Limitations Flashcards
What is the flight maneuvering load acceleration limit for clean configuration?
-1g to +2.5 g
What is the flight maneuvering load acceleration limits in configurations other than clean?
0 g to +2 g
For the A320-232, what is the takeoff and landing altitude range?
- 1 000 ft to 9 200 ft
What is the ceiling for the A320?
39 800 ft
For the A320-214, what is the takeoff and landing altitude range?
- 2 000 ft to 9 200 ft
What is the runway slope limitation?
±2 %
What is the maximum runway altitude?
9 200 ft
What is the nominal runway width for All 321, 320-214 for a portion of 320-232s?
45 m
What is the nominal runway width for the remaining 320-232s?
Nominal 45 m, minimal 30 m
What is the nominal runway width for the remaining 320-232s?
Nominal 45 m, minimal 30 m
What is the maximum demonstrated crosswind for takeoff and landing?
38 kt (gust included)
What is the maximum demonstrated crosswind for takeoff and landing?
38 kt (gust included)
What is the maximum demonstrated crosswind for takeoff and landing?
38 kt (gust included)
What is the maximum tailwind for takeoff for A320-214?
10 kt
What is the maximum tailwind for takeoff for all A321, an all 320-232?
15 kt
What is the maximum tailwind for landing for the 320-214?
10 kt
What is the maximum tailwind for landing for the 321, and the 320-232?
15 kt
What is the maximum recommended crosswind on runways with RWYCC 5 (Good)?
38 kt
What is the maximum recommended crosswind on runways with RWYCC 4 (Good to medium)?
29 kt
What is the maximum recommended crosswind on runways with RWYCC 4 (Good to medium)?
29 kt
What is the maximum recommended crosswind on runways with RWYCC 3 (medium)?
25 kt
What is the maximum recommended crosswind on runways with RWYCC 3 (medium)?
25 kt
What is the maximum recommended crosswind on runways with RWYCC 2 (medium)?
20 kt
What is the maximum recommended crosswind on runways with RWYCC 2 (medium)?
20 kt
What is the maximum recommended crosswind on runways with RWYCC 1 (poor)?
15 kt
What is the cockpit window open maximum speed?
200 kt
What is the cockpit window open maximum speed?
200 kt
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position 0? (cruise)
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position 0? (cruise)
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position 1 on the 320? (holding)
230 kt
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position 1+F on the 320? (takeoff)
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position 2 on the 320? (takeoff/approach)
200 kt
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position 2 on the 320? (takeoff/approach)
200 kt
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position 3 on the 320? (takeoff/approach/landing)
185 kt
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position 3 on the 320? (takeoff/approach/landing)
185 kt
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position full on the 320? (landing)
177 kt
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position 0 on the 321? (cruise)
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position 0 on the 321? (cruise)
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position 1 on the 321? (holding)
235 kt
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position 1+F on the 321? (takeoff)
225 kt
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position 2 on the 321? (Takeoff/approach)
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position 3 on the 321? (takeoff/approach/landing)
195 kt
What is the maximum flap/slat speed for position full on the 321? (landing)
190 kt
What is the maximum operating speed?
350 kt
What is the maximum operating mach?
M 0.82
What is the maximum speed with the landing gear extended? (VLE)
280 kt/ M 0.67
What is the maximum speed with the landing gear extended? (VLE)
280 kt/ M 0.67
What is the maximum speed at which the landing gear may be extended? (VLO extension)
250 kt /M 0.60
What is the maximum speed at which the landing gear may be retracted (VLO retraction)
220 kt /M 0.54
What is the maximum tire ground speed?
195 kt
What is the minimum control speed for landing? (320-214) VMCL
113 kt
What is the minimum control speed for landing? (320-232) VMCL
109 kt
What is the minimum speed for landing? (321) VMCL
114 kt
What is the maximum taxi speed in a turn when weight higher than 76 000 kg?
Do not exceed taxi speed of 20 kt during a turn
What is the maximum taxi speed in a turn when weight higher than 76 000 kg?
Do not exceed taxi speed of 20 kt during a turn
What is the maximum operating speed for the wipers?
230 kt
What is the highest maximum taxi weight for the 320-214?
77 400 kg
What is the highest maximum takeoff weight of the 320-214?
77 000 kg
What is the maximum landing weight of the 320-214?
66 000 kg
What is the maximum zero fuel weight of the 320-214?
62 500 kg
What is the minimum weight of the 320-214?
37 230 kg
What is the highest maximum taxi weight of the 321?
93 400 kg
What is the highest maximum takeoff weight of the 321?
93 000 kg
What is the maximum landing weight of the 321?
77 800 kg
What is the maximum zero fuel weight of the 321?
73 800 kg
What is the minimum weight of the 321?
47 500 kg
What is the highest maximum taxi weight of the 320-232 from A7-AHA to A7-AHU?
77 400 kg
What is the highest maximum takeoff weight of the 320-232 from A7-AHA to A7-AHU?
77 000 kg
What is the maximum landing weight of the 320-232 from A7-AHA to A7-AHU?
