Limitation Flashcards
Max discrepancy Altimeters ( RVSM operation )
Between ADRs -> 20’
Between ADR and ISIS -> 30’
Check that the difference between each altitude indication (in the QNH reference) and the airport elevation is less than 75 ft
Welcome PA, Who and when?
Between 15-10 min before P/B, no need all pax on board
Coordinate with the Purser
He can delegate to another FC
Vmo reduces every 1000 feet and green dot
- 7, the green dot doesn’t move much
Max temp
Land gear down or operation. Alt and speed
250 knots, M.55. 21,000. In Emergency you can disregard the altitude but never speed
Runway slope Max
+/- 2%
Max wind crossing. T/O and land.
And in case of Wx deterioration
Dry, Wet, Slush, Snow (until 3mm)
35 TO
40 landing
+3mm of Snow, Slush or Standing Water, or Slippery when Wet -> TO and Land -> 20knts
Tailwind for take and landing
15 knots.
EA if +10 knts only Flaps FULL to Land
Max crosswind when Slippery when wet,
Snow, water, slush +3mm
20 knots
Max speeds
M 0.89
Max design maneuvering speed Va
M 0.82
Max speed for landing gear gravity extension
Max ground speed ( Max tire speed )
Max opening speed cockpit window
And Paks Off
Max closing speed cockpit window
160 knts
Max wipers speed
Normal cabin altitud
Min height for use autopilot
Take off 100’ or 5” after Liftoff or GA
Non precision or circling 200
ILS with APPR1 160
All other phases 500
Which app we can do Automatic app or Landing
Automatic app or automatic landing wind limitation
38 headwind
30 crosswind
15 tailwind
Auto land n-2 can we do?
Which condition?
only engines failure opposite side
Max imbalance tanks
Inner and feed 3,000
Middle 2,500
Outer 1,200
Jet A, Jet A1
Jet A -> 40
Jet A1 -> 47 And has to be 90% Jet A1
Deflected tire lim for taxi speed and angle of turn
3 knts
30 degrees
Brake temperature decrease by itself
2 degrees per min.
G/A min gradients APP and Land. And EOP climb gradient not depicted in the charts.
App (n-1)= 2,7%
Land (tren abajo)= 3,2%
EOP not depicted = 3,3%
Fuel consumption APU
600 kg/ 1 hour
When fill up trim tank?
Above 47 tones
Min Cabin Oxigen pressure for Dispatch
Himalaya 1650 or 1750
Other routes 1300
APU Starts lim start attempts and cooling period?
3 attempts of 60 seconds interval. After that wait 60 min
APU Max speed and altitude ( Start and Operation)
M 0.56 or 250 knts, except of all engine failure
Start APU -> FL 200
Operation-> 22.500’
Max altitud APU bleed air and electrical power
APU Bleed cannot use with?
Wing anti ice
No soft GA if?
Miss app gradien is more than 8%
Name Policy: Fuel policy apply once the released of the Fuel bowser
In-Flight Fuel Management
Continue towards the destination
When continue the flight towards the destination?
A) Expected Approach Time (EAT) not known:
If it is possible to reach at least 2 aerodromes at which a landing is assured with at least final reserve fuel remaining at touchdown, or
2 separate and independent runways at a single aerodrome within 2 hours of flying time, taking into account ATC delay.
B) EAT known:
Regardless of the number of runways, the flight may continue towards the destination aerodrome or hold, as long as landing is assured with at least final reserve fuel remaining at touchdown.
A landing is considered to be assured as long as, in the judgement of the Commander, the approach and landing could be completed in the event of any forecast deterioration in the weather and plausible single failures of ground or airborne facilities.
Landing is assured if:
It could be completed in the event of any:
PLAUSIBLE SINGLE failures of ground or airborne facilities.
Forecasts should be used to assess the probability of landing success when more than two hours from the relevant aerodrome.
Within two hours, actual weather reports and trend information may be used.
Mínimum Fuel
The Pilot-in-Command shall advise ATC when,
Having committed to land at a specific aerodrome,
Pilot calculates that any change to the EXISTING clearance to that aerodrome may result in landing with less than the planned final reserve fuel.
