Life Science chapter 2 Flashcards
What is an STI?
A sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites, transmitted when unprotected sexual contact (vaginal, anal, oral) and skin to skin genital contact. Transmitted via body fluids through sexual contact.
What is Gonorrhea?
Infectious disease spread through sexual contact.
What is the cause of Gonorrhea?
Bacteria found in mucous areas in body (vagina, penis, throat, rectum). Any sexual active person can infected Gonorrhea. Normally younger people 15-30 with mutiple sex partners.
How is Gonorrhea spread?
Sexual contact. ( Penis to vagina, penis to mouth, penis to rectum, mouth to vagina ). Also, mother to child during birth.
What are the symptoms of gonorrhea in males?
80% of no symptoms.
Vaginal charge of pus from vagina (inflammation of urethra and vagina).
Pain during intercourse
Pain in lower abdomen and uterine
Possibly some burning urination
Sores/ulcers also develop on genitals
What are the effects of gonorrhea?
Damage to urinary and reproductive organs, sterility in males, infertility in females, blindness baby born, antibodies against disease, maybe arthritis, skin problems, organ infections, caused by gonorrhea spread through the body.
How do you treat gonorrhea?
What is syphilis?
I highly contagious bacterial infection. Causes serious life-threatening complications, if left on treated. Painless sores, chancres.
Progresses through various stages, remaining inactive for many years.
How is syphilis spread?
Usually contact with persons sore through sexual contact. Also mother to baby pregnancy or birth.
Stage 1 of syphilis?
Painless sore on contact part, three weeks after infection. (Penis, mouth, vulva, inside anus, vagina). Will heal itself in three weeks.
Stage 2 of syphilis?
After six weeks to six months skin gets red rashes.
Ulceration results - large ulcers develop on body.
Swollen lymphs glands in pelvis
Flu-like symptoms: fever, weight loss
Hair loss
Stage 3 of syphilis?
Not treated, goes into latent stage for several years.
Numbness, paralysis, loss of coordination, brain damage can occur.
Can also get stroke, dementia and insanity can be result.
Blindness and deafness can also set in.
Heart diseases, cardiac muscle damage, blood vessel damage occurs.
Damage of eg liver, skeletal, joints.
How do you treat syphilis?
In early stage: single injection of long - acting penicillin.
Also effective in large doses treating later stage.
Will kill bacterium and prevent further damage, but cannot cure damage already done.
How do you prevent STI’s?
Monogamous: one sexual partner
Abstinence only way 100% clean
Barrier contraception: condoms femidoms reduce chance infection
Education about infections
Not drugs or alcohol increase risky behavior risk of sexual assault possible exposure to STI’S.
Get tested