Lightning Thief Flashcards
Materialized (verb)
Page 9
Appearing very suddenly.
Delinquent (noun)
Page 22
A young person who performs illegal or immoral acts.
Pulverize (verb)
Page 11
To reduce.
Dyslexia (noun)
Page 88
A learning disability with a lack of proficiency in reading.
Burly (adj)
Page 117
Strongly and heavily built.
Maiming (transitive word)
Page 118
To mutilate, disfigure, or wound seriously.
Spontaneous (adj)
Page 132
Proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint.
Solstice (noun)
Page 135
Either of the two points on the ecliptic at which its distance from the celestial equator is greatest.
Drachmas (Noun)
Page 149
Ancient Greek units of weight.
Hyperventintilating (verb)
Page 151
To breathe rapidly and deeply.
Infrared (adj)
Page 170
Situated outside the visible spectrum at its red end —used radiation having a wavelength between about 700 nanometers and 1 millimeter
Migraine (adj)
Page 185
A condition marked by recurring moderate to severe headaches with throbbing pain that usually lasts from four hours to three days.
Inconvenient (adj)
Page 200
Not convenient especially in giving trouble or annoyance.
Parthenon (noun)
Page 202
A Doric temple of Athena was built on the acropolis at Athens in the fifth-century b.c.
Temperamental (adj)
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Marked by excessive sensitivity and impulsive mood changes