Life And Death Flashcards
Sikh views on creation
‘Waheguru spoke once and there was creation’-GGS
Without gods will nothing could exist or change or evolve
Before creation there was nothing only waheguru
Sanctity of life
The belief that life is precious or sacred for many only human life hold this status
Killing Somebody is the same as killing a god as we are all created in gods image
‘Do not murder’
‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you’-planned life
‘You yourselves are gods temple… gods temple is sacred’
Why allow humans to have life or death decisions
God gave humans free will
Doctors are the experts
You are made in gods image
Sikh beliefs on life
All life is created by waheguru
‘They come when the lord sends them and when they come back’-GGS
Sikhs have a duty to use life in a responsible way
In 1859 Darwin’s book origin of species challenged religious orthodox
It states that animals evolved through natural selection which the most complex organisms survive
Non religious views on creation
Big Bang theory
The earth cooled the sea formed and plants appeared
Life began in the oceans and mammals evolved into more complex organism
Religious views on creation
Seven days of creation: God created light God created heaven God created sea land and plants Good created the sun and moon God created fish and birds God created a range of animals He rested
Sikh views on death penalty
Equality and dignity are vital-executing people take away their right to human dignity
Ten gurus did not use CP on the criminals they encountered.
Sikhs are banned from ‘killing in cold blood’
Christian views on the death penalty
Execution goes agains the sanctity of life ‘thou shalt not kill’
‘Don’t unto others as you would as you would have them do unto you’ -golden rule bible
‘Whoever shed the blood of man by man shall his blood be shed’
In 1997 Vatican church issued a statement saying that execution is acceptable if the identity of the criminal is identified
Views on the afterlife
God made humans in his image so there must be a continued existence for our souls
Jesus resurrected so humans expect to as well
Afterlife is the unity of god by closing the gap between us and god ‘atonement’
Nothing survives death
We only live once so no second chance
Humans do not have a soul so do not exist beyond the grave
Sikh views on euthanasia
Life is a blessing from waheguru so we have a duty to use life responsibly
Euthanasia is an interference in gods plan for you
‘They come when the lord sends them and go back when the lord calls them’-GGS
Christian views on euthanasia
God has given free will to make decisions
Christians trust in their conscience which is the voice of god
It can be more loving to allow a person to die without pain ‘agape’
Each person has a soul so it doesn’t matter
Life is sacred and belongs to god
Hod is involved in each human life
Only god has the authority to take life
Jesus showed all life should be valued by the raising of Lazarus