Limitations Flashcards
Vlo retraction
Vlo extension
Vlo-R: 200kt
Vlo-E: 250kt
Vle: 250kt
Flaps maximum speed
9°- 250kias
18°- 200kias
22°- 200kias
45°- 145kias
Pitch trim maximum speed after T/O without retrimming
160 kias
Maximum recommended speed to remove direct vision windows
140 kias
Turbulent air penetration speed
Above FL100: 250kias/M.63
Below: 200kias
Maximum recommended wind speed
Tail: 10kt Crosswind: Dry / wet - 30kt Snow - 25kt Standing water/slush - 20kt Ice - 10kt
Manouver load factors
Flaps up: +2.5g / -1.0g
Flaps down: 2.0g / no negative g
Slope +2% / -2%
- Do not acount man-made obstacles;
- TERRAIN SYS OVRD must be pressed 15NM before T/O or approach:
- –if there is no ifr procedure;
- –if the RWY is not included in database; or
- –if longest RWY is shorter than 1070m.
Max load:
Main generator - 400A
Below FL300 - 400A
Above - 300A
Max batt temp - 70°c
Batt - 28V / 19~24 - charge / >19 change
GPU - 28V (-2/+1)
Fuel QTY
Max usbl qty per tank - 2573 L
Unsbl - 27 L (Any pump inop - 149 L)
Max imbalance - 363 kg
Fuel tank temperature
52°C / -40°C
2.900 PSI (+/- 200 PSI)
IRS knob
Should never be moved to ATT on the ground
APU General
Min start temp: -54°c Max start alt C11: FL250/FL300 C14: FL300 Max Alt: FL370 Rotor speed: 108% (C14 auto shut at 104%)
APU Temperatures
EGT start: 884°c (C11 may reach 924° above FL250 for 10”)
continuos: 680°c / 717°f for 5’ (C14 may reach 734°c for 3” for APU assisted in-flight start)
APU Starter
Between 3 starts - 1’ off
Between 2 series of 3 starts - 30’ off
Engine N1 / N2 / ITT
N1: 100% N2: 102.4% (pos SB 102.5%) ITT: start 800°c T/O 948°c - 5' Continuos 901°c
Engine Oil Pressure / Temp / Vibration
Oil Press: MIN - below 88% - 34 PSI Above - 50 PSI MAX - 95 PSI (115 PSI for 5', 155 PSI for 2') OIL TEMP: MIN . 21°c (-40°c for start) MAX - 126°c Vibration: LP 1.8 IPS HP 1.1 IPS ***Or 2.5 IPS for 5' during t/o or go around and 10" during the reminder flight fase.
Engine Starter
On ground:
5’ on - 5’ off or,
first to fourth cycles 1’ on - 1’ off and following cycles 5’ off
In flight:
5’ with no cool down time required.
Automatic Take off thrust control system (ATTCS)
ATTCS must be operative to select ALT T/O-1 mode.
For acft eqp with FADEC previous than 8.0 must to perform a check once a week at max take off and checking engine parameters.
Thruster reverser
Do not attempt a go around after deployment of the reversers. Select of thrust reverser before touchdown is prohibited.
Engine Warm-up / cool down
Warm up : 4’ for cold (shutdown for more than 90’) or 2’ for warm engines.
To increase N2 above 83% eng oil temp must be at 40°c min
Cooldown: 1’ at idle or taxi thrust.
Max differential press: 7.8 PSI
Max differential overpress: 8.1 PSI
Max differential negarive press: -0.3 PSI
Icing conditions
Max temp for anti-icing ops: 10°c
Min temp for manual a/i ops: -40°c
Single engine or single bleed ops max altitude in icing conditions: FL150.
Maximum windshield speed operation
170 KIAS
For airplanes with single glide slope receiver the approach may be flown usung normal procedures no lower than localizer MDA.
To perform an ILS, the acft must have 2 operating g/s receivers and use independent data and displays.
-For acft pre SB 145-31-0016 use of AP below 1500ft is permitted only when coupled to the P1 FD;
-minimum DA during an ILS: 200ft AGL;
-minimum engagement after t/o:500ft AGL;
-malfunction: cruise 80ft
maneuver 40ft
ILS 15ft
-single engine go-around is prohibited;
-descent below mda with AP is prohibited;
-APP mode during localizer only when inbound;
Go-around in basic mode is allowed only with wings level.
-go-around height loss: 75ft
-Instrument app procedures prohibited with DGR/DR annunciated on PFD;
Flaps: Takeoff - 22° Landing - 45° RWY: no standing water, when wet both reversers must be operational. No t/o or landing during thunderstorm or heavy rain. Max. Tail wind: 10kt Crosswind: 15kt RVR: 1500m