Lily Quotes Flashcards
LIly is still in love with Godfrey
Why ain’t I the one in your bed
Lily openly rejects the US national system due to its oppressive nature at the time for black people.
I never stand for the National Anthem, don’t even know the words
As a black women lily is very aware of what people view her as. she expresses her frustration that even though she dresses well people only notice her skin colour.
The only thing people see is the colour of my skin
Lily reveals she tries to dress better than white women as a form of protesting
Envy is my secret weapon, babies
Lily doesn’t confirm to gender roles that were prevalent at the time
The only thing ever willed for me was marriage, I choose not to do it.
Lily doesn’t like that gerte is giving the girls instructions
never be made to feel like servants in their own house