Lightning Thief Flashcards
tweed pg.2
a rough woolen fabric made usually in twill weaves and used especially for suits and coats
frayed pg.2
worn or shredded at the ends or edges
probation pg.3
critical examination and evaluation or subjection to such examination and evaluation
stele pg.4
the usually cylindrical central vascular portion of the axis of a vascular plant
kleptomaniac pg.3
a persistent neurotic impulse to steal especially without economic motive
frieze pg.7
a heavy durable coarse wool and shoddy fabric with a rough surface
pulverize pg. 12
to reduce (as by crushing, beating, or grinding) to very small particles
conch pg. 106
any of various large spiral-shelled marine gastropod mollusks
brisket pg.105
a cut of beef from the brisket
elated pg.122
marked by high spirits
caduceus pg.123
the symbolic staff of a herald
specifically : a representation of a staff with two entwined snakes and two wings at the top
aura pg.159
a special quality or impression associated with something
resented pg.167
to feel or express annoyance or ill will at
petrification pg.192
to make rigid or inert like stone: to make lifeless or inactive : to confound with fear, amazement, or awe
cabbie pg.266
a driver of a cab