Limitations Flashcards
What is the severe turbulent air penetration speed at 25000ft or above
310IAS /0.84 Mach whichever is lower
What is the 787 max operating altitude?
-8/-9 = 43100
-10 = 41000
What is the minimum glide path angle for auto land?
2.5 degrees
Without LAND 2/3 Annunciated, the autopilot must be disengaged before descending below?
What is the runway slope limit?
+/- 2 degrees
When can reverse thrust be used to back an787?
Backing with reverse thrust is prohibited
What is the turbulent air penetration speed below 25000ft?
Where should the wx radar NOT be used?
In a hangar or within 50ft of a fuel spill.
What is the max fuel tank temp for take off?
49 degrees C or 120 degrees F
What is the minimum fuel tank temp prior to TO?
-29 degrees C or -20 degrees F
TO is permitted in which flight control modes?
Normal mode.
Large alternating control movements may cause structural failure at what speed?
Any speed.
Minimum altitude to engage auto pilot?
200ft AGL
Auto land may only be used on runways at or below what altitude?
Max and min glide path angles
Max 3.25 minimum 2.5
Do not operate HF radios when?
Minimum oil temp for Eng start?
-40 or warmer.
Can you dispatch in alternate EEC
No, prohibited.
400000 LBS
425000 LBS
Max TO / Landing alt?
14000ft , operating above 8000ft use high altitude airport procedures
Max taxi weight
561500 LBS
Max TO weight -9
560000 LBS
Max landing weight -9
425000 LBS
400000 LBS
AP disengaged without land 2/3 (-9)
135 ft
HUD TO limits headwind / tail wind / cross wind
Head - 25knots
Tail - 15 knots
Cross - 20 knots
Auto land head wind
Load limits (Gs) flap up/ down
Flap up - +2.5G / -1.0G
Flap down - +2G / 0.0 G