66 000 kg
What is the maximum zero fuel weight of the 320-232 from A7-AHA to A7-AHU?
62 500 kg
What is the minimum weight of the 320-232 from A7-AHA to A7-AHU?
37 230 kg
What is the highest maximum taxi weight of the 320-232 A7-AHW, AHX, AHY?
78 400 kg
What is the highest maximum takeoff weight of the 320-232 A7-AHW, AHX, AHY?
78 000 kg
What is the maximum landing weight of the 320-232 A7-AHW, AHX, AHY?
66 000 kg
What is the maximum zero fuel weight of the 320-232 A7-AHW, AHX, AHY?
62 500 kg
What is the minimum weight of the 320-232 A7-AHW, AHX, AHY?
37 230 kg
What is the maximum time recommended not to exceed without air conditioning supply with passengers on board?
20 min
Can you use bleed air from the APU, and from the HP air start unit at the same time?
What is the maximum positive differential pressure?
9.0 PSI
What is the maximum negative differential pressure?
-1.0 PSI
What is the safety relief valve setting?
8.6 PSI
Can you use conditioned air from the packs, and from the LP air conditioning unit at the same time?
What is the minimum value the AP can be used? (320-232)
100 ft AGL and at least 5 s after liftoff
What is the minimum value the AP can be used in approach with F-G/S mode? (320-232)
200 ft
What is the minimum value the AP can be used in approach with FINAL APP, V/S or FPA mode? (320-232)
250 ft AGL
What is the minimum value the AP can be used in circling approach? (320-232)
500 ft AGL for aircraft category C
After three consecutive APU start attempts, how long must the flight crew wait before a new start attempt?
60 min
What is the maximum rotor (N) speed of the APU?
What is the maximum EGT for APU start below 25 000 ft?
900 °C
What is the maximum EGT for APU start above 25 000 ft?
982 °C
What is the maximum EGT for APU running (with 5 s confirmation for shutdown)?
682 °C
What is the maximum EGT for APU running (for immediate shutdown)?
700 °C to 742 °C
Can you try to start the APU if it fails to start during refuel/defuel procedures?
What must you do regarding the APU if a spill occurs during a refuel/defuel procedure?
Perform a normal APU shutdown
What is the maximum altitude for APU BLEED to assist an engine start?
20 000 ft
What is the max altitude for APU BLEED to be used for air conditioning and pressurization (single pack operation)?
20 000 ft
What is the max altitude that APU BLEED can be used for air conditioning and pressurization (dual pack operation)?
15 000 ft
Is the use of APU bleed permitted for wing anti-ice?
What is the maximum time limit for a takeoff and go-around with all engines operative?
5 min
What is the maximum time limit for takeoff and go-around with one engine inoperative?
10 min
*320-213: What is the maximum EGT limit for a takeoff/ go-around with all engines operative/ one engine inoperative?
950 °C
320-214*: What is the maximum EGT limit for Maximum Continuous Thrust? (MCT)
915 °C
320-214*: What is the maximum EGT limit for starting an engine on ground or in flight?
725 °C
320-232*: What is the maximum EGT limit for a takeoff/ go around with all engines operative, or one engine inoperative?
635 °C
320-232*: What is the maximum EGT limit for Maximum Continuous Thrust? (MCT)
610 °C
320-232*: What is the maximum EGT limit for starting an engine on ground, or in flight?
635 °C
321*: What is the maximum EGT limit for takeoff and go around for all engines or one engine inoperative?
650 °C
321*: What is the maximum EGT for Maximum Continuous Thrust? (MCT)
610 °C
321*: What is the maximum EGT limit for starting an engine on ground or in flight?
635 °C
320-214*: What is the maximum N1?
104% although different ambient conditions may limit N1 to a lower value
320-214*: What is the maximum N2 speed?
321, 320-232*: What is the maximum N1?
100%, but depending on the ambient conditions, it can be a lower limit
321, 320-232*: What is the maximum N2?
320-214*: What is the maximum continuous engine oil temperature?
140 °C
320-214*: What is the maximum transient oil temperature? (15 min)
155 °C
320-214*: What is the minimum starting engine oil temperature?
-40 °C
320-214*: What is the minimum engine oil temperature before takeoff?
-10 °C
320-214*: What is the minimum engine oil quantity?
9.5 qt +estimated consumption (Avg. consumption = 0.5 qt/h)
321, 320-232*: What is the maximum continuous engine oil temperature?
155 ·C
321, 320-232*: What is the maximum transient engine oil temperature? (15 min)
165 °C
321, 320-232*: What is the minimum starting engine oil temperature?
-40 °C
321, 320-232*: What is the minimum engine oil temperature before IDLE is exceeded?
-10 °C
321, 320-232*: What is the minimum engine oil temperature before takeoff?
50 °C
321, 320-232*: What is the minimum engine oil quantity?
11 qt + estimated consumption (Avg. consumption = 0.3 qt/h.
321, 320-232*: What is the minimum engine oil pressure?
60 PSI
320-214*: Regarding the engine, how many start attempts may be considered one automatic start cycle?
