Limitations Flashcards
Memory Item
Smoke / fumes / avionics smoke
- Oxy mask … On / 100% / EMER
2. Crew communication… Establish
Memory Item:
Loss of braking
- Brake pedals…
2a. Reverse… rqd
2b. Brake pedals….release
2c. A/skid NWS…
2d. Brake pedals….press
2e. Max pressure…1000 psi - IF STILL NO BRAKING
3a. Max Reverse….consider
3b. Parking brake…short applications
Memory Item
Emergency descent
- Oxy mask…..on
2. Crew communication …. Establish
A320 landing weight
A321 max landing weight
Max tailwind
Takeoff 15 kts (2014-F001TR)
Landing 10 kts
Max crosswind
38 kts (gust included)
Aircraft ceiling
39,100 ft
Max windshield wiper speed
230 kts
Engine start cycles
2 min on 15 sec off 2 min on 15 sec off 1 min on 30 min off
Engine cooling after 3 starts or 4 min
30 min off
Simultaneous use of _____ and low pressure ground cart is prohibited
AC packs
Simultaneous use of APU pneumatic and ___ is prohibited
HP cart
Airplane General
You see a flashing OPEN light next to the cockpit door switch (with the associated aural alarm). What does this mean?
You select the toggle to the lock position. What does this do?
Someone is trying to gin entry via the keypad
LOCK: Door is locked, and emergency access is not available for
5 to 20 minutes.
•Our SOP is to leave the NO SMOKING sign in the AUTO position. What happens with the switch in the ON position that is different from the AUTO position?
AUTO: The NO SMOKING signs stay lit. The EXIT signs illuminate
when the landing gear is extended and extinguish when the gear
is retracted. A low-tone chime sounds.
ON: Turns NO SMOKING and EXIT signs on. Low-tone chime sounds.
EMER LT battery charging inhibited.
•When does the AUTO function of the STROBE Light switch turn the strobes on?
Strobe lights come on automatically when the aircraft be-
comes airborne.
If the Pressuriztion schedule cannot be automatically set by the FMGS, how would you set 2350’ landing elevation
Select MANUAL, rotate knob out of auto detent. Set elevation
What is the effect of setting Econ flow to on (A321)
Air flow reduced by 20%
•If you have selected the EXPED mode, what do you have to do to get out of this mode when it is no longer desired?
EXPED mode may be disengaged by selecting a different vertical mode
•On takeoff, what speed does SRS command…
–Normally (all engines operating)?
–If an engine failure is detected?
> For takeoff, V2 + 10
>If a failure is detected, to maintain the greater of V2 or current speed, up to V2 + 15.
•When does SRS change to another vertical mode?
will disengage automatically at acceleration altitude or when another vertical mode is engaged.
•What does the lateral mode RWY represent?
RWY mode provides steering guidance during the takeoff roll and initial climb if a localizer signal is available
•During a normal takeoff, when will the A/THR become engaged?
Setting the thrust levers between the CL and IDLE detents (two engines running)
•Based on the FMA, what FMA change(s) will take place if HDG is pulled?
OPEN CLB | HDG |. Will be active
•Based on the FMA, what FMA change(s) will take place if HDG is pulled?
DES changes to VS
NAV changes to HDG
•Is the Managed DES mode available if Speed is Selected (rather than Managed)?
•During an ILS Approach, you see LAND on the FMA…
–At what altitude do you expect this?
–What does it mean?
-400’ RA
LAND indicates that the LOC and GS Modes are locked. No action on the FCU will disengage
the LAND Mode.
•During an autoland, with the FMA “FLARE” indication shown below, what should the autopilot and autothrust be doing?
40’ RA
FLARE indicates that the autopilot is aligning the yaw axis with the runway centerline and
flaring in pitch. If A/THR is active during an autoland, thrust is automatically reduced to idle.
Note: This should not be confused with the fly-by-wire flight control “flare mode”.
- What are the three methods available to disconnect the Autothrust?
- Which of these will cause a “Thrust Lock” condition?
