)
• Moderate or heavier intensity rain
• Moderate or heavier intensity turbulence
• Vicinity of thunderstorms
Engine operation at or near the shaker and pusher settings is predicated on an operable auto-ignition system
Starter limits
Ground or Air
No starter above 55% N2
Engine Start
1st-60s on 10s off
2nd-60s on 10s off
3rd+ 60s on 5m off
Thrust lever movement from shutoff to idle
Dry Motor Cycle
May be used for ground or air starts
1st-90s on 5m off
2nd+ 30s on 5m off
Flex T/O
- Less than 85% N1
- Engine cannot achieve full rated thrust
- Anti-ice used
- Contaminated Rwy
- Windshear/Downdraft warnings
- Special Departure Procedure says no
- Anti-skid inop
- May be used on WET Rwy is loaded in Aerodata
- No lower than 85% N1
- APR Off data used for assumed temp (auto handled by Aerodata)
Fuel Limitations
- Max imbalance-800 lbs
- Fuel remaining when gauge reads 0 is unusable.
- T/O with more than 500 in the center prohibited unless 4400 lbs in each wing
Min fuel for Go-around
450 per wing @ 10* nose up
Max fuel load
Min bulk fuel temp
Fuel crossflow
Gravity and powered crossflow must be OFF for T/O
Min temp for APU start
APU start cycle
30s-2m off
30s-20m off
30s-2m off
30s-40m off
APU start cycle
DC power
15s-2m off
15s-20m off
15s-2m off
15s-40m off
APU Bleed Air Limitations
- AC-15,000 ft
- Eng Starts (in air)-13,000 ft
- Eng Starts (on gnd)- do not exceed 70% N2
Max differential Pressure
8.7 to -0.5
Ground 0.1
Max at touchdown 1.0
Do not operate past -1500 in manual mode
Low press ground air used-cabin door must be open
Max permissible time on gnd with DC power
5 min for CRT cooling
Max flap altitude
15,000 ft
Enroute use prohibited
Min fuel for T/O when a T/O alternate is listed
5,000 lbs
Flight spoilers
Not permitted below 1,000 ft
Vref+17 kts
Prohibited with flaps greater than 30*
Thrust Reversers
- Gnd only
- Full stop Ldg only
- T/O prohibited with unlk light, Rev icon, Unlk caution msg
- not permitted below 60 kts, at idle below 60 kts.
Taxi lights
10 min max when stationary
Auto Pilot
-DES submode prohibited durning appch
-not below 600’
-visual/non precision 400’
Precision 80’
-autopilot on same side as transponder while in RVSM