Limitation Flashcards
Runway slope
± 2%
Maximum Operating Altitude
43,100 feet pressure altitude
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Altitude
9,500 feet pressure altitude
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Tailwind Component
15 knots by Manual
Turbulent air penetration speed is:
290 KIAS/.78 Mach, whichever is lower
APU starter duty cycle
Is a maximum of three consecutive starts or attempts
within a sixty minute period.
Do not use FLCH on final approach below 1000 feet AFE.
The maximum allowable in-flight difference between Captain and First Officer altitude displays for RVSM operation is?
200 Feet
Maximum Taxi Weight
187,333 Kilograms
Maximum Takeoff Weight
186,880 Kilograms
Maximum Landing Weight
147,871 Kilograms
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
141,656 Kilograms
After takeoff, the autopilot must not be engaged below?
200 Feet
Do not use the autopilot below_____. Radio Altitude at airport pressure altitudes above_______.
100 ft / 8400 ft
Maximum allowable wind speeds when landing weather minima are predicated on autoland operations:
# Headwind 25 knots # Crosswind 25 knots # Tailwind 15 knots
Maximum allowable wind speed when landing weather minima are predicated on CAT II/III operations is:
# Headwind 25 knots # Crosswind 15 knots # Tailwind 10 knots
The minimum inflight fuel tank temperature is?
3°C (5°F) above the freeze point
of the fuel being used.
The maximum fuel temperature is?
49°C (120°F) {Jet B/ JP-4: 43°C (109°F)}
The maximum altitude with flaps extended is?
20,000 ft.#
Maximum N1 Operational Limit?
Maximum N2 Operational Limit?
Engine EGT
Starting on ground 750 - Time Limit - Unlimited
Starting in flight 870 - Time Limit - Max Transient for 40”
Take Off 960 - Time Limit - 5 Minutes
Maximum Continuous 925 - Time Limit - Continuous
- Barber Pole / .86
Flap Speeds
- Flaps 1 - 250
- Flaps 5 - 230
- Flaps 15 - 210
- Flaps 20 - 210
- Flaps 25 - 180
- Flaps 30 - 170
270 kts / .82 whichever is lower.
WS - 156’1” (47.6 M) / 166’11” (50.88M)
L - 159’2” (48.51M) / 180’3” (55M)
H - 52’ (15.85M)
TR - 129’ (39.3M) / 146’ (44.6M)
Approved Ops
- Day and Night
- VFR and IFR
- Icing
Ground Wind Limit for all doors
- 40 KTS while opening or closing
- 60/65 KTS (300/200) while open.
Good / Dry - 40/40 Good / Wet - 25/40 Med Snow No Melting - 20/35 Med Poor Standing Water - 15/20 Poor Ice No Melting - 15/17
- 1350 psi ETOPS
- 1250 psi NON-ETOPS
Max Differential
- 9.10 psi
Max Differential for TO / LNDG
.125 psi (236’ 236 feet below airport pressure altitude)
APU Starter
- Maximum 3 attempts in 60 Minute Period
- 1 Minute minimum between attempts (APU SEL - OFF)
APU Bleed Air
Not Available above 17,000ft
AutoPilot Engaged Minimum Heights
- TO / GA - 250’ AGL
- Non-ILS - 50’ below MDA
- Single Channel ILS - 100’ AGL
- AutoLand - Touchdown/Rollout
- MW - On TO, do not engage CWS below 200’ AGL or CMD Mode below 1000’ AGL
AutoLand Advisory
- Touchdown assumed 2500’ from threshold.
- AutoLand will be made with FLAPS 25 or 30.
- Do not use Autoland for an overweight landing.
Maximum allowable wind speeds when landing weather minima are predicated on autoland operations
Headwind - 25 knots
Tailwind - 15 knots
Crosswind - 25 knots
Circuit Breakers
- Do NOT reset tripped FUEL PUMP circuit breakers.
- Other CBs may be reset once, after a 3 Min Cooling Period.
- Do not use the center VHF for ATC communications with ACARS operational.
- Do not use the HF Radios during refueling
- Do not TX on both HF Radios at once.
Engine anti-ice
Must be ON during all ground and flight operations when icing conditions exist or are anticipated, except when the temperature is below -40°C SAT.
Icing conditions
exist when the OAT on the ground and for takeoff, or TAT in flight is 10°C or below and visible moisture in any form is present (such as clouds, fog with visibility of one mile or less, rain, snow, sleet and ice crystals).
the OAT on the ground and for takeoff is 10°C or below when operating on ramps, taxiways, or runways where surface snow, ice, standing water, or slush may be ingested by the engines or freeze on engines, nacelles, or engine sensor probes
Minimum In Flight Weight
Engine Thrust Rating
Landing Gear Extended With Alternate System
VLO 250 Knots
MLO 0.75
Minimum oil pressure
10 psi
Maximum oil temperature for continuous operation is?
160º C
Maximum oil temperature for maximum period of 15 minutes is?
175º C