lights Flashcards
R23: WIG craft
I: A masthead light forward
II: An all round flashing yellow light
II: Sidelights + Sternlight
Power driven vessel over 50m
I: A masthead light forward
II: A second mast head light abaft of and higher than the forward one
II: Sidelights + Sternlight
Power driven vessel under 50m
I: A masthead light
II: Sidelights + Sternlight
Towing vessel under 50m tow under 50m
I: 2 white masthead lights
II: Sidelights
II: Towing light + Yellow town light above
Towing vessel under 50m tow over 50m
I: Three vertical masthead lights
II: Sidelights
II: Sternlight + Yellow towing light above
Towing vessel over 50m tow under 50m
I: Three white masthead lights with the highest being further abaft than the others.
II: Sidelights
II: Sternlight + Yellow tow light above
Town vessel over 50m tow over 50m
I: Four white masthead lights with the highest being further abaft than the others.
II: Sidelights
III: Sternlight + Yellow tow light above
Towing vessel over 50m length of tow over 50m
I: Four white masthead lights with the highest being further abaft than the others.
II: Three lights in a vertical line red/white/red
III: Sidelights
IV: Sternlight + Yellow tow light above
Power vessel under 12m
I: An all round white light (360degrees)
II: Sidelights
Power vessel under 7m max speed 7kn
I: An all round white light (360degrees)
II: If practicable, sidelights
Sailing vessel
I: Sidelights (Head)
II: Sternlight
III: A sailing vessel underway may also exhibit two all round light with the highest being and red and lowest being green.
Sailing vessel less than 20m
I: The rules found in paragraph (a) of this rule may be combined with a lantern positioned at the top of the mast.
Sailing vessel less than 7m or rowboat
I: If practicable the vessel should exhibit the lights described in paragraph a or b of this rule.
II: If not she should have ready an electric torch or lighted lantern showing a white light exhibited in sufficient enough to prevent collision