Lightning Thief Flashcards
The act or process of orienting or of being oriented
A persistent neurotic impulse to steal especially without economic motive
Smother p 32
to kill by depriving air
to overcome or discomfit through or as if through lack of air
Mausoleums p80
a large tomb
a large gloomy building or room
Sprawled p92
to lie or sit with arms and legs spread out
to spread or develop irregularly or without restraint
treated by tempering
especially, of glass : treated so as to impart increased strength and the property of shattering into pellets when broken
to discharge by the throat and mouth
Insufferable p185
not to be endured
Migraine p185
a condition marked by recurring moderate to severe headache with throbbing pain that usually lasts from four hours to three days, typically begins on one side of the head but may spread to both sides, is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound, and is sometimes preceded by an aura and is often followed by fatigue
Impertinent p 187
given to or characterized by insolent rudeness
Berths 198
sufficient distance for maneuvering a ship
an amount of distance maintained for safety
Subsiding p 241
to sink or fall to the bottom
to tend downward
Swiveled p 241
a device joining two parts so that one or both can pivot freely (as on a bolt or pin)
to perplex the mind of
Satin p278
a fabric (as of silk) in satin weave with lustrous face and dull back
Lapel p284
the part of a garment that is turned back
specifically : the fold of the front of a coat that is usually a continuation of the collar
freeloader p 288
to impose upon another’s generosity or hospitality without sharing in the cost or responsibility involved
panel p288
a schedule containing names of persons summoned as jurors
flickered p289
to move irregularly or unsteadily
transparent p289
having the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering so that bodies lying beyond are seen clearly
despair p289
utter loss of hope
a cause of hopelessness
carnation p289
a plant of any of numerous often cultivated and usually double-flowered varieties or subspecies of an Old World pink (Dianthus caryophyllus) found in many color variations
parapets p307
a wall, rampart, or elevation of earth or stone to protect soldiers
grotesquely p307
a style of decorative art characterized by fanciful or fantastic human and animal forms often interwoven with foliage or similar figures that may distort the natural into absurdity, ugliness, or caricature
stake p300
a pointed piece of wood or other material driven or to be driven into the ground as a marker or support