Lightroom Basics Flashcards
Show/hide side panels
Show/hide all panels
Shift + Tab
Show/hide toolbar
Show/hide Module Picker
Show/hide Filmstrip
Show/hide left panels
Show/hide right panels
Toggle solo mode
Option-click a panel
Open a new panel without closing soloed panelS
Shift-click a panel
Open/close all panels
Command-click a panel
Open/close left panels, top to bottom
Command + Control + 0 - 5
Open/close right panels, Library and Develop modules, top to bottom
Command + 0 - 8
Open/close right panels, Slideshow, Print, and Web modules, top to bottom
Command + 1 - 7
Go to Library module
Command + alt + 1
Go to Develop module
Command + Alt + 2
Go to Slideshow module
Command + Alt + 5
Go to Print module
Command + Alt + 6
Go to Web module
Command + Alt + 7
Go back / go forward
Command + Option + Left Arrow / Command + Option + Right Arrow
Go back to previous module
Command + Option + Up Arrow
Enter Library Loupe view
Enter Library Grid view
Enter Library Compare view
Enter Library Survey view
Open selected photo in the Develop module
Cycle forward / backward through Lights Out modes
L / Shift + L
Toggle Lights Dim mode
Command + Shift + L
Cycle screen modes
Previous screen mode
Shift + F
Switch between Normal and full-screen, hide panels
Command + Shift + F
Go to Normal screen mode
Command + Option + F
Cycle info overlay
Show/hide info overlay
Command + I
Open secondary window
Command + F11
Enter Grid view
Shift + G
Enter normal Loupe view
Shift + E
Enter locked Loupe view
Command + Shift + Return
Enter Compare view
Shift + C
Enter Slideshow view
Command + Option + Shift + Return
Enter full-screen mode (requires a second monitor)
Command + Shift + F11
Show/hide Filter bar
Shift + \
Zoom in / zoom out
Command + Shift + = / Command + Shift + -
Go to catalog settings
Alt key during Lightroom startup
Allows to select which catalog to launch
F5 key
Toggles showing and hiding the top panel
Go to map module
Cmd alt 3
Go to book
Cmd alt 4