Light Flashcards
study light for upcoming test.
What is light?
form of energy that moves in electromagnetic waves can travel through an empty space (vacuum) as well as through materials.
What are properties of light waves?
Wavelength, frequency and speed
What is the constant speed of light in a vacuum and what happens when it reaches/touches denser material?
constant speed = 300,000 kilometers per second and when it touches denser material it slows down.
What is the electro magnetic (EM) spectrum?
It is the spectrum of al electromagnetic radiation, light is just a small piece of that spectrum.
What are other examples of electromagnetic radiation?
radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays.
In order of frequency what are the 7 key types of electro magnetic radiation?
radio waves -> microwaves-> infrared ->
Visible light->
X-rays ->
& Gamma rays
What is the min. To max. Light the human eye can detect?
400 NM -m 700 NM
What are the colors of visual light (include acronym and what it stands for)
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
What is white light mad up of?
multiple different colors
How do we see color?
When light hits an object, different wavelengths are absorbed and reflected. We see colors by the wavelengths that are reflected off the object.
What happens when light meets a transparent material?
light can go through the material and it bends (refracts) x spreads out
What happens when light meets an opaque material?
light can not go through and the material either absorbed the light or reflects it.
How does colors affect light interaction?
color of an object depends on the wavelengths being reflected and absorbed. EX: red reflects red wavelengths and absorbed others so we would see red.
Refraction happens when…
when light bends because the speed changes due to the change in density from 1 material to the next like for example if light was going from air to water it would bend because if the density change.
Absorption happens when..
when light meets a certain material absorb certain wavelengths and reflected off others. EX: white reflects almost all colors while black materials absorb almost all.
Reflection happens when..
When light hits an opaque surface and can’t go through the wavelengths get reflected.
Incidence means?
incoming light
What happens when light passes through a prism?
causes light to refract (spread out) into it’s component colors (like a rainbow) happens Because different wavelengths of light bend by different amounts.
What happens when light reflects off a mirror?
when light waves hit a mirror they reflect at the same angle they touched the mirror following the law of reflection.