When the Calculated USABLE fuel predicted to be available upon landing at the NEAREST aerodrome WHERE a SAFE landing can be made is less than the planned final reserve fuel.
When we will have Low Fuel Feed tanks?
Around 5,500 kg.
Each tanks Right 1+2 or Left 3+4 -> is below 1375 kg
Screen on the very right, name?
And the name of the system?
Divided into?
OIT: On board Information Terminal.
OÍS: On board Information System
Dividen into:
NSS Avionics and
Displayed by the OIT (On board Information Terminal)
ADIRS acronym
ADIRS: Air Data Inertial Reference System
Max altitud with tailstrike
Name of the control to taxi the plane
Tiller, la r no se pronuncia
Reset spa or comunications
CIDS: Csbin Intercomunication Data System
ND display airport. Acronym?
Cabin altitud Rate?
of climb and descent?
Climb 1000
Descent 300
Sterile flight deck when? And meaning?
Close doors until passing 10,000
Passing 25,000’ until first door is opened
1000 to go
Essential duties required for a safe operation
No contact period
Take off until l/g retracts
Arrival: extension l/g until vacate the rwy
When u are lost during taxi. What can u do?
Req Progressive taxi Instructions
PA for cabin crew to be ready, in case of Abnormal situation
This is the captain, attention cabin crew at Stations
Policy- Cabin crew Start the Service ( During climb) when and how?
The flaps have been fully retracted,
The aeroplane has reached an altitude of 5,000 feet AAL or above, and
The turbulence is expected to be none or light.
Extinguishing the seatbelt sign,
Cycling the seatbelt sign,
Calling the Purser via the interphone, or
Announcing “Cabin Crew cleared for duties” via the PA.
When PA arrival?
When briefing?
- 20 min to top
- Not possible then ask purser to make a pax comfort PA and PF finalize when he is ready
Briefing between 20 and top
Rate Max of descents
+ 5000 ——— 5000
These values can be exceeded but only momentary
Priority App
Priority 1:
Precision Approach
Approach Procedure with Vertical Guidance (APV) to the runway threshold
Visual Approach with vertical guidance to the runway threshold.
Priority 2
Non-precision Approach (without vertical guidance to the runway threshold)
Priority 3
Circling Approach (enhanced coded approach procedure)
Priority 4
Visual Approach (without vertical guidance to the runway threshold)
Circling app not authorized during night
Airport we don’t have charts. What can we do?
Visual app
When do we need ceiling?
Circling and
Visual App
Only for planning the TO Alternate if the only app available is a NPA ( only for Planning)
GLS APP. Ground facilities must be operative?
The associated ground station must be operative
2 app speed techniques?
Decelerated app
Early stabilized app
Min outbound?
Time holding?
Fuel used 1 holding?
+14,000——— 1’30’’
Outbound 1’ -> Total Holding is 6 min ,
Outbound 1:30 -> Total Holding is 7 min
1 hold= 1 T
How to increase the REC MAX?
1hour is 10.000 feet
Min rwy and taxi ancho?
Rwy 45
Taxi 23
Distance inner engines and outer?
Inner 30 m
Outer 51 m
Fuel operation before and after releasing the Fuel bowser?
Before -> Basic Procedure or Pre-Flight Calculation Fuel
After -> In-flight Fuel Managment
When ur OFP fuel is not enough u can req a new re clearance OFP, what is the name?
DPP: Decision Point Procedure
m-CD (Mel)
m-CD) (m-Crew Deferral) symbol indicates the requirement for a maintenance procedure, which may be accomplished by the flight crew, provided the following conditions are observed:
The agreement by the flight crew to perform the maintenance
Mel repetition depends on (o) or (m)
(o) The operational procedure must be applied, before each flight, unless a periodicity is clearly specified in the ‘REMARKS or EXCEPTI
(m) if no periodicity is defined, maintenance action is a one-time action to be accomplished before the first flight under relevant MEL item (e.g. a deactivation procedure). Otherwise, this is a repetitive action
Separate and independent rwys
Separate Rwy (EASA):
Runways may overlay or cross in such a way that if one of the runways is blocked, it will not prevent the planned type of operations on the other runway.
