Limitations Flashcards
Runway slope?
+/- 2%
Max operating altitude
43,100 Ft pressure altitude
Max takeoff and landing altitude
8,400ft pressure altutude
Max takeoff and landing tailwind component
Severe turbulent air penetration speed
290Kias / .78Mach, whichever is lower
HF limitation
Do not operate during refuelimg
FLCH limitation
Do not use on final approach below 1000 AFE
The APU starter duty cycle limitation
Maximum of three consecutive starts or attempts within a 60 minute period.
Maximum allowable inflight difference between captain and FO altimeter for RVSM?
Maximum allowable difference between CAPT/FO and field elevation at all altitudes?
Max diffrences between captain and first officer altimeters on the ground?
Sea level 5000ft, and 10,000ft
Sea level: 40ft
5,000ft: 45ft
10 000ft: 50ft
weather radar limitation
Avoid operation in hangar
Minimum autopilot engagement altitude after takeoff?
Aileron trim limitation
Prohibited with autopilot engaged
Maximum allowable wind speeds when landing weather minima are predicated on autoland operations?
Headwind, crosswind: 25kts
Tailwind: 15kts
Engine vibration limitation
Crew shall not blank engine vibration display during takeoff
Center tank limitation?
The center tank may contain up to 10,000kg of fuel with less than full main tanks provided center tank fuel weight plus zero fuel weight is less thsn max zero fuel weight and with the cg limit.
Reverse thrust limitations
For ground use only and
Max altitude with flaps extended
AFM limitation #Avoid rapid.....
Avoid rapid and large alternating control inputs, especially in combination with large changes in pitch, roll or yaw. (Ex: large side slip angles) as they may result in structual failure at any speed, including below VA.