Lifting & Moving Flashcards
Emergency Move
Used when the scene is hazardous, care of life-threatening conditions requires repositioning, or when you must reach other patients who have life-threatening conditions.
NOTE: Full spinal precautions are not taken into considerations.
Urgent Moves
Required when the patient must be moved quickly for treatment of an immediate life threat.
NOTE: Performed with precautions for spinal injuries.
Non-urgent Moves
Used when there is no immediate threat to life.
On scene assessment and any needed on-scene treatments should be complete first.
Rapid Extrication Technique
A technique go move a patient from a sitting position inside a vehicle to supine on a backboard in less than 1 minute when conditions do not allow for standard immobilization.
Direct Ground Lift
A method of lifting and carrying a patient from ground level to a stretcher in which two or more rescuers kneel, curl the patient to their chests, stand, then revers them process to lower the patient to the stretcher.
Extremity Lift / Carry
A method of lifting and carrying a patient during which on rescuer slips their hands under the patient’s armpits and grasps the wrists, while another rescuer grasps the patient’s knees.
Used to move a patient from a seated position to the stretcher.
Direct Carry
A method of transferring a patient from bed to stretcher, during which two or more rescuers curl the patient to their chests and then reverse the process to lower the patient to the stretcher.
Draw Sheet Method
A method of transferring a patient from bed to stretcher by grasping and pulling the loosened bottom sheet of the bed.
Clothes Drag
A one rescuer drag performed by moving a patient by pulling on their clothing, usually from the shoulders and along the long axis of the body.
Incline Drag
A one rescuer drag performed by moving a patient up or down a stairway.
Always drag the patient headfirst.
Shoulder Drag
A one rescuer drag performed by moving a patient by grasping under the shoulders and pulling along the long axis of the body.
Foot Drag
A one rescuer drag performed by pulling on the patient’s feet along the long axis of the body.
Firefighter’s Drag
A one rescuer drag performed by tying the patient’s hands together, straddling the patient, placing the patient’s hands around the rescuers neck, and then crawling.
Blanket Drag
A one rescuer drag performed by gently rolling the patient onto a blanket and then dragging the blanket usually from the head end.
One-rescuer Assist
Place patient’s arm around your neck, grasping the patient’s hand in yours.
Place your other hand around the patient’s waist.
Hell the patient walk to safety.
Cradle Carry
Place one arm across the patient’s back with your hand under their arm.
Place your other arm under the knees and lift.
NOTE: Use this technique only for light patients.
Pack Strap Carry
A one rescuer carry performed by having the patient stand facing your back.
Place patient’s hands over your shoulders, hold the patient’s wrists and pull the patient onto your back.
Piggyback Carry
Firefighters Carry
A one rescuer carry performed by pulling the patient from a lying position onto your shoulders.
Drape the patient across your shoulders with one arm and one leg hanging in front.
Wheeled Stretcher
A standard four-wheeled stretcher used most effectively when four rescuers are present.
Portable Stretcher
A stretcher used to move patients out of an area that is difficult to reach with a Wheeled Stretcher.
Reeves Flexible Stretcher / BOT
Very common stretcher that provides excellent stabilization.
A stretcher used to move patients out of an area that is difficult to reach with a Wheeled Stretcher.
Long Spine Board
A backboard used to immobilize supine patients with suspected spinal injury.
A stretcher used to move patients out of an area that is difficult to reach with a Wheeled Stretcher.
Short Spine Board / KED
A smaller spinal board used to immobilize supine patients with suspected spinal injury.
Patient will be moved from the seated position to the supine position using the KED, and then immediately immobilized onto a Long Spine Board.