Limitations Flashcards
What is the G limit with slats and or flaps extended?
0g to + 2g
What is the maximum G in clean configuration?
-1g to + 2.5g
What is the maximum taxi weight of the A320?
75,900 kg
What is the maximum take off weight of the A320?
75,500 kg
What is the maximum landing weight of the A320?
64,500 kg
What is the maximum zero fuel weight of the A320?
61,000 kg
When is an immediate landing above MLW acceptable?
In exceptional circumstances (inflight turn back or diversion).
What is the mean runway slope limit?
Plus or minus 2%
What is the maximum runway altitude?
9,200 feet
What is the nominal runway width?
45 meters
What is the maximum cross wind for take off or landing?
38 kt
What is the minimum runway width?
When is use of a 30m runway not allowed?
Dispatch from / to narrow runways is not allowed in the case of
- 1 brake or more INOP
Is auto land permitted on a 30m runway?
What is the maximum tail wind for takeoff?
What is the maximum tailwind for landing?
What is the maximum tailwind for automatic landing and rollout?
What is the maximum wind speed for passenger door operation?
What is the maximum wind speed for cargo door operation?
What is the maximum wind speed for cargo door operation with the nose into wind or cargo door on the leeward side?
What is the maximum wind speed before the cargo door must be closed?
Under what contaminated runway conditions is takeoff NOT recommended?
- wet ice
- water on top of compacted snow
- dry snow or wet snow over ice
What is VMO?
What is MMO?
M 0.82
What is the maximum speed in config 1?
230 kt
What is the maximum speed in config 1 + F?
215 kt
What is the maximum speed in config 2?
What is the maximum speed in config 3?
What is the maximum speed in config FULL?
What is the maximum speed with landing gear extended?
VLE = 280kt / M0.67
What is the maximum speed at which the landing gear maybe extended?
VLO extension = 250kt
What is the maximum speed at which the landing gear may be retracted?
VLO retraction = 220kt
What is the maximum altitude at which the landing gear may be extended?
What is the maximum tyre speed?
Ground speed = 195kt
What is the maximum speed for using wind shield wipers?
What is the maximum speed with the cockpit window open?
What is the maximum cornering speed when the taxi weight is higher than 76,000kg?
What is the maximum differential for opening the RAM air inlet?
When using LP ground air what must not be used?
The packs (to avoid chattering of the non return valves)
When using HP ground air what must NOT be used?
APU bleed to avoid bleed system damage.
What is the maximum positive differential pressure?
What is the maximum negative differential pressure?
What is the safety relief valve setting pressure?
What is the maximum and safety valve setting tolerance?
+/- 7hPa or 0.1psi
In AVEC normal config, what is the no limitation OAT?
What is the minimum height for use of autopilot on takeoff with SRS mode?
100 ft AGL
What is the minimum time after liftoff before FMGS logic will allow autopilot engagement?
5 seconds
What is the minimum height for use of autopilot for straight-in NPA?
Applicable MDA (MDH)
What is the minimum height for use of autopilot for in straight-in LNAV/VNAV approach normal?
Applicable DA
What is the minimum height for use of autopilot for circling approach?
MDA/MDH -100ft
What is the minimum height for use of autopilot for ILS approach when CAT2 or CAT3 is not displayed on the FMA?
160 ft AGL
What is the minimum height for use of autopilot or flight director engagement during a go-around?
100ft AGL
What is the minimum height for use of autopilot in all other cases?
500 ft AGL
The FCU altitude must be set above what for use of AP or FD in OPEN DES or DES mode during approach?
MDA (MDH) or 500ft, whichever is higher.
What must be checked before NAV mode may be used after takeoff?
FMGS runway updating
For what approach types may NAV or NAV and FINAL APP mode be used?
- NDB/DME; or
FINAL APP mode guidance capability with GPS PRIMARY has been demonstrated down to a barometric MDH/DH of ____ ft?
250 ft
For GPS approach, what must be available?
NAV mode may be used in the Terminal area provided:
- GPS PRIMARY is available; or
- HIGH accuracy is displayed and the appropriate RNP is checked or entered on the MCDU; or
- NAVAID raw data is monitored
What is the minimum ILS CAT II decision height?
100ft AGL
If conducting an automatic approach WITHOUT autoland, what is the minimum height for disconnecting the AP?
80ft AGL
What is the minimum decision height for ILS CAT3 fail passive?
50ft, and A/THR must be used in selected or managed speed
What is the ILS CAT3 DUAL alert height?
What is the minimum CAT 3 A DH?
What is the minimum CAT3B RVR?
In what configuration/s is OEI CAT II or CAT III fail passive autoland available?
FULL, but only if engine out procedures are completed by 1000ft in approach
What are the maximum wind limits for autoland?
- HW: 30kts
- XW: 20kts
- TW: 10kts
What is the authoritative source for wind information when doing an autoland?
ATC reported wind is the authoritative source and ND indicated wind may be disregarded.
What must be done if ATC report a surface wind that exceeds the autoland limit?
The autoland must be discontinued and CAT I minima used for a manual landing or go-around
What is the minimum and maximum ILS beam slope that can be used for autoland?
-2.5* to -3.15*
What is the maximum demonstrated autoland weight?