Each runway shall have a separate approach procedure based on a separate navigation aid
Definition of Independent Runway I couldn’t find in manuals or internet. I found Independent App. As an Airmanship Separate runway definition covers all the meaning of Independent.
OFP - When u don’t have enough fuel?
DPP Decision Point Procedure ( Reclearance)
What are ur wx min to commit? It is a Technique
Select the best App I can do, IF:
- Best App is CAT III or II -> take the minimum for CAT I
- Best App is CAT I -> go for minimum for NPA
Sector definition
The time between when an aeroplane first moves under its own power until it next comes to rest AFTER LANDING, on the designated parking position
I understand if u need to come back to the stand, that is not consider as a sector for FTL.
Sector (OMA)
First move under its own power, until comes to rest after landing
Missing pax
offloading of the checked baggage shall commence at STD-15.
De icing time spend with 2 trucks?
25 min
When it is 20 to top
When can we start the App?
If the vis is less than the charts min, the flight can start the app if the capt considers there is reasonable expectations to meet the chart minima before reaching ABP Apr ban point
App Ban Point. An app cannot be continued if we reach tha ABP and the vis is lower than the applicable minimum
App Ban Point.
Cat I ———— outer marker or 1000
For circling ——Initial App Fix
CAT II/ III——— it is in LIDO
Note: for Circling and Visual — you need ceiling and visibility to start
Rate of Climb 8%. How much is Vertical Speed?
Speed x Rate
Speed 210 -> 210x8 = 1700’/min
Cockpit prep
Clear to line up
Clear to TO
Cockpit Prep -> AUTO (STROBE)————- AUTO or OFF (during day time)
Clear to Line up -> STROBE
Clear to TO -> Landing Lights and Nose TO
What is the name of the short briefing before TO.
Departing Briefing Confirmation
What are the names of External,
air to cool the plane from the ground
and air to start the engine?
Ground Power Unit
Air Conditioning Unit
Air-Starter Unit
The FLD of the Basic autobrake may exceed the LDA?
As long as all of the following conditions are satisfied:
The RWYCC is 5 or 6
The LD with basic autobrake is less than the LDA
The FLD with maximum manual braking is less than the LDA.
Wet Runway vs Reverse
When the runway is wet or contaminated, Airbus recommends the use of maximum reverse thrust.
The flight crew may use idle reverse in wet conditions when
LDA should therefore exceed the factored LD without reverse for the braking action corresponding to standing water (RWYCC 2, Braking Action Medium to Poor).
Name of MEL Tree?
MEL-Preamble- Failures Prior to TO
Best rate of climb - Best angle of Climb.
Climb FL 300 by Purpa or
Expedite until passing FL300
Climb FL 300 by Purpa -> Best angle of Climb -> Green Dot
Expedite until passing FL300 -> Besr Rate of Climb -> in the middle between ECON speed and Green dot
What is the names of the Alternate Airports in the OFP?
Alternative Priority Listing
Max Thrust during taxi
It is not a limitation, appears on the FCTM as a recommendation
People write a ASR when they use more than 15%
Min Cabin Oxygen - Normal routes and Himalayan
Routes which Depressurization Strategies have been published in the OFP -> Half square ambar-> check FCOM limitations
2 classes -> 1750 PSI
3 classes -> 1650 PSI
TOPA remove Air Conditioner
How much more kilos can you take more?
8 Tonnes
Runway Condition Code
Plane and cabin book, nickname
Tech log
5G in USA
If plane no Upgrade + Reduce visibility destination -> Contact Dispatcher
Flight to USA + Plane no Upgrade 5G + NOTAM in USA of 5G -> CAT I
Min taxiway
Min Runway Width
Min Runway for 180
Distance between Landing gear
Distance between Engines
Min Taxiway -> 23 m
Min Width Runway -> 45 m
Runway + shoulders -> 58 m
Landing Gear -> 15 m
Inner Engines -> 30 m
Outer Engines -> 50 m
When to Stow the Reverse?
