Lifestyle and Risk Flashcards
Water as a solvent process
As water is a polar molecule sodium and chloride ions and glucose will dissolve
Water molecules surround charged particles ;the positive parts of water are attracted to negatively charged particles and the negative parts of water are attracted to positively charged particles
The surrounded molecules break apart e.g. sodium chloride molecules break into sodium ions and chloride ions The ions surrounded by water molecules have dissolved
The whole process of if damage happens to the endothelium
If damage occurs to the endothelium (e.g. by high
blood pressure) there will be an inflammatory response — this is where white blood cells (mostly
macrophages) move into the area.
These white blood cells and lipids (fats) from the blood, clump together under the endothelium to form fatty streaks.
Over time, more white blood cells, lipids and connective tissue
build up and harden to form a fibrous plaque called an atheroma.
This plaque partially blocks the lumen of the artery and restricts
blood flow, which causes blood pressure to increase.
What are the two polysaccharides that make up starch?
Amylose and amylopectin
Saturated lipids everything
Saturated lipids are mainly found in animal fats
they have higher melting temperatures
Saturated lipids don’t have any double bonds between the carbon atoms in their hydrocarbon tails every carbon is attached to at least two hydrogen atoms. The lipid is ‘saturated’ with hydrogen.
How does glucose structure allow it do do its function
Its structure makes it soluble so it can be easily transported, and its chemical bonds contain lots of energy.
function of lipoproteins
Cholesterol needs to be attached to protein to be moved around, so the body forms lipoproteins
What is the function of the heart?
To pump oxygenated blood to the cells of the body.
How does a blood clot form
A protein called thromboplastin is
released from the damaged blood vessel.
Thromboplastin, along with calcium ions from the plasma,
triggers the conversion of prothrombin (a soluble protein)
into thrombin (an enzyme).
Thrombin then catalyses the conversion of fibrinogen
(a soluble protein) to fibrin (solid insoluble fibres).
The fibrin fibres tangle together and form a mesh in which
platelets (small fragments of cells in the blood) and red
blood cells get trapped — this forms the blood clot.
(diagram in book)
What are coronary arteries?
Arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle itself.
What is maltose made of and is it di or poly
Two a-glucose molecules are joined together by a 1-4 glycosidic bond
What are the tails of fatty acids made of?
Hydrocarbons (carbon chains with hydrogen atoms).
What is a myocardial infarction and what are they usually caused by?
Commonly known as a heart attack, caused by a blood clot blocking a coronary artery.
What is a benefits associated with anticoagulants?
Anticoagulants can be used to treat
people who already have blood clots
or CVD — they prevent any existing
blood clots from growing any larger
and prevent any new blood clots from
forming. However, anticoagulants
can’t get rid of existing blood clots.
What is the structure of a triglyceride?
One glycerol molecule and three fatty acids joined by ester bonds.
How does Atheromas Increase the Risk of Thrombosis in Arteries
An atheroma can rupture (burst through) the endothelium of an artery, damaging the artery wall and leaving a rough surface. This triggers thrombosis (blood clotting) — a blood clot forms at the site of the rupture .
This blood clot can cause a complete blockage of the artery, or it can
become dislodged and block a blood vessel elsewhere in the body.
The blood flow to tissues supplied by the blocked blood vessel will be severely
restricted, so less oxygen will reach those tissues, resulting in damage.
Heart attack, stroke and deep vein thrombosis are three forms of cardiovascular disease that can be caused by blood clots
Ventricular systole process
The walls ofthe ventricles contract
Ventricular volume decreases
Ventricular pressure increases
The pressure in the ventricles rises above that the atria
This forces the AV valves to close, preventing backflow of blood
The pressure in the ventricles rises above that in the aorta and pulmonary artery
This forces the semilunar(SL) valves open so blood is forced into the arteries and out of the heart
During this period, the atria are relaxing; atrial diastole coincides with ventricular systole
The blood flow to the heart continues, so the relaxed atria begin to fill with blood again
What can a ruptured atheroma trigger?
Thrombosis (blood clotting).
Why do multicellular organisms need a mass transport system?
Diffusion across the outer membrane would be too slow because of the large distance the substances would have to travel to reach all the cells that why we need a mass transport system
What causes a stroke?
A blood clot in an artery leading to the brain, reducing blood and oxygen supply.
What is the purpose of the coarse adjustment knob?
To move the objective lens closer to the slide.
What is the formula for calculating BMI?
BMI = body mass (kg) / height^2 (m^2).