- Thrust levers to idle
- Instinctive disconnect
- A/THR push button
A/thrust push button will cause a THRUST LOCK
•What action is required to restore conventional manual thrust control from a “Thrust Lock” condition?
Moving the thrust levers out of the CL (or MCT) detent disengages
thrust lock and restores conventional manual operation of the thrust levers.
•If the A/THR instinctive disconnect push button is pressed while the Thrust Levers are in the Climb detent, what will happen to the Thrust?
Whatever TLA the thrust is at will be commanded
- What will trigger ALPHA FLOOR protection to engage?
* What does this mode do?
. When Alpha Floor triggering conditions are met (primarily high
angle of attack), A/THR commands TOGA thrust regardless of thrust lever position.
(This protection is available only in Normal Law.)
•The aircraft is in Normal Law, but the Autothrust system has been selected OFF for the approach. If a high AOA is experienced, is ALPHA FLOOR available?
•When the aircraft leaves Alpha Floor conditions what FMA change will occur?
TOGA Lock is engaged. This occurs subsequent to Alpha Floor activation when the
aircraft leaves the Alpha Floor conditions. In TOGA Lock, TOGA thrust is still being
commanded. To disengage TOGA Lock, the A/THR must be disconnected.
- What does TOGA LK mean?
* How would you disengage TOGA LK?
In TOGA Lock, TOGA thrust is being
commanded. To disengage TOGA Lock, the A/THR must be disconnected.
What automatically occurs if you have a APU fire on the ground?
Automatic shutdown and extinguish on ground only.
- AC BUS 1 has just failed. Will the AC ESS BUS remain powered?
- Which bus supplies the AC ESS BUS in this condition?
AC Bus 2 via the AC ESS Feed
•What does the AC ESS FEED FAULT light represent?
AC ESS bus is not powered
- What does a FAULT light in the IDG 2 pb represent?
* What changes will be observed on this panel after the IDG 2 pb is confirmed and pressed per the ECAM?
1.The IDG oil outlet overheats.
2 The IDG oil pressure is low.
You will also get a GEN 2 fault
•Refer to panel below: The aircraft is parked at the gate following a single engine taxi. What electrical source is supplying AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2?
GEN 1 dark
Ext pwr ON
GEN 2 fault
AC bus 1 - gen 1
AC bus 2 - ext pwr
•For an Engine Fire system test, what indications are we looking for in the cockpit?
1 A continuous repetitive chime sounds.
2 The MASTER WARN lights flash.
3 ENG FIRE 1(2) warning appears on ECAM.
4 The ENG FIRE pb illuminates red.
5 SQUIB lights illuminate white if discharge supplies are available.
6 DISCH lights illuminate amber.
7 FIRE light on ENG panel (pedestal) illuminates red.
•Cargo smoke
What does the amber DISCH 1 light represent?
Illuminates amber when the bottle has low
Cargo Smoke
•When you discharge Agent 2, what indication would you expect to immediately see on the Cargo Smoke Panel?
DSCH AGENT 2 Light extinguishes when agent 2 squib is ignited.
•In Normal Law, what are you actually commanding when you move the side stick forward and aft?
Load factor
What are you commanding by moving the stick left and right
Roll rate
During Manual flight, you notice these two lights on the glareshield flashing, what does this indicate?
|CAPT|. |F/O|. (Green)
Dual input.
CAPT and FO flash green when the pilots move both sidesticks si-
multaneously and neither takes priority; is accompanied by“DUAL
INPUT” aural warning.
If the CA were to push his/her side stick forward, while the FO was making a side stick input in an equal amount in the opposite direction, what would be the aircraft pitch response?
Dual Inputs are summed
•Both pilots should not make control inputs at the same time. If a pilot needs to takeover the controls what should be done to prevent dual input?
Press the takeover push button
•How long should you hold the Takeover pushbutton to lockout the opposite sidestick?
40 seconds
During manual flight, you notice on the glareshield these two lights illuminated. What does this indicate?
