Limitations Flashcards
Max Load Limitations (Clean and Dirty)
-1 to +2.5G: Clean
0 to 2G: Dirty
Service Ceiling of A320
Nominal Runway Width and Minimal Runway Width
Nominal Runway Width: 45m
Minimal Runway Width: 30m
Max Demonstrated Crosswind (Takeoff and Landing)
38kts (incl Gusts)
Max Tailwind for Takeoff
Max Tailwind for Landing
Cockpit Window Open Max Speed
Max Flap Slat Speed
1: 230kts 1+F: 215kts 2: 200kts 3: 185kts 4: 177kts
Vmo and Mmo
Vmo: 350kts
Mmo: M 0.82
Vmo and Mmo
Vmo: 350kts
Mmo: M 0.82
VLE, VLO ext, VLO ret
VLO ext: 250kts
VLE: 280kts
VLO ret: 220kts
Max Tire speed (On ground)
VMCL (Minimum Controllable Speed on Landing)
Vmca and Vmcg (Approx at SL)
Vmca: 110kts
CONF 1+F: 111kts
CONF 2: 109kts
CONF 3: 109kts
Max Taxi Speed (Straight line taxi and turns)
30kts straight line and 20kts when in a turn
Max Speed to operate Wipers
Max Takeoff weight
Max Landing weight
Max Zero Fuel weight
Max Positive and Negative Differential Pressure
Max Positive Diff Pressure: 9PSI
Max Negative Diff Pressure: -1.0PSI
Cabin Altitude Warning and Max Normal Cabin Altitude
Cab Alt Warning: 9550ft
Max Normal Cab Alt: 8000ft
Min Values at which you could use A/P at takeoff:
100ft AGL and at least 5 sec after takeoff
RNP Accuracy with GPS Primary (Enroute, Terminal and Approach)
Enroute: 1 NM
Terminal: 0.5 NM
Approach: 0.3 NM
Can you fly an RNAV Approach with GPS Primary Unavailable?
Yes. Only if the navaid coverage supports the RNP value and HIGH ACCURACY is displaced on the MCDU with the specified RNP, and operational approval is obtained (For RNAV(RNP))
For RNAV(GNSS) approach maybe performed provided GPS Primary is Available
Can you use A/P in Non Precision Approaches (managed) with One Engine Inoperative?
No. If OEI, A/P is not permitted to use in FINAL APP, NAV/FPA, NAV/VS
FD is permitted
Max wind condition for ILS CAT II or CAT III
HW: 30kts
TW: 10kts
XW: 20kts
APU Start Limitations?
After 3 consecutive start attempts, the crew should wait 60mins before a new start
Maximum N Speed of APU?
Max Altitude to assist engine start
Max altitude for air-conditioning and pressurisation (Single pack ops)
Max altitude for air-conditioning and pressurisation (Dual pack ops)
APU BatteryRestart Limit Altitude (For Emer Elec Config)
TOGA/MCT Limitations (AEO, OEI)
All Eng Op: 5mins
OEI: 10mins
Not Limited
Max N1, N2 of Engines
N1: 104%
N2: 105%
(For APU, N is 107%)
Max Continuous Oil temp
Max Transient Oil Temp (15mins)
Minimum Starting Oil Temperature
Minimum Oil Temperature before Takeoff
Minimum Oil Quantity
9.5qtz + 0.5qtz/hr
Max Altitude with slats or flaps extended
Definition of Icing Condition?
Temp <10*C and Visible Moisture
Maximum Brake Temp for Takeoff (Brake fan off)
Max NWS angle
+/- 85*