Limitations Flashcards
Max takeoff weight?
12 375 lbs.
Max landing weight?
11 500lbs.
Max zero fuel weight?
9 300 lbs.
200 kias
200 kias
Max speed brake
No limit
Vfe 15*
200 kias
Vfe 35*
161 kias
Vfe failed to 60*?
Vmca flaps 0*
89 kias
Vmca flaps 15*
81 kias
89 kias
Max demonstrated x-wind
26 kts.
Max flaps with tail boots inop?
T or F
Ice inspection light are required for flights into known icing at night?
Flaps are required to be set to ____ degrees for prolonged flight in icing?
Min speed in icing (other than approach and landing)
160 kts (ECA company: 180?)
Tail boots operation is prohibited under what temp?
Effective wing anti-ice requires N2 of what % minimum.
At cabin altitudes above _______ continuous use of supplemental oxygen fo the passengers is prohibted? And for Crew only ?
25,000 ft. 40,000 ft for crew only.
When is it permissible to turn on the autopilot after takeoff?
OM-B: 400 ft AGL
240 ft agl ?
How low can you cruise with the autopilot on?
1000 ft agl
How low can you go on an ILS before disengagement of the autopilot is required?
200 ft (Germany, Sup. 22) (70ft agl.)
How low can you use the autopilot on a non precision approach?
250 ft AGL (OM-B)
240ft agl
What is the cabin max differential pressure?
8.9 +/- 0.1 PSI
What is max ambient temp?
What is the max. operating altitude?
Max ground speed for the tires?
You had the airplane covered in type II,III or IV ant ice. Any considerations for takeoff?
Must be a flap 0* takeoff.
Could you take-off on a dirt strip if it was in excellent condition?
No, aircraft is limited to paved runways only!
Any limitations on speedbrakes?
Must be retracted prior to 50 ft agl.
Max tailwind for takeoff and/or landing is ?
Minimum temp. for takeoff or landing
How long can the pitot heat be on during ground operations before damage may occur?
2 minutes
What is the maximum amount of time to leave wing anti ice on while on the ground?
One minute after the wing anti ice annunciator extinguishes.
What are the max load limits for the generators on the ground, in the air below_____ altitude and above that altitude?
200 amps on ground (OM-B, not found in AFM)
250 amps above FL410
300 amps below FL410
What is the limitation on battery starts?
How is a gen. cross start factored in the limitation?
Max of three battery starts per hour.
3 Gen assisted Starts = 1 Battery Start
What are the starter motor limitations?
Three starts per 30 min.
minimum 60 seconds cooling between starts.
What is the max N1 for T/O and
max N1 MCT?
Max N2 for takeoff and max continuous is?
N2 ground idle limit is?
53.4% +or- 2.5 %
Flight idle limit is?
64.3% +or- 2.5%
What is the minimum battery voltage for a batt. start?
24 volts
What is the max. baggage weight in the nose?
400 lbs
181 kg
What is the max. Baggage weight in the tail?
600 lbs
272 kg
Maximum ramp weight?
12 500 lbs.
Steep Appch Limitations.
GP Angle.
Additional Operational Limitations
and Procedures
- 5° - 5.5°
- Operational: Flaps + Ground Flaps, Speed Brakes, Antiskid System
- Max. Airport Elevation: 5 000 ft
- No Tailwind
- No icing conditions
- Commencing with 1 Engine Inop prohibited
- Speed: SVref
- Speed at GP intercept < SVref + 10
- Min Autopilot hight: 360 ft AGL
- Stabilized 400 ft -> 35 ft
- AOA indication unreliable for Steep Appch