What is the maximum airport elevation for autoland?
6,500ft in the FCOM but 2,500ft in Part A!!!
What is the maximum demonstrated wind correction for autoland?
For what runway surface conditions has autoland been demonstrated?
Dry and Wet
- Performance on snow covered or icy runways has not been demonstrated
What is the max continuous load per generator?
100% (90kVA)
What is the max continuous load per TR?
What is the maximum operating altitude with slats or flaps extended?
With full tip tanks, what is the maximum allowed imbalance with the other inner tank full?
1500kg (under normal conditions)
What is the maximum outer tank imbalance?
What are the Jet A1 temperature limits?
-43* to +54*
At what fuel quantity will the WING TK LO LVL warning be triggered?
750kg in each tank (total 1,500kg)
- Takeoff is not permitted with the WING TK LO LVL warning displayed
What is the normal operating pressure of the Hydraulic system?
3000psi +/- 200psi
What is the maximum brake temperature for takeoff with fans OFF?
What should be done if the brake temperature indicates >150*C before takeoff with the fans ON?
Delay Takeoff for cooling below 150*C
By what methods may the A/BRK be disengaged?
By pressing the push button of the armed mode; or
By applying sufficient pressure to the brake pedals
With one tyre deflated on one or more gears, what is the taxi speed limit for turning?
7 kt, but only after an external inspection
How many tires may be deflated for taxi?
One on each gear with a 7kt speed limit for turning
If two tires are deflated on the same main gear (with the others not being deflated) what is the the taxi speed limit?
3 kt
What is the NWS limit with two tires deflated on one main gear?
30* (with a speed limit of 3 kt)
What is the NWS hand wheel steering limit?
75 degrees
When must the ISIS bug function not be used?
If both PFD’s are lost
Below what indicated Oxygen pressure must the dispatch requirements be checked?
1,500psi (Part A P233)
Oxygen pressure above the minimum for dispatch guarantees NORMAL diluted oxygen pressure during an emergency descent for all cockpit members for how many minutes?
13 minutes (based on a sealed mask, may be shorter with a beard)
Oxygen pressure at or above the minimum for dispatch guarantees how many minutes of cruise at FL100 in the NORMAL diluted setting?
107 minutes (based on a sealed mask, may be shorter with a beard)
The minimum flight crew oxygen pressure guarantees all cockpit members 15 minutes of oxygen at what cabin altitude?
8000ft (based on a sealed mask, may be shorter with a beard)
How many hours may the APU be started and operated with the LOW OIL LEVEL ECAM advisory displayed?
10 hours
How many consecutive APU starter duty cycles be attempted?
After 3 APU starter duty cycles, how long must you wait before attempting another three cycles?
60 minutes
What is the APU operation and restart limit?
What is the APU battery start limit? (EMER ELEC CONFIG)
What is the maximum APU generator load?
100% / 90kVA
What is the maximum altitude for 100% APU ELEC power extraction at ISA +35*C?
25,000ft (same as the BATT start limit)
When is APU bleed available for WAI?
It is not permitted
Below 150kts, APU bleed is available for engine start up to what altitude?
What is the maximum altitude that the APU can be used to start an engine above 150kt?
What is the maximum altitude that APU bleed may be used to supply one pack?
What is the maximum altitude that APU beed may be used to supply both packs?
What limitations are imposed on the use of TOGA for takeoff or go-around?
- 5 mins @ 635*C
- 10 mins @635*C if OEI
What limitations apply to the use of MCT?
- Time = unlimited
- EGT = 610*C
What is the minimum oil temperature prior to exceeding idle?
What is the minimum oil temperature prior to takeoff?
What is the max continuous oil temperature?
What is the max transient oil temperature?
165*C (For 15 minutes)
What is the minimum starting temperature?
What is the minimum oil quantity for flight?
11 quarts + 0.3qt/hr of estimated flight time
- FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-06 P16/20
What is the minimum oil pressure?
What is the max engine N1?
100% dependent on ambient conditions and engine air bleed configuration which may induce a lower limit.
What is the maximum N2?
What are the starter duty limit cycles?
- 2 x two minutes + 1 x one minute with 15 sec pauses; or
- 1 x four minute continuous crank
After reaching the engine starter duty limit how long must the system be allowed to cool?
30 minutes
What are the engine starter running engagement limits?
- 10% N2 on the ground; or
- 18% N2 in flight
What limitations apply to the use of MAX reverse thrust under normal conditions?
- Must not be used in flight
- Must not be used to back the aircraft up
- Should not be used below 70kt (or when IAS starts to fluctuate)
- Idle reverse may be used down to a stop
What is the maximum FLEX takeoff thrust reduction?
What is the maximum T-FLEX temperature?
The assumed temperature must not be lower than:
- The flat rating temperature; or
- The current OAT
What runway conditions apply to the use of reduced thrust for takeoff?
Not permitted on contaminated runways
Is a reduced thrust takeoff permitted with inoperative items affecting the performance?
Yes; if the associated performance shortfall has been applied to meet all performance requirements at the takeoff weight with the engines operating at the thrust available for the flex temperature.
What is the maximum crosswind for starting engines on the ground?
What is the NWS tiller angular limit?
What is the towing and pushback NWS angular limit?
LIM-32 P1/2