Light Waves: An Introduction to Optics Flashcards
What was light thought to be initially?
Initially thought of as particles. BUt was growing evidence for a wave-like nature.
What are the two wave equations for EM waves in a vacuum?
d^2 E/dx^2 = ϵ0μ0 d^2 E/dt^2.
Other is the same but with B instead of E, where ϵ0 and μ0 are the permittivity and permeability of free space respectively.
What is the equation for wave speed in terms of ϵ0 and μ0?
c = 1/sqrt(ϵ0*μ0)
How are electric and magnetic fields related?
They are perpendicular to eachother and they are perpendicular to the direction of propagation. If propagation is in x-direction, dEy/dx = -dBz/dt
What is the equation relating the electic field E0 and magnetic field B0? What does this mean?
E0 = cB0. This means the magnetic field is small compared to E, so most of the effects we see arise from the E field interacting with electrons.
What is the Poynting Vector?
The directional energy flux density (rate of change of energy transfer per unit area in direction of propagation)
What is the equation for the Poynting vector?
S = 1/μ0 E X B
What is the equation for intensity of the Poynting vector?
I = |Save| = 1/2 * ϵ0 * c * E0^2
What is the momentum flow rate per unit area of EM waves?
1/A * dp/dt = S/c
What is radiation pressure?
The pressure exerted upon any surface exposed to EM radiation.
What equation do you get for an E field if you just consider the E field?
E = Eyj + Ezk
What is the equation for Ey and Ez?
Ey = E0y cos(kx-ωt) Ez = E0z cos(kx-ωt+φ)
What is linearly polarised light?
When Ey and Ez are in phase. E-field always in same direction but magnitude changes over time.
How would you look at the magnitude of the E-field over time in linearly polarised light?
Consider when Ey and Ez fluctuate between 1 and -1. (e.g. when Ey = 1 and Ez = -1, the light is diagonally upwards.
What is circularly polarised light?
Ey and Ez have the same magnitude, but are pi/2 out of phase.
What is left/right handed circularly polarised light?
Left-hand when φ = pi/2 (clockwise circle)
Right-hand when φ = -pi/2 (anti-clockwise circle)
What is elliptical polarisation?
When Ey and Ez have different magnitudes and/or φ =/ npi/2
What is a polarizer?
Filters which only allow through one type of polarization.
What intensity of light does a linear polariser let through?
I = I0/2
only lets through one component of E-field
What intensity of light does a linear polariser at an angle let through?
I = I0*cos^2(theta)
What is a quarter wave plate?
Change the phase between Ey and Ez by pi/2. COnverts linear to circular and vice-versa.
What should the distance between wave fronts be?
The wavelength.
What is Huygen’s principle?
He proposed that every point on a wavefront acts as a point source, and the new wavefront is the sum of the wavelets - explains diffraction/refraction.
Why does the apparent speed of light change due to interaction with matter?
The electric field interacts with the charges within a materialsuch that the light oscillates the charges within the material.