Light Flashcards
What are waves?
Spatial patterns which fill available space and which oscillate as a function of time.
What are light waves made up of?
Oscillating patterns of electric and magnetic fields as functions of r and t.
What is the the equation for the wavenumber k?
k =2*pi/λ
What are the two equations for wave speed?
v = ω/k = λ/T
What is the equation for a harmonic wave?
u(x, t) = Acos(kx -/+ ωt)
In thermodynamics, how much energy does each degree of freedom contribute?
1/2 * kb * T
What is an “ideal” black body?
An ideal absorber, absorbing all of the radiation that strikes it. It is also an ideal radiator/emitter at the same time.
What is the Stefan-Boltzmann law?
I = σT^4
How do you get the intensity of a black body from a graph?
Graph of I vs λ, the area under the graph (integral from 0 to infinity of I(λ) dλ
How do the I-λ graphs differ for black bodies at different temperatures?
The higher the temperature, the more intense the black body is, and the lower the wavelength.
What is Wien’s displacement law?
λmax T = const = 2.898*10^-3 mK
What is the value of the Stefan-Boltzmann constant?
5.67*10^-8 W m^-2 K^-4
What is the equation for intensity of a black body in terms of temperature a d wavelength? (classical approach)
I(λ) = (2pickb*T)/(λ^4)
Why can’t the classical approach to intensity of a black body be used experimentally?
It leads to the Ultraviolet catastrophe, where the intensity of UV rays tends to infinity.
What did Planck say about energy of BB radiation?
Energy is quantised, allowed energies are En = nhf, where h is the constant of proportionality.
What is Planck’s model for BB radiation?
E = (hf)/(exp(hf/kbT)-1)
What was Planck’s equation for the intensity of black body radiation?
I(λ) = (2pic^2h)/(λ^5) * 1/(exp(hc/λkbT) - 1)
What did Albert Einstein find to do with the photoelectric effect?
E = hf, where h = 6.626 * 10^-34 Js
Describe apparatus for the photoelectric experiment.
- Dot anode and curved cathode opposite eachother
- Anode connected to a Galvanometer and both connected to a power supply
Describe how the photoelectric experiment apparatus was used.
Monochromatic light shone onto cathode which emits electrons. Electric field pushes electrons to anode. Electrons return to cathode via circuit and Galvanometer measures current - reverse electric field, and increase the field strength until electrons no longer reach anode and no current flows - stopping potential
What was the intensity equation proposed for black body spectral emittance?
I(λ, t) = aexp(-β/λt)/(λ^5)
How many degrees of freedom and therefore energy does each mode bring to a wave?
Each mode brings 2 degrees of freedom which is equal to kbT energy per mode.
What do we need to describe I(λ)?
Need to find dn, the number of modes in small wavelength interval λ to λ - dλ (dn * kbT -> I(λ))
What is the equation for energy due to only some wavelengths being allowed on a black body curve of E-c
x, from x=0 to x=L.
En = sin(npix/L)*sin(ωnt), and λn = 2L/n - allowed standing waves.
How do you calculate dn?
Assume a continuum of permitted standing waves, with n»_space; 1 and λ «_space;2L, so dn = dn/dλ * (-dλ) = 2L/λ^2 dλ
What is the equation for energy in the modes with wavelengths between λ and λ-dλ?
E(λ, t) = 2LkbT/λ^2 dλ
How do you find the equation for energy of a 3D black body? What is the equation for intensity?
assume a cubic box of size L: E(λ, t) = (8pi *L^3 kbT)/(λ^4) dλ
I(λ) = 2pickbT/λ^4
What is the equation of the probability of a certain energy (from Boltzmann distribution)? What is, therefore the probability of the energy from plancks model?
p(E) ~ exp(-βE), where β = 1/kbT
p(nhf) = exp(-βnhf)/sum from n=0 to infinity of exp(-βnhf) = exp(-βnhf)*(1-exp(-βhf))
How do you find the average energy, knowing the equation for the probability of a certain energy? (first step)
Average energy = = sum from n=0 to infinity of p(E) * E = sum of p(nhf) * nhf = sum of nhf exp(-βnhf)(1-exp(-βhf)
How do you find the average energy, knowing the equation for the probability of a certain energy? (second step)
Now differentiate exp(-βnhf) to get -nhf * exp(-βnhf) = d/df * 1/(1-exp(-βhf)) = (-hf*exp(-βhf))/((1-exp(-βhf))^2)
How do you find the average energy, knowing the equation for the probability of a certain energy? (third step)
= (exp(-βhf) * hf)/(1-exp(-βhf)) = hf/(exp(βhf)-1)
What does this final equation for average energy tell us?
That for high T, the model is the same as classical result because kbT»_space; hf, so βhf «_space;1, giving kbT. For low T, kbT «_space;hf, so βhf»_space;1, so = hf*exp(-βhf) -> is small compared to kbT.
How do you find intensity using the equation for average energy?
Substitute in for kbT.
How do you find λmax?
Differentiate Planck’s formula to get λmaxT = 2.89810^-3.
How do you get the total power radiated?
Integrate I(λ) from 0 to infinity.
What equation do you get for the total power radiated?
I = (2pi^5 * kb^4)/(15h^3 * c^2) * T^4