At Taxi Speed
BTV - Dry and Wet lines - Brakes and Reverse?
Dry -> Full Brake + No Reverse
Wet -> Full Brake + Full Reverse
BTV - Stop Bar
When appears?
What shows you?
Appears when plane is on Ground ( dissapair Dry or Wet line)
Stop Bar shows you:
When using BTV -> plane will reach 10 knts
Basic Autobrake -> plane will stop
When BTV expects to pass the selected exit ?
Autobrake will change to Autobrake HI.
Triple click
Stop Bar will be Amber colour
BTV - what happens when ROP predicts stop after End of Rwy?
Stop Bar in Red
Sound -> “MAX REVERSE” until apply max reverse
PFD -> “MAX REVERSE” until ROP detects Rwy is enough
BTV - Turnaround Predictions
One with Max Reverse and other Reverse in Idle
Takes into account a fixed taxi phase
Cooling time necessary to reach 150 degrees after landing.
How to call the escalerilla?
Mobile steps
Dry and Wet lines - What altitude are changing his behavior?
Above 600’ -> lines no moving. Taking data from PERF Page
Below 600’ -> Lines moving. Taking Real data
BTV - Speed at Exits
10 knts at 65m of the Exit
If Exit end of Rwy or Exit in the last 300 m -> target 10 knts at 300 m from the Runway End
BTV - Turnaround Predictions
Takes into account a fixed taxi phase and
Cooling time necessary to reach 150 degrees after landing.
ROW - how works and Alerts?
Concerns the airborne phase,
From 500ft AGL until touchdown.
Alerts the flight crew in the case of potential runway excursion at landing.
RWY TOO SHORT -> FMA + Voice ( voice is repeated as long as ROW detest an overrun)
ROP - How works and Alerts?
Concerns the ground phase of the landing.
Alerts the flight crew in the case of potential runway excursion
Asks the flight crew to use maximum reverser thrust and automatically commands maximum braking, when an auto-brake mode is engaged.
Remains armed
Until 30kt, or
Until the aircraft vacates the runway.
Stop Bars - What shows?
Appears when plane is on Ground ( dissapair Dry or Wet line)
Stop Bar shows you:
When using BTV -> plane will reach 10 knts
Basic Autobrake -> plane will stop
Appears when the Stop Bar is after end of runway
Applies Max Braking
Triple Click
Sound -> “MAX REVERSE” until apply max reverse. At 80 knts new announce “KEEP APPLYING MAX REVERSE”
PFD -> “MAX REVERSE” until ROP detects Rwy is enough
ROW/ROP -Limitations
Only with Conf 3 and Full
You can use for Contaminated Runways, but it doesn’t prevent from Runway Excursion
Also with Overweight Landing
ROW/ROP - No AutoBrake
Means -> Pedal Braking
FMA -> “MAX BRAKING”( as long as ROP is active) + “MAX REVERSE” ( as long as ROP is active)
Voice -> “MAX BRAKING”. When the flight crew applies maximum pedal braking, the aural alert “SET MAX REVERSE” replaces the aural alert “MAX BRAKING”.“ “SET MAX REVERSE” the voice will repeat until we apply Max Reverse. At 80 kt -> Reminder “KEEP MAX REVERSE”
Max Fuel Discrepancy during refueling
1900 kilos
FOB before Refueling + Fuel Uplifted = FOB SD
Min Oil
EA -> 6 + 0,4xh ( min 10 quarters)
- below 0 degrees -> 6 + 0,5 (min 13 quarters)
- 0 or above -> 6 + 0,5 (min 10 quarters)
Magnetic vs True?
True north is a fixed point on the globe.
Magnetic north is the direction that a compass needle points
If you read the winds -> they’re true; if you hear them -> they’re magnetic
- Wind numbers -> True North
- Arrow
Plane on heading -> Magnetic North
Plane on Track. -> True North
Icing Conditions
- When OAT is 10 degrees or Below on the ground and for takeoff, or
- TAT in flight is 10°C or below
No need:
- During climb and cruise when the SAT is below –40°C.
