Lights & Buoys West of 15' Flashcards
West Part of Docks “2”
Fl R 4s 15’ 5M “2”
SW Part of Docks G “1”
Fl G 4s G “1”
S tip of Mormon Island “1”
Fl G 4s 34’ 6M “1” Horn
Inside Fish Hbr Breakwater “4”
FL R 2.5s 15’ 4M “4”
Inside Fish Hbr Breakwater “3”
Fl G 4s 25’ 4M “3”
Fish Harbor Entrance “2”
Fl R 4s 25’ 4M “2”
Fish Harbor Entrance “1”
Fl G 2.5s 25’ 4M “1”
S of Fish Hbr Entrance G “5”
G “5” QG
E of SE Reservation Point G “3”
G “3” Fl G 2.5s
S of SE Reservation Point G “1”
G “1” Fl G 4s
SW Reservation Point “12”
Fl R 2.5s 20’ 5M “12” Horn
LA Entrance Range Upper
Iso Y 6s 58’
LA Entrance Range Lower
F Y 43’
Middle Pier 400 “T”
Iso 2s 50’ 5M “T”
Off Pier 400 Point “10”
R “10” QR
Entrance Channel “11”
G “11” Fl G 2.5s
Los Angeles Light
Fl G 15s 73’ 19M Horn
Between Brk Wtr & Top of Dike “A”
Fl 2.5s 15’ 5M “A”
Top of Dike “B”
Fl 4s 15’ 5M “B”
Near Top of Dike “C”
Fl 2.5s 20’ 4M “C”
SW Part of Dike “D”
Fl 4s 20’ 4M “D”
Dike off SP Brk Wtr Pier “E”
Fl 2.5s 20’ 4M “E”
S of Knuckle Brk Wtr W. Chan “F”
Fl 4s 20’ 4M “F”
North Wishbone
Fl 4s 11’ Priv
South Wishbone
Fl 4s 15’ Priv
Brk Water Ent W. Channel
Fl 4s 22’ Priv
Tip of Finger Pier @ Pier 47 “4”
Fl R 4s 42’ 5M “4”
NW from Pier 47 Finger Pier
Fl 4s Priv
Off Point Fermin “6PF”
R “6PF” Fl R 4s Whistle
Point Fermin
Fl 10s 120’ 13M
City Hall
Lighted R TR
VT Bridge East
VT Bridge East
VT Bridge West
VT Bridge West