➡️red. F/O. Green
Left or Right arrow illuminates red in front of the pilot losing authority. Accompanied by a “PRIORITY LEFT” or “PRIORITY RIGHT” audio message each time priority is taken. Light extinguishes if authority is recovered.
Green CAPT or F.O. light illuminates on side with priority if control inputs are commanded on opposite sidestick
•Can an AP be engaged after a sidestick is locked out?
•Can you exceed the g-load (load factor) protections in Normal Law?
Load Factor Limitation
The load factor is automatically limited to:
• Flaps retracted: +2.5G to -1.0G
• Flaps extended: +2.0G to -0.0G
•Can you stall the aircraft in Alternate Law?
Low Speed Stability
A low speed stability function replaces the normal angle of attack protection, and is activated approximately 5 to 10 knots above the stall warning. With low speed stability, a gentle nose-down command is initiated which attempts to keep the speed from slowing further. This command can be overridden by the sidestick. The airplane can be stalled in alternate law. An audio stall warning consisting of “crickets” and a “stall” aural
message is also activated.
•Is Load Factor protection available in Alternate Law?
Alternate law FLIGHT MODE
The flight mode is a load factor demand law with automatic trim similar to the normal pitch law; however, with reduced protections.
•Is Auto Trimming available in Alternate Law?
The flight mode is a load factor demand law with automatic trim similar to the normal pitch law;
•You are in Alternate Law as you begin the approach. After lowering the landing gear, the PFD displays this message… What has occurred?
Direct Law, no protections, conventional airplane
•If the speed brake handle is armed, what is required to activate the Ground Spoilers during a rejected takeoff?
speed greater than 72 knots, Ground spoilers are armed and both thrust levers are at or near idle
•With the AP ON, what maximum speed brake setting is available…
–On the A320
–On the A321
A320 flaps 1-3 half, flaps full inhibited
A321 flaps 1-2 full, flaps 3-full inhibited
•Speed Brakes are inhibited (and will auto-retract if extended) in relation to what Flap setting(s)…
–for the A320
–for the A321
A320 - Full
A321 - 3 and Full
In normal law, with auto thrust off, what occurs if the aircraft slows towards alpha prot
“SPEED, SPEED, SPEED” is repeated every 5 seconds to indicate that the airplane energy is lower than a threshold under
which to recover a positive flight path angle through pitch control, thrust must be increased.
What protection would occur at a pre determined AOA between alpha port and alpha max?
The α floor function, which occurs at a predetermined angle of attack between α prot and α max, engages the autothrust system. TO/GA thrust is
provided regardless of thrust lever position.
During the approach, in Normal Law, you hear the aural warning, “SPEED, SPEED, SPEED”. What does this represent?
A Low Energy Warning is triggered during deceleration before alpha floor is reached. (The delay between the two warnings depends on
deceleration rate.) “SPEED, SPEED, SPEED” is repeated every 5 seconds to indicate that the airplane energy is lower than a threshold under
which to recover a positive flight path angle
What does Alpha Max represent?
•If the Sidestick is held full aft, will Alpha Max be exceeded?
alpha max is the highest AOA possible
α max cannot be exceeded even if
the sidestick is pulled and held fully back against the mechanical stop. If the sidestick is released, the angle of attack returns to and maintains α
- The aircraft is in Alternate or Direct law. What occurs as the aircraft slows to within 5-10 kts of stall warning speed if Low Speed Stability is available?
- What would occur if the Sidestick is pulled further aft?
With low speed stability, a gentle nose-down command is initiated which attempts to keep the speed from slowing further. This command can be
overridden by the sidestick. The airplane can be stalled in alternate law
- What is indicated by the green equal ‘=‘ sign at the top of the speed tape?
- What occurs if the aircraft reaches this speed?
• The green ‘=’ sign indicates the speed at which overspeed protection becomes active.
This is VMO + 6 knots.
The aircraft will pitch up.
•If an evacuation is initiated from the Cabin, what indications would we have on the Flight Deck?
In Flight deck the EVAC light flashes red.
Horn sounds.
If your ACP failed, how would you communicate?
