Life Of Christ 4 Flashcards
While the boat moved across the water, what happened?
A violent storm came up.
What was Jesus doing in the back of the boat?
As the disciples woke Jesus, what question did they ask Him?
“Master carets thou not that we perish (die)?”
How did Jesus stop the storm?
He said, “peace, be still.”
Why were the disciples amazed?
Because the wind and the waves obeyed Jesus
When Jesus ask his disciples who they said He was, what was Peter’s answer?
“Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
Why did Jesus and the disciples go up on the mountain?
To pray
How did Jesus look while He prayed?
His face was shining and His clothes were glistening and white.
What two people appeared from heaven and talked with Jesus?
Moses and Elijah
Whose voice spoke from the cloud? And what did He say?
God the Father’s. “this is my beloved Son, I’m whom I am we’ll pleased; hear Him.”
What did Jesus do when the leper asked Him to heal him?
Jesus touched him and said, “Be thou clean.”
As soon as other people heard of this miracle, what began to happen?
Multitude of people came to hear Jesus and be healed.
How many lepers did Jesus meet on His way to Jerusalem?
Where did Jesus tell the lepers to go? What happened on the way?
To the priest. They were healed.
How many lepers returned to thank Jesus for healing them?
Who was the poor beggar who lay at the rich man’s gate?
How did Lazarus get to heaven when he died?
Angels took him.
Where did the rich man go when he died?
The external place of punishment/hell
What two things did the rich man want Lazarus to do for him?
a. Cool his tongue with water
b. go tell his brothers about life after death
Would the rich man’s brothers haves believed Lazarus if he had returned? Why?
No. They wouldn’t believe the Sciptures.
What questions did the rich young ruler ask Jesus?
What shall I do to inherit/have eternal life?
What was the rich young man unwilling to do?
Sell all he had, give the money to the poor, and follow Jesus
Finish this statement : It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for _______.
A rich man to Exeter the kingdom of God
What did Jesus tell the disciples when they asked, “Who can be saved?”
“The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”
What kept Zacchaeus from seeing Jesus?
He was too short
Why didnt people like Zacchaeus?
He was a tax collector
How did a sycamore tree help Zacchaeus?
He climbed the tree and was able to see Jesus?
Where did Jesus go with Zacchaeus?
Zacchaeus home
How did Zacchaeus life change after he met Jesus?
He gave half of his possessions to the poor and repaid all those people he had cheated?
In whose home did Jesus often visit as he traveled through Bethlehem?
Mary, Martha, and Lazarus’s home
What did Mary do that Jesus said would always be remembered?
She poured expensive perfume on Jesus.
When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, what did he do?
He waited three days to go and see him.
What did Mary say to Jesus when He did come to see about Lazaus?
“Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”
After Jesus called “Lazarus, come forth,” what happened?
Lazarus arose from the dead.