Ligaments Flashcards
Anterior Longitudinal L.
ALL, C2 to sacrum
widest at sacrum, blends with discs
only spinal l. that resists (hyper)extension
Posterior Longitudinal L.
PLL, C2 to sacrum
widest at sacrum, resists flexion, fans out at discs
Capsular ll.
at each zygapophyseal joint, C2 to sacrum
flexible, includes meniscoids (synovial folds)
Interspinous ll.
C2 to sacrum, discontinuous,
b/w S.P.s, poorly developed except in lumbar
Intertransverse ll.
C2 to sacrum, discontinuous
b/w T.P.s, poorly developed except in lumbar
Ligamentum Flavum
C2 to sacrum, left & right sides
discontinuous, connecting laminae of segments
thick, touch, yellow, b/c of elastic fibers; resists flexion & absorbs shock
helps posterior wall of v. canal & posterior mm. to maintain erect posture
C2 to sacrum,
intervertebral disc itself is a ligament
Transforaminal L.
C2 to sacrum, variable in size (and presence)
reduces size of IVF
Anterior Antlantooccipital L.
homologous to the ALL from occiput to C1
Posterior Atlantoccipital L.
homologous to Ligamentum Flavum between occiput & C1
has arcuate foramen for vertebral artery
Lateral Atlantoccipital L.
later mass of atlas to paramastoid process (C1 to occiput)
Anterior Atlanto-axial L.
homologous to ALL b/w C1 to C2
Posterior Atlanto-axial L.
homologous to Ligamentum Flavum, b/w C1 to C2
Accessory L.
lateral mass of C1 to posterior body of C2, deep to tectorial membrane
Tectorial L.
homologous to PLL, b/w C2 to occiput, along anterior border of foramen magnum
Cruciform L.
deep to tectorial membrane, holds dens against facet; transverse part attaches to lateral masses and holds dens in place; longitudinal part connects to anterior border of foramen magnum (occiput) to body of C2
Alar L.
paired, attach dens to left & right occipital condyles (alar tubercles), occiput to C2
Supraspinous L.
C7 to sacrum, continuous, connecting SPs
Nuchal l.
parts: funicular cord (to EOP) and lamellar membrane (to median nuchal line)
connecting all SPs in cervical region, homologous to supraspinous l.
Costovertebral articular capsule l.
thoracic only
Costovertebral interosseous l.
attaches crest of rib head to IVD, separates joint cavity into superior/inferior halves
Radiate l.
thoracic region
superior/intermediate/inferior bands
connect to body above/disc/body below
Costotransverse articular capsule l.
thoracic region
Costotransverse interosseous l.
from costal neck to base of T.P.
(the rib neck l.)
Lateral costotransverse l.
thoracic region
tip of T.P. to costal tubercle
Superior costotransverse l.
thoracic region
neck of rib to T.P. of segment above
Superior iliolumbar l.
TP of L4 to iliac crest
lumbosacral - support flex/ext & lateral flexion
Inferior iliolumbar l.
TP of L5 to iliac crest
lumbosacral - support flex/ext & lateral flexion
Lumbosacral l.
L5 T.P. to sacral ala
support flex/ext & lateral flexion
Posterior sacroiliac l.
sacrum to pelvis
quite strong, extensive; short horizontal fibers & long vertical fibers; prevents sacrum from falling b/w ilia
Anterior sacroiliac l.
sacrum to pelvis
very strong, less significant than & deep to post SI l.; reinforces anterior SI capsule, blends to capsule
Interosseous sacroiliac l.
sacral tuberosity to ilial tuberosity
very strong, located deep/anterior to posterior SI l.
Sacrotuberous l.
ischial tuberosity (of pelvis) to sacrum very strong, resists forward nodding of base of sacrum
Sacrospinous l.
ischial spine (of pelvis) to anterior sacrum