Limitations Flashcards
757: Maximum Operating Pressure Altitude
42,000 ft
767: Maximum Operating Pressure Altitude
43,100 ft
757, 767: Maximum Takeoff/Landing Tailwind Component
15 Knots
767-400 Takeoffs in the EEC Alternate Mode (ALTN): Maximum Takeoff/Landing Tailwind Component
10 knots
Severe Turbulence Penetration Airspeeds:
10,000 feet and above
290 KIAS/ .78 Mach
Severe Turbulence Penetration Airspeeds:
Below 10,000 feet
250 KIAS
Flap Speeds
To minimize wear on flap assembly, when extending flaps to position 1 through 20 use placard limits minus 10 knots. Use placard limits speeds during flap retraction or when operating flaps in accordance with a non normal procedure.
Crosswind Guidelines-Takeoff and Landing: Runway Condition Code 6
Takeoff Crosswind Component: 40
Landing Crosswind Component: 40
Crosswind Guidelines-Takeoff and Landing: Runway Condition Code 5
Takeoff Crosswind Component: 25
Landing Crosswind Component: 40
Icing Conditions Exist on the Ground and for takeoff when:
Outside air temperature is 10 degrees C or below
Icing conditions exist in flight when
Total air temperature 10 degrees or below
Autopilot Minimum Engagement Height: On takeoff or missed approach, do not engage the autopilot below
800 feet AGL
Autoflight Modes: Flight Level Change
Do not use FLCH on final approach below 1000 feet AFE
Minimum altitude for use of autopilot on approach: ILS Coupled Approach (no autoland)
50 ft AGL
Minimum altitude for use of autopilot on approach: Non-ILS approaches
50 ft below MDA/DA
Autoland Flap Settings
Autolands must be made using flaps 25 or 30
Engine Starter Duty Cycle (763)
Normal-First (Start Attempt)- 0 N2 (Normal Re-Engagement RPM)
Normal-Second (Start Attempt)- 0 N2 (Normal Re-Engagement RPM)
Engine Starter Duty Cycle (Normal)(757)
Up to 2 minutes continuous operation then run down to zero N3, followed by:
- Up to a further 2 minutes continuous operation then run down to zero N3, followed by:
- Up to 2 minutes continuous operation then run down to zero N3, and allow to cool for 15 minutes
Engine Starter Duty Cycle (Normal)(764)
Five minutes on, followed by one half minute off per minute on
Engine starter re-engagement speed (757)
0% N3 Recommended
0-20% N3 Normal
Re-engagement is not recommended above 20% N3 except in case of fire
Engine starter re-engagement speed (764)
0% N2 recommended
0-20% N2 Normal
30% N2 permissible for purging fuel or to clear a fire
Minimum oil quantity-Engine start for flight
757, 764
18 Quarts ETOPS
16 Quarts Non-ETOPS
Minimum oil quantity-Engine start for flight
15 quarts
Flap Extension Altitude
Maximum 20,000 feet MSL