Life After Death Flashcards
what do christians believe about resurrection?
because Jesus died and rose those who believe in him will do the same so that they can enjoy eternal life with Jesus
‘I am the resurrection and the life’
‘whoever lives by believing in me will never die’
what do christians believe about the final judgement?
‘The Parousia’
Jesus will return to judge the world
blessed go to heaven
cursed go to hell
‘Jesus will come back in the same way you have seen him go to heaven’
‘no one knows when that day or hour will come, the father alone knows’
what do christians believe about heaven?
the righteous are sent to heaven
based on belief and good deeds
no detailed description of heaven in bible
‘at the end of time heaven and earth will cease to exist, no more death, grief, crying or pain’
what do christians believe about hell?
unrighteous are sent to hell
based on belief and deeds
punishment and fire ‘lake of fire’
eternal and conscious destruction
rich man and lazarus
islamic teaching on resurrection?
life is not all there is
life on earth is prep for life after death
behaviour here affects your experience of afterlife
the dead are physically raised to new life in heaven or hell
‘every soul will be compensated for what it earned’
islamic teaching on the final judgement?
end of time announced by a trumpet
dead will be raised to life to join the living
Allah appoints two angels (kiraman katibin)
what do the kiraman katibin do?
honourable recorders
sit on shoulders
record all good and bad deeds
on day of final judgement record is presented to Allah to judge you
‘appointed over you are keepers, noble and recording; they know whatever you do’
islamic teaching on heaven?
peace and paradise ‘garden of bliss’
eternal youth
jewel encrusted couches, fine foods and wine, fresh water, no thorns
‘those who have believed and done righteous deeds will have gardens beneath which rivers flow’
islamic teaching on hell?
fire, boiling water, dari
no escape
7 levels
raging thirst
‘they will abide therein forever’
hindu teaching on reincarnation?
perpetual cycle of birth, death and rebirth
the soul ( atman ) is eternal and does not die with physical body but is reborn into another body
nature of rebirth depends on behaviour in past life
good and bad karma
eventually atman works up system of karma to break free of cycle
final release ( moksha ) atman is reunited with brahman
buddhist teaching on rebirth?
soul is reborn into one of the 6 realms; depends on karma
skilful actions and unskillful actions
human realm is the best to reach enlightenment (good karma and follow buddhas teachings)
five moral precepts (code of conduct)
what are the 6 realms in buddhism?
the gods
the angry gods
tormented beings
hungry ghosts
what are the five moral precepts in buddhism?
refrain from taking life
refrain from taking what isn’t yours
refrain from the misuse of the senses or sexual misconduct
refrain from wrong speech
refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind
why do atheists and humanists reject belief in afterlife?
there is no god
there is no evidence
death marks cessation of all life
famous atheists?
stephen hawking
richard dawkins