When you suspect GPS Interference?
The POSITION / GPS page displays dashes on GPS positions, and/or
Number of tracked satellites (“NBR OF SAT”) may be lower than 5 or null
When we set the Clock to INT, what is its capability?
INT mode of the clock maintains the ATC Datalink capabilities for 24 h.
The internal clock deviates from the GPS by a maximum of one second every 24 h.
To reset the drift resulting from the UTC internal time, the crew must switch the UTC selector of the clock to the GPS mode during10 s
The clock is connected to GPS 1
When can we return the Clock to GPS?
1- Check that the POSITION / GPS page displays GPS1 in NAV (Green) mode and
2- At least 5 satellites tracked.
What systems interfere with GPS interference?
Cruise Phase
- GPS - Aircraft Position - ADS-B - ATC Datalink - SATCOM - TAWS - WXR
APP and LAND phase
To enter in NAT you need?
At least two fully serviceable Long Range Navigation Systems (LRNSs).
A LRNS may be oneof the following:
- one Inertial Navigation System (INS);
- one Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS
UEA Airspace
RNAV 1 navigation specifications and GNSS
Failure before departure ( inbound DXB) -> aircraft is allowed to depart under RNAV 5
Failure airborne -> revised clearance shall be obtained from the ATC. ATC may also provide theaircraft with radar vectors until the aircraft is capable of resuming its own navigation.
Initial contact on an ATC -> ‘EK 321 UNABLE RNAV DUE EQUIPMENT’
No GPS - problems
- No enter UAE
- PBCS Tracks in the NAT FL 350-390
- Arrivals or SID that says “ GNSS REQUIRED “
- RNAV 1 (initial APP…) when we don’t have RAD NAVS to update position (min req RNAV1)
- No RNP or RNAV
RNP APCH what are they?
RNP APCH operations correspond to RNAV(GNSS) or RNAV(GPS) operations.
RNP differs from RNAV that they have a Alert and Monitoring system
Always they need GPS
RNP APP - How can you fly them?
Always with GPS
- FLS -> F-LOC F-G/S
* with LNAV or LNAV/VNAV minimum
* the only Capability acceptable is F-APP. If we see F-APP+RAW -> we cannot do it - NAV/FPA
- LNAV minima only
- GPS PRIMARY must be available on at least one FMS.
- Discontinue the App:
- CrossTrack error exceeds 0.3 NM
How much fuel burn for a GA and return?
2,5 tones
Minima for visual app
LIDO 5 km.
Can we taxi out with 2 engines?
Exceptional Circumstances would be listed in either CCI, or by CoNotam.
On the day of ops, if required by circumstances, the crew should contact Management Pilot on Duty (MPOD) or Tech Pilot on Duty (TPOD) via VPNC for guidance and approval.
VGSI and FAPA are not coincident - what is VGSI and FAPA?
VGSI -> Vertical Guidance Slope Indicator
FAPA -> Final Approach Profile Angle
Oxygen for pilots -half frame (amber) - meaning
On ground only
Means -> The pressure is below the minimum necessary to dispatch the aircraft with 4 or 5 flight crewmembers.
However, the pressure may be sufficient to dispatch the aircraft with less than 4 or 5 flight crewmembers
Refer to Cockpit Oxygen Limitations.
Contingency procedures
30 o más and offset 5nm. Then on the offset:
- Descend FL290
- Offset vertical of 500’
Contingency Procedure of Wx
Deviation less than 5NM -> keep level
+5nm -> vertical offset 500’ ( rule of the rebota)
Runway Condition Code
Dry is 6
How many EXT power units are needed?
At least three EXT power units are necessary to supply the aircraft with the APU OFF
If only two EXT power units are available, it is recommended:
- To keep the APU ON or
- Reduce the load demand for a while (e.g. by setting to OFF the CAB FANS pb-sw and COOLG pb-sw )