CAPT 3: The CAPT uses their acoustic equipment and the third
occupant’s ACP
F/O 3: The F/O uses their acoustic equipment and the third occu-
pant’s ACP.
In cruise you are painting an area of weather 60NM ahead. With the radar panel and EFIS panel set as shown below, would you be able to identify turbulence in the precipitation?
Arc - 80 mi
Wx/turb selected, radar on
WX/TURB: The ND depicts the magenta turbulent areas in precipitation within 40 nm.
•Assume that the Radar system was selected OFF and WINDSHEAR was selected to AUTO. Windshear is predicted ahead of your flight path. Will you receive a Predictive Windshear alert?
AUTO: Predictive windshear function is activated even if Weather
Radar transceiver selector is in the OFF position. Selected for all
flight operations. The outer ND knob must be rotated clockwise
to view returns
•You have just selected the ALIGN IRS prompt on the MCDU. What would cause the IR ALIGN lights to begin flashing immediately?
ALIGN: Flashes white when system detects
1 IR alignment fault, or
2 No present position entry after 10 minutes, or
3 Difference between position at shut down and entered position exceeds 1° of latitude or longitude.
4 A/C Movement
•Describe the required steps to tune and track a VOR radial after selecting STBY NAV
Select NAV on ACP
Input freq and course
Select Rose VOR
•If the TERR pushbutton shows a FAULT, what has been lost?
FAULT: Illuminates with an ECAM caution if terrain detection func-
tion fails. The basic GPWS modes 1-5 are still operative.
•What does a flashing amber FAULT light indicate above the IR3 rotary switch?
FAULT: Flashes amber when attitude and heading may be recovered in ATT mode.
•If you have an ADR3 failure and the ECAM or QRH directs you to turn ADR3 off, which button or switch would you use?
The ADR push button below the IR rotary switch
•What occurs when the RACK POWER is selected OFF?
OFF: (white) Power is removed from the aft avionics rack. WADL, CMVC, LIVE TV and XM Satellite Radio systems completely shut off.
With the MODE SEL in the AUTO position, and fuel in the center tank, will fuel feed directly to the engine from the center tank?
What is represented by a FAULT light in the Center Tank MODE SEL pushbutton?
the center tank has more than 560 lbs of
fuel and the left or right wing tank has less than 11,000 lbs.
•With the MODE SEL in the MAN position, what does a FAULT light in the CTR TK R XFR pushbutton represent?
Illuminates with associated ECAM message if wing tank is overflowing.
•You are in flight with the number 2 engine shutdown. While slowing to approach speed the ENG 2 PUMP indicates a FAULT due to low pump pressure. Is any pilot action required to restore Yellow system pressure?
Yes, turn on the yellow electric pump
•While in flight, Green Hydraulic fluid is lost and there are associated FAULT lights in the ENG 1 PUMP and PTU pushbutton. Can the PTU be used to pressurize the Green system?
When are the windows/probes heated automatically?
1 In flight, or
2 On the ground provided one engine is running (except the
TAT probes).
What does the wing fault light represent?
1 The position of the anti-icing valve is not in the required posi-
tion, or
2 Low pressure is detected.
•What does the red DOWN arrow represent next to the LDG GEAR lever?
Illuminates RED if the landing gear is not locked down when the
aircraft is in the landing configuration.
•What is the effect on braking if Green hydraulic system pressure is lost?
1 Yellow hydraulic pressure takes over automatically to supply
the brakes
2 Anti-skid remains available
3 Nose wheel steering is lost
4 The triple indicator shows yellow system brake pressure.
•What other system logic is required for MAX Auto Brakes to engage following a rejected takeoff?
Normally selected for takeoff. If the pilot aborts the takeoff, maximum pressure goes to the brakes as soon as spoiler deployment occurs.
•At what cabin altitude do the oxygen masks deploy in the auto mode?
mask doors are signaled to open automatically when the cabin altitude exceeds 14,000’.
•After selecting the affected pushbuttons OFF, what failure would cause the lights to remain lit?
The fault will not extinguish during a reservoir overheat