What are triglycerides
a kind of lipid
What characteristic of Daphnia allows monitoring of their heart rate?
They are transparent.
Where are unsaturated lipids mostly found?
In plants, e.g. olive oil.
How does a hydrolysis reaction work in carbohydrates
a molecule of water reacts with the glycosidic bond, breaking it apart.
What is a wet mount used for?
Looking at tiny organisms that live in water.
What are the two types of lipoproteins?
High density lipoproteins (HDLs) and low density lipoproteins (LDLs).
What is adhesion
Water being able to hydrogen bond to other molecules like to the sides of the vessels
benefits of Platelet Inhibitory
As with anticoagulants, these
can be used to treat people who
already have blood clots or CVD.
How can an obese person change
change diet and exercise more
What is released during the formation of a triglyceride?
A molecule of water.
What is the recommended daily intake of Calories for men?
2500 calories
Condensation and hydrolysis of disaccharides drawing
What should you write down when drawing a creature under a microscope?
The magnification used.
differences between mono and di sacharides in terms of properties
Disaccharides are also soluble (though not as soluble as monosaccharides) and their chemical bonds store more energy than monosaccharides.
How does hydrolysis happen in lipids
a molecule of water is added to each
ester bond to break it apart, and the triglyceride splits up into three fatty acids
and one glycerol molecule
What precautions should be taken during a heart dissection?
Cut away from yourself and disinfect work surfaces after.
What are some examples of anticoagulants?
Examples include warfarin and heparin.
What is the role of the left side of the heart?
To pump oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.
How does smoking affect antioxidants in the blood?
Smoking decreases antioxidants in the blood, these are important for protecting cells from damage. Fewer antioxidants means cell damage in the artery walls is more likely, and this can lead to atheroma formation, which increases the risk of CVD.
what are statistics backed by
statistical chance of something unfavourable happening is supported by scientific research.
E.g. the actual risk of dying from CVD is 60% higher for smokers than for non-smokers.
What is the hardening of arteries caused by atheromas called?
What is the common animal used to test the effect of caffeine on heart rate?
What are cabohydrates and what are they made from
Most carbohydrates are large, complex molecules (polymers) composed of
long chains of monosaccharides (monomers)
Why is water considered a good solvent?
Water’s dipole nature allows important ions to dissolve in it, facilitating transport in living organisms.
What is deep vein thrombosis (DVT)?
Formation of a blood clot in a vein deep inside the body, usually in leg veins.
What is endothelial dysfunction?
When the endothelium can’t function normally due to damage.
How can genetics affect CVD risk?
Inherited alleles can increase the likelihood of high blood pressure or cholesterol.
What happens if energy intake is lower than energy output?
person looses weight since fat reserves are being used
if this energy difference is large and is sustained over a long period of time, the person is likely to become underweight.
What is Sucrose made of is ti di or poly
a‑glucose and fructose with a 1-2 glycosidic bond.
What is a single monosaccharides called
Platelet Inhibitory what do they do and how
Reduce the Formation of Blood Clots
They are a type of anticoagulant.They work by preventing platelets clumping together to form a blood clot. So, they reduce the formation of blood clots, reducing the chance of a blood vessel becoming blocked by a clot.
What can occur if large areas of the heart are affected by a heart attack?
Complete heart failure, which is often fatal.
What are mass transport systems used for?
To carry raw materials from specialized exchange organs (e.g., lungs and digestive system) to body cells and remove metabolic waste (e.g., carbon dioxide).
all Factors that increase the risk of CVD
A diet high in saturated fat (see p. 25) increases the risk of CVD. This is because it increases
blood cholesterol level, which increases atheroma formation. Atheromas can lead to the
formation of blood clots, which can cause a heart attack, stroke or DVT.
A diet high in salt also increases the risk of CVD because it
increases the risk of high blood pressure (see below).
High blood pressure
High blood pressure increases the risk of damage to the artery walls, which increases
the risk of atheroma formation, which can lead to CVD. Excessive alcohol consumption,
stress and diet can all increase blood pressure.
* Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke combines with haemoglobin (the protein that carries
oxygen in the blood) and reduces the amount of oxygen transported in the blood. This reduces
the amount of oxygen available to tissues. If the heart muscle doesn’t receive enough oxygen it
can lead to a heart attack and if the brain doesn’t receive enough oxygen it can lead to a stroke.
* Nicotine in cigarette smoke makes platelets sticky, increasing the chance of blood clots
forming, which increases the risk of CVD.
