MRW 38222 KG
MTOW 37995 KG
MLW 34065 KG
MZFW 32092 KG
Maximum airport pressure altitude for TO & Landings?
10.000 FT
Maximum Operating Altitude?
41.000 FT
Max. weight in compartment 6 before one FD member has to stay in the cockpit before offload, due to tail tipping?
780 KG
Maximum Ambient air temperature approved for TO & Landing is?
ISA + 35 Degrees
Minimum Ambient air temperature approved for TO is?
Minus 40 Degrees
When shall Cowl Anti-ICE be selected on during ground ops?
OAT is 10 Degrees or below and visible moisture in any form is present such as fog with vis of 1500M or less, rain, snow, sleet & ice crystals.
And when operating on contaminated RWY’s & Taxiways.
When shall Cowl Anti-ICE be selected on during flight operations?
When in icing conditions which is:
TAT below 10 degrees and visible moisture is encountered such as clouds, rain, snow etc.
EXCEPT when SAT is -40Degrees or below.
When shall wing Anti-ICE be selected on during ground ops?
OAT is 5 Degrees or below and visible moisture in any form is present such as fog with vis of 1500M or less, rain, snow, sleet & ice crystals.
And when operating on contaminated RWY’s.
NOTE: When type II, III or IV anti-icing fluids has been applied, the wing anti-ice system must first be selected on prior to thrust increase for TO.
When shall wing Anti-ICE be selected on during flight operations?
When ICE is annunciated on EICAS or when in icing conditions and airspeed is less than 230 KIAS.
What is the maximum runway slopes? Up and downhill?
+2% Uphill
-2% Downhill
Max tailwind component for take-off & landings?
10 knots.
How many minutes must the flight be within a suitable airport, if cargo is carried in either cargo compartment?
60 minutes.
Green range for N1?
0 - 99.4% RPM
Green range for N2?
0 - 99.3% RPM
Green range for oil temp?
-40 - 155 Degrees
How many percent must the N1 setting on ED1 be within compared to the N1 setting on the perfo app?
How many minutes after engine start does the N1 need to stay below 75%?
2 minutes.
Normal take off power and maximum power (two engines) is limited to how many minutes?
5 minutes.
APR power for one engine is limited to how many minutes?
10 minutes.
ITT must be below how many degrees, before attempting to ground start engine?
120 Degrees.
What is the minimum oil level for flight?
40%. = 1 flight.
What is a cold soaked airplane?
When the airplane has been parked in more than -30 degrees for more than 8 hours.
When shall continuous ignition be used?
Take off and landings on contaminated runways.
Flights through moderate or heavy rainfall
Flights through moderate or severe turbulence.
Flight in the vicinity of thunderstorms.
Starter cranking limits on ground during engine start?
The starter must not be used when indicated n2 RPM exceeds 45%.
The starter must only be used for 90 seconds during start 1 & 2 followed by a 10 seconds cooldown.
Max altitude for engine relight windmilling?
Max altitude for engine relight starter assisted?
Max altitude for engine relight all-engine-out rapid relight?
Max fuel imbalance on ground?
Max fuel imbalance in flight?
Max usable fuel load for left main tank (pressure refueling)?
3398 KG
Max usable fuel load for right main tank (pressure refueling)?
3398 KG
Max usable fuel load for centre tank (pressure refueling)?
Max total usable fuel load (pressure refueling)?
The minimum fuel quantity for go-around is?
272 KG Per wing.
(With airplane level and maximum airplane clim attitude of 10 degrees nose up).
Minimum fuel temperature for take-off?
5 degrees.
Maximum oil consumption on each engine pr. hour?
0.05 us Gallons.
Max RPM for the APU?
106% RPM
Minimum ambient temperature for starting a cold soaked APU on the ground is?
-40 Degrees
Max APU starts per hour?
3 starts / start attempts.
( Two minute delay between cranking attempt to allow for cooling of starter and for APU drainage).
Max. EGT, APU on speed on ground?
682 - 789 degrees
Max. altitude for APU bleed air extraction?
25.000 FT
Max. permissible load on the APU generator?
40 KvA.
Max. EGT, APU on speed In flight?
807 degrees. (Green range 0-806)
Max mach number during cruise in RVSM airspace?
M 0.82
Max speeds for flaps?
FLAPS 1: 230
FLAPS 8: 230
FLAPS 20: 220
FLAPS 30: 185
FLAPS 45: 170
Maximum airspeed at which it is safe to extend the landing gear?
220 KIAS
Maximum airspeed at which it is safe to retract the landing gear?
200 KIAS
Max airspeed at which the airplane may be flown with the landing gear extended and locked?
200 KIAS
Tire limit speed?
195 KIAS
Max airspeed for ADG operations?
Turbulence penetration speed?
280 KIAS / MACH .75
Max speed for windshield wiper operation?
250 KIAS
Maneuvering limit load factors for flaps up and flaps down?
Flaps up: -1.0G - 2,5G
Flaps down: 0.0G - 2.0G
Maximum positive differential pressure is?
8.7 PSI
Maximum negative differential pressure is?
-0,5 PSI
Max altitude for single pack operation?
AP minimum use height for TO?
600 ft. AGL
AP minimum use height for NPA?
400 ft. AGL
AP minimum use height for one engine operating?
110 ft. AGL
AP minimum use height for PA?
60 ft. AGL.
Maximum permissible time for ground operation with DC power only?
5 minutes to protect the flight compartment CRT displays.
Max permissible continuous load on each TRU in-flight?
120 amp.