320-214*: How long must you wait between successive engine start cycles (automatic or manual) on the ground?
20 s
320-214*: How long must you wait before you try to start the engine after four failed cycles?
15 min
320-214*: Above which N2 value must you not run the engine starter?
20 %
321, 320-232*: Regarding the engine, how many start attempts may be considered one automatic start cycle?
321, 320-232*: How long must you wait between successive engine start cycles (automatic or manual) on the ground?
15 s
321, 320-232*: How long must you wait before you try to start the engine after three failed cycles?
30 min cooling period required, or 5 min of continuous crank
321, 320-232*: For manual start, what is the maximum cycle time that should be observed?
2 min
321, 320-232*: For crank, what is the maximum cycle time that must be observed?
5 min
321, 320-232*: Above what value of N2 must the started not be run on ground and in flight?
10 %, and 18 % respectively
Can you select reverse thrust in flight?
Can you reverse the aircraft with reverse thrust?
Below which speed must maximum reverse thrust not be used?
70 kt
Until what speed is the use of idle reverse permitted?
Until the aircraft stops
320-232, AHP-AHY: What is the highest flex ISA temperature?
+ 55 °C
320-214: What is the highest ISA flex temperature?
+ 53 °C
Can FLEC be lower than the flat temperature? (TREF)
Can FLEX be lower than the OAT?
A7-AHA - A7-AHO: What is the maximum ISA flex temperature?
+ 72 °C
321: What is the maximum ISA flex temperature?
+ 54 °C
Is selection of TOGA permitted when a de-rated takeoff is performed?
No, except when requested in any abnormal or emergency procedures
Can you use reduced thrust takeoff (FLEX takeoff) in association with derated takeoff?
True or false: The use of derated takeoff is permitted regardless of the runway condition (Dry, wet or contaminated)
321, 320-232: What is the maximum crosswind value that the engines can start in?
35 kt
What is the maximum operating altitude with slats and/or flaps extended?
20 000 ft
All 320: What is the maximum allowed wing imbalance at takeoff for the inner tank if the heavier tank is full?
500 kg (1 102 lb)
All 320: What is the maximum allowed wing imbalance at takeoff for the inner tank if the heavier tank is at 3 000 kg?
1 050 kg
All 320: What is the maximum allowed wing imbalance at takeoff for the inner tank if the heavier tank is at 1 450 kg?
1 450 kg
All 320: What is the maximum asymmetry of the outer tanks at takeoff?
370 kg
All 320: What is the maximum asymmetry between the inner tanks in flight and at landing if the heavier tank is full?
1 500 kg
What is the maximum asymmetry between the inner tanks in flight and at landing if the heavier tank is at 4 300 kg?
1 600 kg
What is the maximum asymmetry between the inner tanks in flight and at landing if the heavier tank is at 2 250 kg?
2 250 kg
All 320: What is the maximum asymmetry of the outer tanks in flight and at landing?
690 kg
All 321: What is the maximum allowed wing imbalance at takeoff for the inner tank if the heavier tank is full?
400 kg
All 321: What is the maximum allowed wing imbalance at takeoff for the inner tank if the heavier tank is at 3 000 kg?
400 kg
All 321: What is the maximum allowed wing imbalance at takeoff for the inner tank if the heavier tank is at 700 kg?
700 kg
All 321: What is the maximum allowed wing imbalance in flight and at landing for the inner tank if the heavier tank is full?
1 320 kg
All 321: What is the maximum allowed wing imbalance in flight and at landing for the inner tank if the heavier tank is at 4 000 kg?
1 450 kg
All 321: What is the maximum allowed wing imbalance in flight and at landing for the inner tank if the heavier tank is 2 350 kg?
2 350 kg
True or false: In exceptional conditions (fuel system failure), the values of maximum fuel imbalance may be exceeded without significant effect to the aircraft handling qualities. The aircraft remains fully controllable in all flight phases.
What is the minimum fuel quantity for takeoff?
1 500 kg. ECAM alert FUEL WING TK LO LVL must not appear before takeoff.
Ice accretion is considered severe when the ice accumulation on the airframe reaches approximately ___ thick or more
5 mm (0.2 in)
Thin hoarfrost is typically a _____ deposit which develops _____ on exposed surfaces on cold and ____.
white crystalline, uniformly, cloudless nights.
True or false: hoarfrost is so thick that aircraft lines or markings cannot be distinguished beneath it.
When should rain repellent be used?
Moderate or heavy rain
True or false: Rain repellent can be used in any case at the commander’s discretion.
True or false: The braking system is not designed to hold the aircraft in a stationary position when a high thrust level is applied on at least one engine.
What is maximum brake temperature for takeoff?
300 °C
At which speed must one turn during taxi if a maximum of one tire per gear is deflated
7 kt
At which speed must one turn during taxi if a maximum of two tires are deflated on the same main gear (maximum one main gear)?
3 kt
What is the maximum nosewheel steering (NWS) angle if a tire/ tires are deflated but not damaged?
30 °