* Smoking also decreases the amount of antioxidants in the blood — these are important for
protecting cells from damage. Fewer antioxidants means cell damage in the artery walls is
more likely, and this can lead to atheroma formation, which increases the risk of CVD.
A lack of exercise increases the risk of CVD because it increases blood pressure (see above).
Factors Beyond Your Control:
Some people inherit particular alleles (different versions of genes, see page 50) that make them
more likely to have high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol, so they are more likely to
suffer from CVD (see above).
The risk of developing CVD increases with age. This is partly because plaque
can build up very slowly over time, which can eventually lead to CVD.
Men are three times more likely to suffer from CVD than pre-menopausal women. This may be due
to their different levels of hormones — for example, the hormone oestrogen, which is typically higher
in females, increases levels of ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL) — see p. 25. The relatively low level of this
hormone in men can lead to higher levels of total blood cholesterol and increase the risk of CVD.
Daphnia core practicle
Make up a range of caffeine solutions of
different concentrations and a control
solution that has no caffeine in it at all.
Transfer one Daphnia into the dimple on a cavity slide.
Using a pipette, place a few drops of caffeine solution onto the Daphnia.
Wait for 5 minutes while the caffeine is absorbed.
Place the slide onto the stage of a light microscope and adjust the focus so you can see the beating
heart of the Daphnia. You can find the heart to the back side of the gut and above the brood pouch.
Count the number of heartbeats in 20 seconds, timed using a stopwatch,
and multiply this by three to calculate beats per minute (heart rate).
Repeat this 10 times using the same concentration of caffeine but a different Daphnia individual each time.
Repeat the experiment using the other concentrations of
caffeine solution and the control solution.
Compare the results to see how caffeine concentration affects heart rate.
Whilst keeping all extraneous variables constant like temperature
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What does the NHS provide to help people quit smoking?
Free advice and nicotine patches.
Does smoking increase CVD
Draw the formation of a triglyceride
What do the ventricles do?
They push blood out of the heart.
What is the function of mass transport systems in multicellular organisms?
To carry raw materials from specialised exchange organs(lungs and digestive system) to body cells and remove metabolic waste.(carbon dioxide)
What are atheromas associated with?
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
What do atheromas increase the risk of?
Blood clots forming, leading to an increased risk of heart attack.
What is the relationship between caffeine concentration and heart rate in Daphnia?
As caffeine concentration increases, heart rate also increases.
How does excessive alcohol consumption affect blood pressure?
It can increase blood pressure, increasing the risk of atheroma formation contributing to the risk of CVD.
What does nicotine do in relation to blood clots?
It makes platelets sticky, increasing the chance of blood clots forming. Which increases the risk of CVD.
risks of Platelet Inhibitory
Side effects include rashes,
diarrhoea, nausea, liver function
problems and excessive bleeding,
especially after a serious injury
How do you calculate heart rate with a cardiac cycle graph
say it takes 0.54 seconds to complete
one cardiac cycle (or one heartbeat).
In one minute there will be:
60 ÷ 0.54 = 110 beats (2 s.f.).
So the heart rate is 110 beats
per minute
What can happen when a blood clot forms at the site of a ruptured atheroma?
It can cause complete blockage of the artery or dislodge to block another vessel.
What are the two types of lipids?
Saturated lipids and unsaturated lipids.
Atrial systole process
The walls ofthe atria contract
Atrial volume decreases
Atrial pressure increases
The pressure in the atria rises above thatin the ventricles, forcing the atrioventricular(AV) valves open
Blood is forced into the ventricles
There is a slightincrease in ventricular pressure and chamber volume as the ventricles receive the
blood from the atria
The ventricles are relaxed atthis point; ventricular diastole coincides with atrial systole
What is the purpose of adding a stain to a specimen?
To enhance visibility of the specimen.
What do veins do?
They carry blood back to the heart.
What are the purpose of atrioventricular (AV) valves? and two types
They link the atria to the ventricles and prevent backflow of blood.
Bicuspid vale (left side)
tricuspid valve (right side)
What can be observed in a heart dissection?
The thickness of ventricle walls compared to atria walls.
They are mainly protein.
They transport cholesterol from body tissues
to the liver where it’s recycled or excreted.
Their function is to reduce total blood
cholesterol when the level is too high
How has scientific research influenced smoking awareness?
Led to TV adverts and warnings on cigarette packets about smoking risks.
What do the heart valves depend on to open or close?
The pressure of the heart chambers. Higher pressure behind opens and vice versa
What ethical concerns exist regarding invertebrate experiments?
- they can’t give consent and they may be
subjected to painful procedures.