Lifespan Development: Chapter 5 Flashcards
In Piaget’s theory, actions or mental representations that organize knowledge.
Piagetian concept of using existing schemes to deal with new information or experiences.
Piagetian concept of adjusting schemes to fit new information and experiences.
Piaget’s concept of grouping isolated behaviors and thoughts into a higher-order, more smoothly functioning cognitive system.
Simple Reflexes
Piaget’s first sensorimotor substage, which corresponds to the first month after birth. In this substage, sensation and action are coordinated primarily through reflexive behaviors.
First Habits and Primary Circular Reactions
Piaget’s second sensorimotor substage, which develops between 1 and 4 months of age. In this substage, the infant coordinates sensation and two types of schemes: habits and primary circular reactions.
Secondary Circular Reactions
Piaget’s third sensorimotor substage, which develops between 4 and 8 months of age. In this substage, the infant becomes more object-oriented, moving beyond preoccupation with the self.
Coordination of Secondary Circular Reactions
Piaget’s fourth sensorimotor substage, which develops between 8 and 12 months of age. Actions become more outwardly directed, and infants coordinate schemes and act with intentionality.
Tertiary Circular Reactions, Novelty, and Curiosity
Piaget’s fifth sensorimotor substage, which develops between 12 and 18 months of age. In this substage, infants become intrigued by the many properties of objects and by the many things that they can make happen to objects.
Internalization of Schemes
Piaget’s sixth and final sensorimotor substage, which develops between
18 and 24 months of age. In this substage, the infant develops the ability to use primitive symbols.
A mechanism that Piaget proposed to explain how children shift from one stage of thought to the next.
Sensorimotor Stage
The first of Piaget’s stages, which lasts from birth to about 2 years of age; infants construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with motoric actions.
Primary Circular Reaction
A scheme based on the attempt to reproduce an event that initially occurred by chance.
Object Permanence
The Piagetian term for understanding that objects and events continue to exist, even when they cannot directly be seen, heard, or touched.
A-not-B Error
Error that occurs when infants make the mistake of selecting the familiar hiding place (A) rather than the new hiding place (B) as they progress into substage 4 in Piaget’s sensorimotor stage; also called AB error.
Core Knowledge Approach
States that infants are born with domain-specific innate knowledge systems.
The focusing of mental resources on select information.
Joint Attention
Process that occurs when individuals focus on the same object and an ability to track another’s behavior is present, one individual directs another’s attention, and reciprocal interaction is present.
A central feature of cognitive development, pertaining to all situations in which an individual retains information over time.
Implicit Memory
Memory without conscious recollection; involves skills and routine procedures that are automatically performed.
Explicit Memory
Memory of facts and experiences that individuals consciously know and can state.
Deferred Imitation
Imitation that occurs after a delay of hours or days.
Developmental Quotient (DQ)
An overall score that combines subscores in motor, language, adaptive, and personal-social domains in the Gesell assessment of infants.
Bayley Scales of Infant Development
Scales developed by Nancy Bayley that are widely used in the assessment of infant development. The current version has three components: a mental scale, a motor scale, and an infant behavior profile.
A form of communication, whether spoken, written, or signed, that is based on a system of symbols. Language consists of the words used by a community and the rules for varying and combining them.
Infinite Generativity
The ability to produce an endless number of meaningful sentences using a finite set of words and rules.
The sound system of the language, including the sounds that are used and how they may be combined.
Units of meaning involved in word formation.
The ways words are combined to form acceptable phrases and sentences.
The meaning of words and sentences.
The appropriate use of language in
different contexts.
Telegraphic Speech
The use of short and precise words without grammatical markers such as articles, auxiliary verbs, and other connectives.
Broca’s Area
An area in the brain’s left frontal lobe that is involved in speech production.
Wernicke’s Area
An area in the brain’s left hemisphere that is involved in language comprehension.
A loss or impairment of language ability caused by brain damage.
Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
Chomsky’s term that describes a biological endowment enabling the child to detect the features and rules of language, including phonology, syntax, and semantics.
Child-Directed Speech
Language spoken in a higher pitch than normal with simple words and sentences.
Jean Piaget
Contributed to cognitive theory by observing his three children.
Renée Baillargeon
Infants as young as 4 months expect objects to be substantial and permanent.
Elizabeth Spelke
Young infants interpret the world as having predictable occurrences.
Karen Wynn
Conducted an early experiment on infants’ sense of number.
Carolyn Rovee-Collier
Demonstrated detailed memory in 2- to 3-month-old infants.
Andrew Meltzoff
Studied imitation and deferred imitation by infants.
Jean Mandler
Argued that explicit memory does not occur until the second half of the first year of life.
Arnold Gesell
Developed a clinical measure to assess potential abnormality in infants.
Nancy Bayley
Devised the most commonly used infant intelligence test.
Patricia Kuhl
By the age of 6 months, infants gradually lose the ability to recognize differences in sounds that are not important to their language.
Noam Chomsky
Humans are biologically prewired to learn language.
Roger Brown
No evidence supports reinforcement as responsible for language rule systems.
Michael Tomasello
Young children are intensely interested in their social worlds; early in development they can understand the intentions of other people.
Betty Hart & Todd Risley
Children whose parents are on welfare have a smaller vocabulary than do children whose parents are professionals.
Janellen Huttenlocher
Infants whose mothers speak often to them have markedly higher vocabularies.
Naomi Baron
Parents should be active conversational partners with their infants, talk as if their infants understand them, and use language in a style they are comfortable with.