Limitations Flashcards
Max operating altitude
37,000 feet
N301KH Max taxi weight
140,000 pounds
Max takeoff weight
139,500 pounds
Maximum landing weight
116,000 pounds
Maximum zero fuel weight
109,000 pounds
Minimum operating weight
78,000 pounds
Maximum cabin differential pressure
8.65 psi
Minimum altitude for auto pilot engage
1000 feet
Maximum time limit for takeoff trust
Five minutes
Maximum N1 RPM
Maximum N2 RPM
Maximum takeoff EGT
Max continuous EGT
Maximum start EGT
Minimum oil pressure
13 psi
Maximum oil temperature
160°C to 165°C allowable for 15 minutes
160°C maximum continuous
Engine ignition
Continuous ignition must be on during takeoff and landing and during engine anti-ice operations
Do not open MAIN DECK CARGO DOOR in actual or anticipated winds exceeding
45 knots
Aircraft is not to be taxied, towed or, jacked unless the MAIN CARGO DOOR is
In the fully closed and latched position
How many packs need to be operational for cargo to be in the cabin compartment?
At least one pack needs to be operational
Max runway slope
+/- 2%
Max tailwind component
10 knots
Designed speed for max gust intensity
Operational check of flight deck door
Once a day
Don’t not operate HF radio durning?
Severe turbulence air penetration speed
280/.73 Mach
Max allowable difference between CAPT. and FO alt. Display for RVSM
200 feet
What direction does the Forward Center the gravity move as weight goes up?
Maximum N1 RPM
Maximum N2 RPM
Maximum take off EGT
Maximum continuous EGT
Maximum start EGT
Minimum oil pressure
13 psi
Maximum oil temperature
160°C to 165°C allowable for 15 minutes
160°C to maximum continuous
Aircraft is not to be taxi towed or jacked unless the main cargo door is in the
Fully closed and latched position
 Main deck cargo compartment smoke detector system
Pre-flight of the system is required prior to each flight or series of flights by the same crew on the same day
Flight with freight in the Main deck cargo compartment without at least what is prohibited
One air conditioning pack operating
Secondary main Landing gear position indicating system
Preflight inspection of the system is required prior to each flight or series of flights by the same crew on the same day
Weight and balance control and loading limitations
Refer to the weight and balance control and loading manual supplements
Main cargo compartment air supply shut off
Functionally operate the main cargo compartment air supply shut off valve to ensure proper operation prior to each flight or series of flights by the same crew on the same day
Lower cargo compartment activation of BTL 1 accomplishing Cargo fire smoke class C procedure
Aircraft must land at the nearest suitable airport within 60 minutes after activation
Maximum speeds
Observe VMO pointer and gear/flap placard
What kind of check does the flight deck door access system go through each day
Operational check
Do you not operate HF radio’s during when
Altitude display limits for RVSM
Standby altimeters do not meet altimeter accuracy requirements of RVSM
Maximum allowable inflight difference between captain and first officer altitude display for RVSM. 
200 feet
Maximum allowable on the ground altitude display differences for RVSM
Max difference between Captain and FO
Sea level 40 feet
5000’… 45 feet
10,000 … 50 feet
Max difference between Captain FO and Field elevation
75 feet for sea level 5000 feet and 10,000 feet
What do CG limits use
Approved weight and balance systems
What happens to the Forward Center of gravity limit as weight is added
Center of gravity moves aft
Functionally operate the main cargo compartment ….. to ensure proper operation prior to each flight… Or series of flights
Air supply shut off valve
With either one or both engine bleed air switched on Do not operate the air conditioning packs in …… for takeoff approach or Lanning
What kind of trim is prohibited one auto pilot is engaged
Aileron trim
Do you not engage the auto pilot for takeoff below what altitude
1000 feet
For a single channel operation during approach the auto pilot shall not remain engaged below
50 feet AGL
Do not use Flight level change on final approach below 
Thousand feet
Maximum generator drive oil temperature
Engines and APU engine limit display markings
Maximum and minimum limits are red caution limits are Amber
Continuous ignition must be on during 
Takeoff landing and during engine anti ice operations
Power management control (PMC) Must be ….. during takeoff
On or off
Are we allowed to use reverse thrust in flight
Minimum psig for start
Minimum 30 psig At sea level decreasing 1/2 psig Per thousand feet above sea level
APU limitation altitudes
10,000 feet for APU bleed and electrical load
17,000 with APU bleed
37,000 is the max altitude for the APU and an electrical load
APU bleed valve Must be closed
Ground air connected and isolation valve open
Engine number one bleed valve open
Isolation valve an engine two bleed valve open
Bleed valve may be open during engine start but avoid engine power above
How many starts may the APU have
Three consecutive aborted start attempts 30 minute cooling period
Maximum altitude With flaps extended
20,000 feet
Inflight do not extend speed brake lever beyond
The Flight detent
Do not deploy speedbrakes in-flight at radio altitudes less than
1000 feet
When extending or attracting flaps with the alternate flap position switch
Allow 15 seconds after releasing alternate flat position switch before moving to switch again to avoid damaging the alternate Flap motor clutch
After a complete extend/retract cycle 0 to 15 and back to zero allow how much time
Five minutes cooling before attempt another extension
Do not use the terrain display for what
Do not use the look ahead terrain alerting and terrain display functions
Within 15 nautical miles of takeoff approach and landing at an airport not contained in GPWS terrain database
The lookahead terrain alerting and terrain display functions must be inhibited by selecting the terrain inhibit switch to inhibit
Avoid Weather radar operation in a hanger or 
Within 50 feet of fueling operations or a fuel spill
Avoid weather radar operations when
Personnel are within the area normally enclosed by the aircraft nose radome 
Can we reset fuel pump circuit breakers
What fuels are prohibited for revenue flights
JP-4 and Jet B
Random fuel imbalance must not exceed
1000 lbs for taxi, takeoff, or landing
Main tanks 1 and 2 must be scheduled to full
If center tank contains more than a 1000 lbs
Second main landing gear position indicating system
Requires a preflight inspection prior to each flight or series of flight by the same crew on the same day.
Don’t apply brakes till
After touch down