Limitations Flashcards
what is the maximum pressure altitude?
39,800 ft
what is the maximum pressure altitude for take-off and landing?
-2000 ft to +9,200ft
what is the flight maneuvering load acceleration limits?
clean configuration: -1 g to +2.5 gother configurations: 0 g to +2 g
what is the maximum runway slope?
±2 %
what is the nominal runway width?
45 m
what is the maximum certified crosswind for takeoff?
35 kt (gust included)
what is the maximum demonstrated crosswind for landing?
38 kt (gust included)
what is the maximum tailwind for takeoff?
15 kt
what is the maximum tailwind for landing?
15 ktFLAPS FULL is recommended for a landing with a tailwind greater than 10 kt
what is the maximum wind for passenger door operation?
65 kt
what is the maximum wind for FWD and AFT cargo door operation?
40 kt (or 50 kt, if the aircraft nose is into the wind, or if the FWD and AFT cargo doors are on the leeward side)the FWD and AFT cargo doors must be closed before the wind speed exceeds 65 kt
what is the maximum recommended crosswind for takeoff on wet and contaminated runways?
GOOD (RWYCC 5): 35 ktGOOD TO MEDIUM (RWYCC 4): 29 ktMEDIUM (RWYCC 3): 25 ktMEDIUM TO POOR (RWYCC 2): 20 ktPOOR (RWYCC 1): 15 kt
what is the maximum recommended crosswind for landing on wet and contaminated runways?
GOOD (RWYCC 5): 38 ktGOOD TO MEDIUM (RWYCC 4): 29 ktMEDIUM (RWYCC 3): 25 ktMEDIUM TO POOR (RWYCC 2): 20 ktPOOR (RWYCC 1): 15 kt
what is the maximum speed for the cockpit window open?
200 kt
what is the maximum operating speed?
VMO: 350 ktMMO: M .082
what is the maximum speed for FLAP 0? (CRUISE)
what is the maximum speed for FLAP 1? (HOLDING)
243 kt
what is the maximum speed for FLAP 1+F? (TAKEOFF)
225 kt
what is the maximum speed for FLAP 2? (TAKEOFF/APPROACH)
215 kt
what is the maximum speed for FLAP 3? (TAKEOFF/APPROACH/LANDING)
195 kt
what is the maximum speed for FLAP FULL? (LANDING)
186 kt
what is the maximum speed with the landing gear extended? (VLE)
280 kt / M .067
what is the maximum speed at which the landing gear may be extended? (VLO extension)
250 kt / M .060
what is the maximum speed at which the landing gear may be retracted? (VLO retraction)
220 kt / M .054
what is the maximum ground speed?
195 kt
what is the minimum control speed for landing? (VMCL)
116 kt
what is the minimum control speed in the air (VMCA) and on the ground? (VMCG)
see table
what is the wipers maximum operating speed?
230 kt
what is the maximum taxi weight? (MTW)
89 400 kg (197 093 lb)
what is the maximum takeoff weight? (brake release, MTOW)
89 000 kg (196 211 lb)
what is the maximum landing weight? (MLW)
79 200 kg (174 606 lb)an immediate landing at weight above MLW is permitted, provided the overweight landing procedure is followed.
what is the maximum zero fuel weight? (ZFW)
75 600 kg (166 669 lb)
what is the minimum weight?
46 600 kg (102 736 lb)
can you use bleed air from the APU and the HP START UNIT at the same time?
the flight crew must not use bleed air from the APU BLEED and from the HP AIR START UNIT at the same time, to prevent any adverse effect on the bleed air system.
what is the time recommended not to exceed without air conditioning supply with passengers on board?
20 minutes, the lack of fresh air supply will significantly reduce the cabins air quality.
what is the time and temperature limitations for the avionics ventilation when the aircrafts electric power supply is used during ground operations?
see table
what is the maximum positive differential cabin pressure?
9.0 PSI
what is the maximum negative differential cabin pressure?
-1.0 PSI
what is the safety relief valve setting for cabin pressure?
8.6 PSI
when does the cabin altitude warning trigger?
9 550 ft (±350 ft)
what is the maximum normal cabin altitude?
8 000 ft
can you use conditioned air from the PACKS and the LP AIR CONDITIONING UNIT at the same time?
the flight crew must not use conditioned air from the PACKS and from the LP AIR CONDITIONING UNIT at the same time, to prevent any adverse effect on the air conditioning system.
what is the minimum autopilot engagement height at takeoff?
100 ft AGL and at least 5 seconds after lift off
what is the minimum autopilot engagement height after a manual go-around?
100 ft AGL
what is the minimum autopilot engagement height on an approach with F-G/S mode?
200 ft AGL
what is the minimum autopilot engagement height on an approach with FINAL APP, V/S or FPA mode?
250 ft AGL
what is the minimum autopilot engagement height on a circling approach?
500 ft AGL (CAT C)600 ft AGL (CAT D)
what is the minimum autopilot engagement height on an ILS/MLS approach with CAT1 displayed on the FMA?
160 ft AGL
what is the minimum autopilot engagement height on an ILS/MLS approach with CAT2 or CAT3 SINGLE or CAT3 DUAL displayed on the FMA?
0 ft AGL if autoland
what is the minimum autopilot engagement height on an GLS approach with CAT1 displayed on the FMA?
160 ft AGL
what is the minimum autopilot engagement height on an GLS approach with AUTO LAND displayed on the FMA?
0 ft AGL if autoland