Lightning Thief Flashcards
“Page 3” Probation
The action of suspending the sentence of a convicted offender and giving the offender freedom during good behavior under the supervision of a probation officer
“Page 73” mused
To think about something carefully and thoroughly
“Page 9” materialized
to cause to appear in bodily form
“Page 75” gable
a triangular part or structure
“Page 81” sneer
to smile or laugh with facial contortions that express scorn or contempt
“Hero’s Journey” embark
to make a start
“Page 107” pulverize
to reduce
“Page 109” parries
to ward off a weapon or blow
“Page 112” sickly
somewhat unwell
“Page 115” warily
marked by keen caution
“Page 168” divine
directed to God or a god
“Page 243” Outlaw
a person excluded from the benefit or protection of the law
“Page 245” soiled
to stain or defile morally
“Page 250”doctoral
a learned or authoritative teacher
“Page 263” jarred
to make a harsh or discordant sound