life insurance Flashcards
Accelerated Benefits
Riders attached to life insurance policies that allow death to be used to cover nursing or convalescent home expenses
Accidental Death benefits
A policy rider that states the cause of death will be analyzed to determine if it complies with the policy description of accidental death
Accidental Death insurance
A policy rider that states that the cause of death will be analyzed to determine if it complies with the policy description of accidental death
Accidental Death Insurance
An insurance policy that provides payment if the insured’s death is the result of an accident
Accumulation period
The time before an annuitant retirement during which the annuitant is making payments or investments in an annuity
Actual cash value (ACV)
the required amount to pay damages or for property loss.This amount is calculated based on the property’s current replacement value minus depreciation.
Ac contract offered on a “take -it - or leave it basis by insurer, in which the insured’s only option is to either accept or reject the contract. any ambiguities in the contract will be settled in favor of the insured.
Adjustable life
Life insurance that permits changes in the face amount, premium amount ,period of protection, and the duration of the premium payment period.
A representative of an insurance company who investigates and acts on the behalf of the company to obtain agreements for the amount of the insurance claim
An individual appointed by a court as fiduciary to settle the financial affairs and estate of a deceased person
Admitted (Aurthorized) insurer
an insurance company authorized and licensed to transact buisness in a particular state
Adverse selection
the tendency of risks with higher probablity of loss to purchase and maintain insurance more often than the risks who present lower probablity
An insurance sales office or company
An individual who is licensed to sell negotiate or affect insurance contracts on behalf of the insurer
Agent Appointment
the authorization of agent to act for or represent an insurer
Agent Authority
Special powers granted to agent by his or her agency contract
A contract in which participating parties exchange unequal amounts. Insurance contracts are aleatory in that the insured will pay premiums is unequal to the amount the insurer will pay in the event of a loss
alien insurer
an insurance company that is corporated outside of the united states
annual statement
a detailed financial report that an insurance company must submit every year to the insurance department of states in which it conducts
a contract that provides income for a specified period of years,or for life
apparent authority
the appearance or the assumption of authority based on the actions,words or deeds of the principal or because of circumstances the principal created
a person making application for ,or offering himself,herself or another to be insured under an insurance contract
a document that provides information for underwriting purposes. after the policy is issued ,any unanswered questions are considered waived by the insurer
the transfer of ownership rights of a life insurance policy from one person to another