Lifespan Flashcards
Some traits are the result of multiple genes, while others are attributable to a single pair of genes that contain a single dominant gene or two __ genes.
Brown eyes and dark hair require __, while green or blue eyes and blond hair require __.
A single dominant gene
A pair of recessive genes
The contribution of heredity to an observed characteristic can be expressed in terms of a heritability estimate, which indicates the extent to which phenotypes vary within groups as the result of differences in __.
Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model distinguishes between five contexts that influence development – microsystem, __, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem.
- Rutter identified several factors (indicators) that increase a child’s risk for psychopathology - I.e., severe __ low SES, large family size, parental __, maternal psychopathology, and placement of the child outside the home.
Marital discord
- Research investigating the impact of early stress on development suggests that high-risk babies are less likely to have negative outcomes when the babies experience fewer stressors following birth and have an easy temperament marked by a high degree of __ and good communication skills.
Social responsivity
- Three types of genotype-environment correlation have been proposed to explain how genetic and environmental factors combine to produce an individual’s attributes: passive, __, and active.
- Active genotype-environmental correlation is also known as __ and occurs when children seek out experiences that are consistent with their genetic predispositions.
- In contrast to critical periods, __ periods are more flexible and longer in duration.
a. Sensitive
- Birth defects are caused by a number of factors. PKU is due to the presence of a pair of __, Down Syndrome is the result of an extra __, ___ syndrome is caused by the presence of two or more X chromosomes along with the single Y chromosome, and Prader-Willi syndrome is caused by a chromosomal __.
Recessive genes
Number 21 chromosome
- The critical period for teratogens varies from organ to organ but, overall, exposure during the __ stage is most likely to cause major structural abnormalities.
- Alcohol consumption by a pregnant woman can cause __, which encompasses a range of conditions that involve largely irreversible physical, behavioral, and/or cognitive abnormalities.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
_ use by a pregnant woman increases the risk for stillbirth, SIDS, seizures, low birthweight, an exaggerated startle response, and developmental delays.
- The most common symptoms of congenital CMV are some degree of __ and hearing and vision impairments.
Intellectual disability
- Prenatal malnutrition is associated with a number of abnormalities, with severe __ deficiency during the third trimester being especially detrimental for the developing brain.
- Prolonged __ during the birth process can result in delayed motor and cognitive development, intellectual disability, and, in severe cases, cerebral palsy.
- At birth, the brain is only about 25% of its adult weight but following birth, it grows quickly and by age 2, it has reached about __ of its adult weight.
- This growth is due less to the addition of new neurons than to an increase in interconnections between neurons and the formation of __ cells, which are responsible for the myelination of nerve fibers.
- While the lower centers of the brain are sufficiently developed at birth to control the life-maintaining reflexes, the __ is almost completely undeveloped, and the __ cortex may not be fully developed until the early or mid-20’s.
Cerebral cortex
- The brain compensates for the atrophy of neurons in adulthood by forming new synaptic connections and creating new neurons in the __ and possibly other areas of the brain.
- Reflexes present in the newborn include the __ reflex, which occurs when the soles of the feet are tickled, and the __ reflex, which occurs in response to a loud noise or sudden loss of physical support.