Lifeguarding Flashcards
In what ways should a professional lifeguard be prepared for his or her job?
Knowledgeable and skilled , reliable, mature, courteous and consistent, positive, professional
The primary responsibility of a lifeguard is to ensure _____________ _____________ and to
protect ____________________.
Patron safety and protect lives
The certificates you earn in this class will prepare you for working in which environment(s)? *
evry environment that hires red cross certified lifeguards
What should you first do when at the scene
- Size up the scene
- primary assessment(sevire bleeding)
- obtain concent - If no response call EMS
- Secondary assessment (minor cuts and bleeding)
- assume concent
Level of consciousness
If unconscious always_____________.
Call 911
When someone has no pulse they also are not
What do you do if the two initial breaths do not work??
Always assume it is your fault, re tilt the head and try again., after one retry assume it is the patient.
Pulse + no breathing =
What do you do when someone is experiencing a seizure?
Call 911 immediately unless they told you not to., if on concrete comfort the head until the seizure passes. After that make sure the patient is comfortable until EMS arrives.
Blood does not have much oxygen, look for signs of shock.
The difference between respiratory distress and arrest.
In distress, the patient is having difficulty breathing. In arrest the patient can’t breathe.
What are some diseases that you can obtain by not wearing gloves
Hepatitis b, hepatitis c, aids
Personal protective devices such as gloves and the CPR mask.
After you get out of the pool with your patient how do you make putting on gloves easier.
Fill the gloves with water
General procedures for injury or sudden illness on land.
- Size up the scene.
- preform primary assessment.
- Summon EMS (if needed)
- Preform secondary assessment, if no life threatening situations are found
- Provide care for conditions found.
- report, advise, and release.
What to do for conscious choking
5 back blows, 5 chest trusts
Defribulators (AEDs
Use when there is no pulse, do not stop CPR to use.Ok to use when (trauma, on metal, when not in direct contact with jewelry, pregnancy, if raining or snowing) don’t use when in a puddle
When to use CPR
When the victim is in cardiac arrest is not breathing and has no pulse.
CPR tips to not get sued
Lift fingers up as to not appear as… know
CPR on adults.
Compression depth is at least 2 inches.
30 compressions, followed by 2 ventilations. 100 compressions per minute
CPR on children
Compression depth - about 2 inches
(One rescuer) 30/2, (2 rescuers) 15/2
CPR on infants
Compression depth - about 1.5 inches.
1 rescuer) 30/2 (2 rescuers 15/2
Don’t stop CPR until
- You see obvious signs of life
- Another trained rescuer takes over, such as another from your safety team
- EMS personnel take over
- You were too exhausted to continue (wimp)
- The scene becomes
- And AED is ready to use
Secondary assessment, S.A.M.P.L.E.
S. Signs and samples A. Allergies M.medications P. Pertinent Past medical history L. Last oral intake E. Events leading to an incident.
Emergency action plan.
How long to take the pulse of someone with hypothermia
45 seconds
Before assessing and helping the victim, what do you need to wear/get?
Your P.P.E (personal protective equipment) Gloves
High arm in endangered spine
Automated external defribulator
Emergency medical services.
When to use slide in entry?
When in shallow crowded pools, if the victim is near the side, or you suspect a spinal injury.
Bag-valve-mask recuciator
When to use the stride jump entry.
When the water is at least 5 feet deep, and you are no more than 3 feet above the water.
When to use the compact jump entry
When jumping at a height of at least 3 feet.
Checking an infants pulse
Inside upper arm
Primary assessment adult
- Tap the shoulder and ask are you ok.
- if no response call EMS
- Open the airway and check for breathing and a pulse, no more than 10 seconds.
- scan for severe bleeding
- probide care if needed
If an adult is not breathing, and has no pulse begin _____
If an adult is not breathing but has a pulse give_______
1 ventilation about every 5 seconds.
When to place he victim in the Haines recovery position.
- Are alone and must leave the victim
2. cannot maintain an open airway because of fluid or vomit.
Adult (no more than 15 seconds at a time
Children ( no more than 10 seconds at a time.
Unconscious choking steps
Re-tilt head and give ventilations
If chest doesn’t rise, if it doesn’t rise, give 30 compressions.
Look for and item in the mouth (remove if there)
Give 2 ventelTions
Cardiac chain of survival
Early contacting of EMS, early CPR, early defibrillation, Early advanced medical care
Some signs of a heart attack
Chest pain, difficulty breathing, dizziness,sweating(face) lightheadedness, nausea,fatigue
Caring for a heart attack
Call EMS,stop activity, loosen tight clothing, monitor victim, comfort the victim, assist with prescribed medication, be prepared to perform CPR and use an AED
Cardiac arrest
When the heart stops beating, or beats at a horrible pattern.
Symptoms of sudden illness
Changes in LOC nausea or vomiting Difficulty to speak numbness loss of vision Etc.
How to treat sudden illness
Care for any life-threatening conditions first
monitor the victims condition
keep the victim comfortable
do not give anything to eat or drink until not in shock
care for other problems that developed
Diabetic emergencies
Give sugary drink
Make sure that they are breathing
Protect from injury by moving objects.
In case of Vommit, place the victim on
Why to call EMS during the seizure
If it occurs in the water
lasts more than five minutes
has repeated Caesars with no sign of slowing down
appears to be injured
the person is pregnant
person is known to have diabetes
the person fails to regain consciousness after the seizure
the person is elderly may have suffered a stroke
and this is the person’s first seizure
Summon EMS!!!!!! Tests 1. Face weakness on one side 2. Arm weakness 3.speech
How to care for bleeding
Call EMS if sevire, if major activate the EPA
- place sterile dressing on the wound
- Apply direct pressure until the bleeding stops
- bandages
Shock symptoms
Restlessness or irritability, altered LOC, pale or ashin, cool moist skin, nausea vomiting,rapid breathing and pulse, and excessive thirst
How to minimize shock.
Call EMS monitor condition control external bleeding Maintain a temperature Cover the victim with a blanket Have the victim lie on their back reassure the victim Administer emergency oxygen if trained
Caring for burns
If electrical or chemical call EMS. If sun radiation keep out of the sun,
Chemical- brush off dry chemicals first, if possible remove affected clothing.
Electrical, be prepared for CPR or shock
If bitten by a poisonous creature,
Call EMS, wash, and ice. Keep comfortable and monitor LOC
Rest, imobalise,cold and elevate.